what is the relevance of work in a spiritual life?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 24, 2011 15:53
at this moment,, my work is very very selfish,, i am concentrating completly on this self, not on anyone else, but on my own self,, i am not focused or anything,anyone else, i am not ready to help others,since i have many a faults, but i have learned to focus inside my ownself,instead of helping others, i am helping myself first, so i can become ,, if i am not ready inside, how can i help any other? you look for properties inside others, like patience,compassion,understanding, etc etc,, but you must have these properties yourself first , before u start looking inside others, so work selfishly on urself first,before it gets burnt itself! yes it will change itself into selfless work, natrually, and yes it will be possible in any form of work, it cannot manifest with talk, it needs action, and a very concious action on your part for it to manifest itself. and once it does, then it automatically takes over.its a natural process.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 24, 2011 17:47
well, this is a much more realistic description than the previous one, which suggested that we should only work for the others.
i think it is important to have this selfishness to say at one point, hey, this is not the occupation i would like to do, and i would like to have another one where i can do more for the people around me. and to go and find it.
i always thought, no, i would never work for a corporation of any sort and sell myself to that kind of business. so i started my own freelance firm. and so what, i chose with whom to work, sometimes i made wrong decisions and helped people that showed to be very dark brutal forces after that. to whom am i doing the service?
but what, i now understand this is not the best thing to do and i will have the selfishness to apply for something better now. to try new ways, new situations, new ideas and vision. hey may be we can give more to the world with a job that is not " spiritual" at all. after all we are not all born doctors or fire rescue teams.
and yes every job has something spiritual. i mean seriously, 15 years ago as i started from the total zero and worked the worst jobs, i felt really spiritual to get to know people in a society that i never got to know in my parent house as a child. haveing done this and having given a hug to the poorest members of our society , i felt more spiritual than with more noble jobs later on.
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Posted : Jun 25, 2011 11:17
KARMA good or bad is what we are here for hence the university of life unless an arrow is stretched on a bow it cannot fly or hit the target ........... more you stretch more the arrow propels forward .
Bow is Karma Arrow is you ....... spirituality is never complicated and in separable from Karma .... you remove karma and spirituality becomes lame .....
Peace n light
To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;) |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 25, 2011 15:27
On 2011-06-24 17:47, moki wrote:
well, this is a much more realistic description than the previous one, which suggested that we should only work for the others.
its jus a description, the truth is each and everyone of us knows deep inside the real truth of the matter, but we just dont pay attention or tend to ignore it conciously because the mind is easily overpowered by thought process, but each and every one knows it. thats a fact,, it does not matter what description is given , words, descriptions are meaningless,what is important is being it,
and there is no such thing as a "spiritual job" ,, there is only a spiritual being, one who spreads light and love.and all who does concious good just because he can. he/she does not change the whole world in 1 move, but his input is small , real small, he does small good to his fellow mates at work, in normal day life, those small small things is what counts,, not 1 big " i want to save the world" move ,, but small moves.and do this very conciously,being aware of it continously for a sustained period of time and not easily distracted by normal material desires.that means dissolving of this ego self, and bringing forth your highest self,the self who is concious of the truth,and bring him forth to be the driver of your vessel. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 26, 2011 12:43
my vessel lost its driver and is thus not moving any more. this is my horror dream umber one occuring 200 days per year.
no it is not funny, it is dramatic. trying to lose an ego might be one of the worse things happening to a human if done wrong.
with spiritual jobs i meant:
psychotherapists, spiritual advisors, mental coaches, sound therapists, aroma therapists, massagists, healers, yeah gurus, yoga teachers, paid shamans, manufacture of spiritual goods, spiritual retreat places and the people running them, book autors.
and you know. how much does this make as a percentage of all the professions out there.
i have personally worked for the most unspiritual industry ever. for advertisement and neuromarketing. but behind the curtains ....there is the place to put spiritual ideas into hard core commercial industries. a psychotherapists works on a very small scale as a comparison. working for big players gives the opportunity to change and move more.
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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 17:28
when at work, one should be like out of the work environment. if i try to be balanced and pure, live in the now and BE the light, i should do it always, no matter where i am and what i'm doing.
so, by this perspective, what you are doing is not the key, but how you do it... work should not bend your way of being.
by other perspective, one should do one of 3 things IMO: what one does best; what one can do to help the other; what one can do to help the self.
i see helping the self as helping others (as long as you are not hurting anyone in the process), as you develop yourself to be better for all.
nothing of this is easy of course... but these are my 2 cents
Sérgio Xamanist |