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What is the one thing to turn you off a track ?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 13:12
Donna Summer baselines           DJ Dovla | Interchill Records, Flow Records
Nomad Moon
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 17:54

On 2009-04-29 11:51, disco hooligans wrote:
circus noises, euro trance leads that are abundant in israeli "psy"trance tunes, stupidly high BPMs, lots of odd breaks and walls of glitch that are supposed to be "forward thinking" or "crazy" but all they do is stop you from dancing ( I recently heard Digital Talk and I was trying to block the music out in order to avoid leaving the venue since Dick Trevor was playing after him), them rising seeps...over and over again that are supposed to get more energy in a tune...seriously mate, if I wanted to hear rising sweeps, I'do to a Tiesto gig innit...even he has stopped using that shite.

Generally I dont like cheese... I love cheese in my food, but not in the music.

+1 million

i was a partie and girlfriend started to look her clock and i went "WTF??!!" she said "look , 30 seconds before the next break/amazing build up" lol and it went on and on form 30 secs to 30 secs

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 18:01
(More than one thing)

(1) Monotonous rhythms
(2) Overbearing kicks
(3) 99% of all vocals/samples
(4) Warp speed BPMs
(5) Lousy recording quality


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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 19:03
1. Very high BPM and too much stop-start and similar 'tricks' (which aren't really tricks if every third artist uses it, innit?). Similarly, there's prog that goes nowhere.

2. Stock-standard sounds from 'killaargh psy fx sample pack' without any creative use/processing of them (thankfully I notice this happening less often).
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 20:57
I hope artists are reading this topic and taking notes.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 21:01

On 2010-08-13 13:12, Dovla wrote:
Donna Summer baselines

Actually, if you listen to some Donna Summer tracks like 'I'm in Love' the bassline is pretty good and the groove goes longer than most modern psytrance before a breakdown or change. I actually get more trance out of her tracks than a lot of modern psytrance.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 09:00
Builds that never go anywhere, or the opposite, a track that never builds but stays the same energy throughout.

Too much dblue glitch use (or similar effects). Its great done in moderation but, to end each pattern? Every 4 bars?

Fast stuff that the only thing it has going for it is its speed. 200 bpm tracks can sound awesome, but if its the same screechy synths doing similar patterns as so much of the stuff Ive heard, nothing sticks out as interesting. Im no one to disapprove of experimentation of any type, but so much of that high speed stuff sounds alike to me, flat, prefabbed, not something i want to hear when dancing.

Anything that uses waaaaay too much epic-trance style sounds, supersaw-oververbed synths wailing like Tiesto, melodies straight out of some Berlin club circa 1997. Seems like a lot of this type comes from Israel and usually has a monotonously repetitive rolling bass (usually repeating the same 1/2 bar pattern).

Also any sample from big budget movies that is super noticable as being from that movie, for example Morpheus talking about blue and red pills... Its one thing to find a unique sample in a big name movie, but to use the ones they used to attract people to the movie, the ones EVERY ONE ON EARTH knows, thats like cheating IMO, its like 'I dont have enough patience to make a trippy enough track so Ill use a 'power-sample' (just made that up) to make it trippy for me'. Have a little patience people, there are better lines to use that wont make people remember your track as 'the one Matrix track'.

Semirelated to the Matrix-type samples is the LSD-drugs-get high type samples that basically say 'drugs are cool, huhuhuh'. Its one thing to advocate psychedelic exploration, thats what this whole psytrance thing is/was all about, but there are ways to do it that dont sound like 15yo stoners who dont care about deeper explorations just wanting to get high and see pretty colors. I like to think we can put a decent public face on this here music, one that doesnt say WE DO DRUGS, COME HERE TO DO DRUGS, instead one more along the lines of 'psychedelic exploration comes in many ways, we aren't here to judge which is best, only provide a safe place to conduct explorations, among intelligent, knowledgeable people' and the more important one, 'its not psychedelic trance because its drug music, its psychedelic trance because it is trance music, that is psychedelic, and if one is patient and works with it you can reach the same conclusions as psychedelic drugs, without drugs if you so choose'.           .
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 09:25
couldnt have said it better myself mudpeople...

just one thing to add.. cheesey vocals - there are hardly any tracks where i found the "singing" connected in any way to the state of trance except when they are combined in ambient tracks...

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 09:49
prefer the sleazy samples to be omitted frm the a linkin park sample in the middle of a tune or a remix of a linkin park trak....thas like freakin wtf!!

jus keep it psy!

