What is your concept of psychedelia?
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Posted : Dec 2, 2006 04:42
Hi everybody!
I decided to write this post because I was thinking the other day that psychedelia means different things to different people, so it would be nice if everybody expressed what psychedelia means for you.
Some people for example associate the concept with mind, for them psychedelia it is something that stimulates the mind or makes it enter into different states of conciousness.
For others psychedelia is tied with soul and spirit, in this case psychedelia would be something that makes us remember our spiritual origin as inmortal souls inhabiting a body for a limited amount of time.
In my humble opinion both terms are appropiate because the mind is a part of our soul and the stimulation of it could lead us to higher states of consciousness where it is possible to become aware of our true nature as individual souls that are a small part of the infinite spirit which sustains everything and from where everything was originated.
So what does psychedelia mean for you?
how would you describe a psychedelic state of consciousness?
what has made you enter into this state, it was music? meditation? the sense of unity that you feel when you connect with other people @ parties? the love you can feel when a beautiful sunrise greets you in an amazing party?
share your experiences!!
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 2, 2006 10:36
On 2006-12-02 04:42, Forza wrote:
the love you can feel when a beautiful sunrise greets you in an amazing party?
dude , i even got the chill with this line....
as someone said "Shamanic practices and prespective convine with digital tools" i think there isnt a better way than that sentense to discribe psychodelia.... its just amazing!!!! i mean the music is so ahead of time compare to all the other genres, look at hip hop producers , they barely gettin to use the tools that we were used a couple of years ago.....
party!!! party!!! being out there sharing the dancefloor with all this people that are there for the same reason as u, it just makes me incredible happy!!!
psychodelia can make u happy and mad, sounds are modes.....
its the way for me to go back to reality and get the hell out of this materealistic society....
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |
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Posted : Dec 3, 2006 00:52
psychedelia for me equals to be concient that u are loosin ur mind, distortion, visual trips, dont know what is happenin, dont know if ur thinkin or talkin, of course this is only possible with psychoactive drugs, No drugs no psychedelia |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2006 01:33
psychedelia = change |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2006 03:40
On 2006-12-03 00:52, kesey wrote:
psychedelia for me equals to be concient that u are loosin ur mind, distortion, visual trips, dont know what is happenin, dont know if ur thinkin or talkin, of course this is only possible with psychoactive drugs, No drugs no psychedelia
im concient, i know every little thing im doing or thinking , im just being myself.......
but again not all of us thing the same...
thanks for sharing ...
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 3, 2006 22:06
Sensient Live act in Forest Frecuency 2
Oh my Oh my, that has to be one of the most psychedelic moments of my life, the music, the atmosphere, the decoration, was all perfect, when i was hearing his music i could fell that it was screwing with my brain , i dont know it was just weird, the must funny thing is that all this happend with out any drug, just the music and me.
Simple as that
  If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 4, 2006 23:53
On 2006-12-02 04:42, Forza wrote:
Hi everybody!
I decided to write this post because I was thinking the other day that psychedelia means different things to different people, so it would be nice if everybody expressed what psychedelia means for you.
Some people for example associate the concept with mind, for them psychedelia it is something that stimulates the mind or makes it enter into different states of conciousness.
For others psychedelia is tied with soul and spirit, in this case psychedelia would be something that makes us remember our spiritual origin as inmortal souls inhabiting a body for a limited amount of time.
In my humble opinion both terms are appropiate because the mind is a part of our soul and the stimulation of it could lead us to higher states of consciousness where it is possible to become aware of our true nature as individual souls that are a small part of the infinite spirit which sustains everything and from where everything was originated.
So what does psychedelia mean for you?
how would you describe a psychedelic state of consciousness?
what has made you enter into this state, it was music? meditation? the sense of unity that you feel when you connect with other people @ parties? the love you can feel when a beautiful sunrise greets you in an amazing party?
share your experiences!!
Okok, i get your point, and at some level i understand it... but dont you think that psychedelia should mean 1 thing 4 every1? Look at it this way... peace, what does peace means 2 you?? maybe every individual has its own concept about peace, but peace its a universal concept... As well as psychedelia, or at least thats what i think... I believe that psychedelia its about facing your fears, and overcome them... Facing your own demons and slay them, i believe that psychedelia its meant 2 show us the way 2 become a better person in all aspects, its up 2 us to take that road and stay in that road...
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 05:38
i think psicodelia is referd to any stimulate that makes u temporaly changes your mental state aswell as the perception of the senses.. if only one this changes then is not psychodelic.
psychodilia doesnt need to be "good" |
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Posted : Dec 5, 2006 08:04
Okok, i get your point, and at some level i understand it... but dont you think that psychedelia should mean 1 thing 4 every1? Look at it this way... peace, what does peace means 2 you?? maybe every individual has its own concept about peace, but peace its a universal concept...
