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What is the "Scene"

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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 07:16
.. whatever the fuck you make of it
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 07:17
the "scene" is a state of mind that unites people whose minds are on a certain frequency and who have similar interests in music, arts, media, books, philosophy, (sometimes political activism), ecology, decoration , lifestyle and clothing. it depends on the subject where he puts the emphasise - it could be the music for many but it could be the clothing for some. for me it is mostly the philosophy .

there as many definitions of the scene as there are different subjects to define the common frequency of mind. what is the scene for me, might not be the scene for xyz at all.

it is a bug word , which used to be much better defined some years ago and did not lead to controverse discussions, concenring if a style or not is the " trance scene". i would prefer to call it alternative culture, and then the circle would be much much wider. but the production forum would be one percent of it then.

as far as statistics, i think, the " scene" as i define it, is about 30 percent of the isratrance users, about 2-3 percent of big trance networks like goabase. but it is a question of definitions.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 16:20
lol we speaking abt the scene and i havent read the word nature around...

for me trance is a connection from the society we live in to the essencial times of humans when all was simple... its a mind-opening experience to live by this "scene" and yeh, i do believe in shit that if i would use them as my main style of life.. i would even be typing this.....

ohm           I want a spare brain.... or 2.

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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 16:53
Isn't the scene what you see in la-la-land™

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 19:17
On 2011-01-08 07:17, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
the "scene" is a state of mind that unites people whose minds are on a certain frequency and who have similar interests in music, arts, media, books, philosophy, (sometimes political activism), ecology, decoration , lifestyle and clothing. it depends on the subject where he puts the emphasise - it could be the music for many but it could be the clothing for some. for me it is mostly the philosophy .

+1           -
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 8, 2011 22:37
scene = the people, mood, feel, music and work put into it.

there are people that make the things happen, and people that come to the parties. we're a symbiotic thing.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2011 15:10

On 2011-01-08 07:17, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero

as far as statistics, i think, the " scene" as i define it, is about 30 percent of the isratrance users

hhmmmmmm.... thats a pretty massive quantity i must admit!

Look what i found:          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 9, 2011 15:55
i guess you have a moment of joke?:) i was expecting to be criticised for choosing such a small number. after all, in trance it is accepted to call a "scene" also the parties and their visitors as well and not only those who pull the horses.

the answer of the question how big is the scene is a cumulative quantity. you take 30 percent of isratrance, 2 percent of goabase,
X percent of XYZ network ,
X1 percent of some non music networks,
X2 percents of some new age spiritual networks,
X3 percents of some political activism networks,
X4 percents of some cyber activist networks,
X5 percents of all profi musicians
X6 percents of social and eco activists
x7 percents of all fashion profis

you clear the redundancy and you have the answer of how big is the scene. it is a very important question for everyone who had to prepare a business plan for some service of his own and who tried to define what is his target group. for me, i found out, for my future plans i am preparing right now, that i need at least 10 big non trance networks to get my cumulative number of targets.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2011 17:06
not at all a moment of joke

I just think there's a lot of life outside isratrance forum           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2011 17:26
always thought the scene are those bunch of people always standing around on the dancefloor talkin about the good old days, bashing dancing people around them becauso of their clothes, haircut, dancestyle, input, color of their eyes and tooth and of course their possibility to have fun with so lousy music, and such stuff. Then they hardly can wait to get home to keep bashing the same stuff in the internet just to make their point clear to as much people as possible. It´s a tuff job to be in the scene not easy to keep it real, have to take this s*#t serious, there are standards to be fullfilled

now seriously
infact for me if you preefer going to some kind of a psychedelic event instead of a non psychedelic kind of a event you´re in the scene by repeating this at least twice in a row
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2011 19:34
Don't be silly, "the scene" is all those funny names after the files you download from the netz, those not known but give stuff away even when officially unreleased xD
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2011 19:37
@ dogon, i am absolutely sure you are right. this is what i was saying also. isratrance and the other trance networks, inkl. the whole bunch of facebook warriors who can be found under the word trance, are imo a very small part of what i call "the scene". to me this topic is a very important question and i thougth a lot about defining a target in the last 25 months. how many are we? is there a we at all, or is there only them.

but again, it has to do with the fact that i have another target. to me the scene is the number of persons who are able to conceive a certain type of ideas. it is not the buying customers, the paying guests, the dancing quantity.
and as terrence mckenna once said in archaic revival, it is important to keep it vertically big, psychedelically dense, united around a small corn and not to keep it horizontally big.

and at the end, whatever we discuss, it will always be subjectively constructed - constructed by human thought. there will never ever be a right perspective. the scene will be whatever i/you define it to be.
i am even asking myself why i continue to discuss. it will always end there. that there is nmo answer to asbolutely nothing. it is an infinite configuration of possible subjective perspectives and ego tunnels.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 10, 2011 19:38
what if we dont download any more. who is the scene then.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2011 05:02
I think we've established that already: Pavel, of course.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 12, 2011 06:51
I always contended there was a difference between 'scene' and 'community', with the former being what happens to a community when excess ego slithers it's way in to the weak and suddenly we have 'proper' attire, 'proper' lingo, 'proper' important people to be friends with and the rest of the bullshit that defines 'scenesters'.

I much prefer community, which resembles a healthy family.
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