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 10:41
Agreed Rich - hope they are taking notes... Another one to add is repeating the exact same melody as another artist, just using a different instrument. E.g. I've heard a +/- 145BPM psy version of Cygnus x's 'Orange Theme'... Just want to say to the artist: "okay dude, that's a really nice line, but maybe choose a melody that's not that obvious?"

And off-topic: That's the exact same melody that Deadmau5 uses in 'Clockwork'. Pity.

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 10:49
anything off-key / not in sync / no use of chord progression etc etc..... which are basic rules of MUSIC....

Donna Summer RULES
Thanx to people like her the electronica age is where it is today....

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 14, 2010 14:43

On 2010-08-14 09:00, mudpeople wrote:


“Free. Your. Mind.”


Semirelated to the Matrix-type samples is the LSD-drugs-get high type samples that basically say 'drugs are cool, huhuhuh'. Its one thing to advocate psychedelic exploration, thats what this whole psytrance thing is/was all about, but there are ways to do it that dont sound like 15yo stoners who dont care about deeper explorations just wanting to get high and see pretty colors. I like to think we can put a decent public face on this here music, one that doesnt say WE DO DRUGS, COME HERE TO DO DRUGS, instead one more along the lines of 'psychedelic exploration comes in many ways, we aren't here to judge which is best, only provide a safe place to conduct explorations, among intelligent, knowledgeable people' and the more important one, 'its not psychedelic trance because its drug music, its psychedelic trance because it is trance music, that is psychedelic, and if one is patient and works with it you can reach the same conclusions as psychedelic drugs, without drugs if you so choose'.


I’d add here the pseudo-intellectual drug references too. Like snippets about serotonin receptors. I don’t listen to music to get a lecture in pharmacology. If I want a refresher on serotonin receptors, I’ll listen to a real lecture with no music.

Also, these samples always come in the exact same voice as samples on a wide variety of futurist and philosophical topics. I am guessing it’s McKenna then. It just seems to me that overuse of these samples, while it may be intended as a tribute to this thinker, has an exactly opposite effect – it trivializes his ideas. It becomes like those tee-shirts with Che Guevara’s portrait on them.

P.S. I still like Wizack Twizack’s “Spirit Molecule”, even though it’s about DMT.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2010 06:55
McKenna recorded literal DAYS of him speaking, most of its about DMT and mushrooms, and freely available, i think even public domain, online. McKenna was a good dude and did some great things, but the way some people talk you'd think he's the psychedelic Gandhi and teh end all be all in terms of ideas and info regarding psychedelic exploration. He was great for what he did, but, there ARE OTHERS.

hack hack cough

Ive got a bunch of Wilson recordings I found somewhere as pub-domain, most are radio shows, long but theres plenty of pertinent material that doesn't say DO DMT or ELVES or DO MORE DMT. Found some of Dr Hofmann also, but the recordings i d/led were poor enough even if the good Dr hadn't had such an accent . I like to think of RA Wilson as what Tim Leary would have been if he got over himself and came down for a week or month or year and got his fool head on straight (sorry, imo Leary was full of good intentions without a lot of practical street knowledge, chief among em being WHY you SHOULD NOT give just anyone, anywhere, anytime, LSD, without at least a cursory examination of their psychological fortitude and ability to process abnormal- to a person in middle American circa 1965- ideas, which may not be quite exactly what the poor dosed people expected when approached by random tripped out Harvard professors) and stopped taking everything so seriously. Ive always thought Leary lacked that ability, to find the humor rather than the uber-serious world changing humanity evolving power of a global society willfully exercising their higher orders of consciousness, which through the act of giving everyone LSD, would spontaneously manifest itself...

Like, are these guys psy-celebs? Should we revere them as prophets? Would they have liked that, to have their ideas parroted like scripture, devoid of deeper meaning, rendered impotent by oversaturation, like a tired old hymn everyone already knows without trying, vacant of meaning and effect. How many people in the psychedelic world now associate McKenna with mass produced, childish, immature and shallow dance music?

Also RA Wilson has this great Brooklyn accent and a smooth baritone that rolls together like sweet Humboldt.           .

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Posted : Aug 15, 2010 08:39
melodies, sounds, chord progressions, samples that ive heard before..bring on something to stretch the brain a little!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Aug 15, 2010 12:52
I like tracks that keep you busy,trying to figure out whats Eskimo is never boring but does follow same patterns alot but its still good.....sp basically a track that stretches for to long before anything happens is a no no for me......except when you are dancing u wont realize but when your listening on ur ipod taking a walk u will realize....exampkles is like "Tweaky" from Astrix......great trach but the first break happens almost 3 minutes into the song.........also i love tryambaka but sometimes the scary organ/pianos are to much
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