Hmmmm this is a very interesting answer indeed, and I totally agree with what you just said. Psychedelia like Peace is an universal concept, but I think it's interesting to know how others perceive this concept, it helps enrich our own concept about it and it helps us to know each other better as well
I also want to thank everybody for sharing their thoughts with the other members, every answer has been very interesting and deserves a deep reflection, I'd also like to encourage others to participate so we can continue enrich this thread. Based on the reflections your posts made me have I'd like to share this with you I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed thinking on it, after all it was your answers what made me draw these conclusions
As we previously stated, Psychedelia is a concept that can be linked to mind, it can also be linked to soul, but what is mind and what is soul?
This is a hard question indeed, because our minds are not a single thing but rather composed of several elements, like ego, reason, intuition, willpower, perceptions, etc. All these elements or powers make are what we call self awareness. Being ego one of it's main elements, because it is what gives us a sense of identity and individuality, but it is also something that limits us to our small person, trapped inside a mortal body with all the limitations that this implies.
Behind this ego lies the soul, our true self and the source of all our powers of reason, intuition, perception and willpower, soul becomes ego or pseudosoul when it becomes identified with the mortal body and our 5 senses, this meaning that actually we have 2 minds:
The lower mind with supports the Ego
The Higher Mind wich works with the Soul
It is for this reason that it is written in the ancient writings of India that the mind is the cause of your bondage and the mind is the cause of your liberation.
I suppose most of you might be having a lot of questions right now, for example, what all of these has to do with psychedelia? or what are those "levels" of psychedelia? I'll try my best to explain it in the following parragraphs.
let's start first with the lowest levels of psychedelia, those who are related to the ego and then we'll concentrate in the higher levels which are on the soul's domain.
On the first levels of psychedelia, you might experience a feeling that you are loosing your mind, that reality is not what it seems and that your sense perceptions are distorted this state which can be drug induced or not is experienced when the ego is shaken by a psychedelic state of conciousness and uncounsciously (at least on the first levels) begins to de-attach itself from the body and senses
The following state begins when after the first psychedelic impression we begin to perceive that there is something bigger than us and larger than life but that we are inexorably a part of it, like a wave in the sea. Even though it is still possible to reach these psychedelic levels of conciousness by the use of psychedelic drugs it is impossible to continue to the higher levels with them, this is because even though psychedelic drugs have the ability to shake ego barriers, they still depend on ego arousal for their effects, this is why not everybody who uses drugs is capable of entering to this level, as the barriers of ego are shaken he will react and try to protect itself causing bad trips in some individuals, or simply entering into a state of self denial which will trap the users into the lower levels
As the ego barriers continue being destroyed by this psychedelic state we start to connect with others in a higher level, words become less necesary and empathy is all that we need to understand each other, because of this we then begin to realize we are much more than what we thought and the difference between you and me is being increasingly blurred, we are not the body we are not just human beings and we are not separate entities, we are vibrations of light an energy emanating from the cosmic vibration of Aum, at this moment we've entered the astral plane of existence which is composed of light and energy (prana) only and solid matter doesn't exist anymore.
At this state our consciousness is so deattached from ego that we begin to realize that when we are dreaming our consciousness becomes several things at once. It becomes the setting where our dream develops, the characters that are present during our dream and our own self who is facing these dream experiences, we then begin to ask ourselves if what we call reality? isn't a dream too a cosmic dream created by a cosmic conciousness, these thoughts make ourselves move forward to the next state as we realize that even energy is limited and there is something even higher behind it, the very essence of time, space and existence which is ideas.
We are then in the ideas world or causal plane, the last frontier of reality before spirit, everything that has been created or will be created resides here in it's purest form, we are then almost ready to enter the final state of psychedelia as we arrive to the original cause or spirit the cosmic conciousness, finally we have realized that all this time we were just the spirit dreaming it was a human being.
Obviously very few human beings have reached this state of self realization because on the very moment that your ego is fully dissolved you aren't a human being anymore your conciousness has become cosmic conciousness.
but what is this cosmic consciousness? how can we reach this state of conciousness?
by pure love.
Love is what makes me realize that there is no difference between you and I
Love is what makes me realize that all of us are HIM.
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
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Posted : Dec 8, 2006 21:15
the psychedelia just make me feel better... Its like to reborn in a pure state; happy, or sad, or crazy its like to reborn over and over again with each sound.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 11, 2006 00:16
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 17, 2006 16:50
We are spiritual beings having a physical experience...
My respects to Forza.
cosmic blessings
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Posted : Dec 19, 2006 07:10
psychedleia is
psychedelic phenomenon
its like dance is meditation , wen v dance v go beyond mind , beyond thought and beyond our own individuality to become 1 in divine institute of union with the cosmic spirits
its the state of mind u go into after ur brain starts to get tranced in\
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Posted : Dec 24, 2006 12:44
jessi shetap i say dont talk crap.copying the goa gil too much |
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Posted : Dec 24, 2006 16:24
goa gil is psychedelia is goa gil
the true journey like experiences ....shades of diff feelings n thought provoking energies thru the cosmic radiations of sound taking us on journey ..
and no 1 need to copy gil
u need to be a follower of the trance-dance
surfing on the waves of sound
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