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What is the one thing to turn you off a track ?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 28, 2009 17:37:56
You know what it's like when you're listening to a new track and it sounds ok and then all of a sudden something happens in it to just spoil the whole thing. what more often than not is the thing in tracks that spoil the whole thing for you ?

I have two, the first is really dark samples I hate it if there's a sample about death or anything hateful etc, saying that stupid samples really make me jump to the skip button as well if the track is just ambient electronica and then some white bloke putting on a Jamaican accent goes "Rastafari" over the top...I just can't play anything like that I just find it embarrassing.
my second is trumpets the second a trumpet turns up in a track it's off my stereo.

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 09:42
any thing wich has H2O records sound anthems.....makes me sick and puke....
Fat Data

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 11:40

On 2009-04-28 17:37:56, CosmoNaughty wrote:
the first is really dark samples I hate it if there's a sample about death or anything hateful etc, saying that stupid samples really make me jump to the skip button

Same here. I also get borred and press skip when bass starts moving up and down in that melodic pop way Oh, i also can't stand piano sounds

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Martian Arts

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 11:51
circus noises, euro trance leads that are abundant in israeli "psy"trance tunes, stupidly high BPMs, lots of odd breaks and walls of glitch that are supposed to be "forward thinking" or "crazy" but all they do is stop you from dancing ( I recently heard Digital Talk and I was trying to block the music out in order to avoid leaving the venue since Dick Trevor was playing after him), them rising seeps...over and over again that are supposed to get more energy in a tune...seriously mate, if I wanted to hear rising sweeps, I'do to a Tiesto gig innit...even he has stopped using that shite.

Generally I dont like cheese... I love cheese in my food, but not in the music.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 12:18
Vocals usually (not audio samples).

Very "trancy" leads. Anthemy sounds.

A really long break (for djing purposes I hate when a track is just killing, then there's like a 90 second break that kills all the momentum).  - Midwest based psytrance group
el presagio

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 12:40
I hate tracks with Vocals as Ascension said. when im listening to Trance i donīt want to listen to pseudo singers or something like that. so many tracks get terrible because of this cheesy thing. i hate and it realy bothers me

I hate guitarrs it something that realy piss me of also. in my opinion itīs because guitarrs in trance means cheesy power. of course this have an explanation and itīs all about the experience i had in the pass. But in my opinion the artist should leave the guitarss into the rock scene.

and last but not least the cheesy melodys with that euro trance touch. oh my god!! if you dont have the abilitie to compose music pleaseeee donīt take that easy road. try harder!!

This list itīs not to ofend any artist or pseudo one. Just poiting the things that realy bothers me when im listening to Trance music

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 13:01

On 2009-04-29 11:51, pipe&slippers wrote:
circus noises, euro trance leads that are abundant in israeli "psy"trance tunes, stupidly high BPMs, lots of odd breaks and walls of glitch that are supposed to be "forward thinking" or "crazy" but all they do is stop you from dancing ( I recently heard Digital Talk and I was trying to block the music out in order to avoid leaving the venue since Dick Trevor was playing after him), them rising seeps...over and over again that are supposed to get more energy in a tune...seriously mate, if I wanted to hear rising sweeps, I'do to a Tiesto gig innit...even he has stopped using that shite.

Generally I dont like cheese... I love cheese in my food, but not in the music.

mmmmm what he said
Id like to add: when productions is to damn filtered and clean, it becomes lame and boring.           Demand recognition for the Armenian genocide 1915
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 13:34

On 2009-04-29 12:40, el presagio wrote:
I hate guitarrs it something that realy piss me of also. in my opinion itīs because guitarrs in trance means cheesy power.

+1. Although Have a Drink has a short guitar sample that I did not mind and Tristan's and John Ohm's "Southern Comfort" had them simple bending notes that were quite alright in the context used.
Everything else is poo.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 14:13
Random extra bars or fills in weird places where you don't expect them

Basslines that go all over the place without following any kind of pattern

Polyphonia is guilty of both of these which is kind of frustrating given that I like everything else about the music
el presagio

Started Topics :  9
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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 14:34

On 2009-04-29 13:34, pipe&slippers wrote:

On 2009-04-29 12:40, el presagio wrote:
I hate guitarrs it something that realy piss me of also. in my opinion itīs because guitarrs in trance means cheesy power.

+1. Although Have a Drink has a short guitar sample that I did not mind and Tristan's and John Ohm's "Southern Comfort" had them simple bending notes that were quite alright in the context used.
Everything else is poo.

Iīm forced to say you are right!!! there are few artists like Tristan tht knows how to use guitarrs in a gentle way without ruining the harmony of a track.

But you know wht i meant ;-)
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 14:50

On 2009-04-29 13:01, vegetal wrote:

On 2009-04-29 11:51, pipe&slippers wrote:
circus noises, euro trance leads that are abundant in israeli "psy"trance tunes, stupidly high BPMs, lots of odd breaks and walls of glitch that are supposed to be "forward thinking" or "crazy" but all they do is stop you from dancing ( I recently heard Digital Talk and I was trying to block the music out in order to avoid leaving the venue since Dick Trevor was playing after him), them rising seeps...over and over again that are supposed to get more energy in a tune...seriously mate, if I wanted to hear rising sweeps, I'do to a Tiesto gig innit...even he has stopped using that shite.

Generally I dont like cheese... I love cheese in my food, but not in the music.

mmmmm what he said
Id like to add: when productions is to damn filtered and clean, it becomes lame and boring.

+1 for the pointless rising sweeps and dentist mixes, i like dirt too, sounds warmer
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 16:01
banal samples that go on and on and on. I cant remember the track or who its by but there is a track with as scene from some movie (I think it might have been Clear and Present Danger) with some actor (sounds like michale J fox) saying "it was you who decided to attack the rebels..." and it just goes on and on with a direct sample from this scene. Who wants to hear a complete scene from a movie (not a particularly good scene or good movie at that)????

the whole magic of samples is when they take a fragment of something totally out of its original context and creates something new with it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 16:03
huge 3 minute build ups followed by the most boring part imaginable
breaks that cover half the track, upbeat hi hats that are way too long
"remixes" that have absolutely nothing to do with the original track
hearing an otherwise great track with some redundant z3ta+ preset as the main lead
that set of 3-4 ethnic vocal samples that every chill artist has used (although I don't know who was the first..hopefully Ott, but I doubt it)
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 16:21
when the music make me think i'm here:           Psychotrop(Neurobiotic Rec)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 29, 2009 17:40

On 2009-04-29 16:03, Kane wrote:
huge 3 minute build ups followed by the most boring part imaginable
breaks that cover half the track, upbeat hi hats that are way too long
"remixes" that have absolutely nothing to do with the original track
hearing an otherwise great track with some redundant z3ta+ preset as the main lead
that set of 3-4 ethnic vocal samples that every chill artist has used (although I don't know who was the first..hopefully Ott, but I doubt it)


i.e Double rel, Azax and the rest of those pointless buildups...

"here it is- no, now!!? nope, here it comes- another stupid break, now? no, now?!? no, now?!? no, yeah!! i feel it.. its gonna happen now- no." and your just standind there looking at the dj and wanna puke your guts out.
Trance Forum ŧ ŧ Forum  Trance - What is the one thing to turn you off a track ?

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