What is the most remote location of a "trance" community/scene??
Andrew Terrakroma
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 1, 2008 02:19:48
I was thinking..... The far reaches of the world... Are there any Eskimo, Antarctic, Northern Siberian, or any similar indiginous types of people that have the capabilites for celebrating with psychedelic trance?
Interesting thought I think. If these people got their hands on a generator, music, and some decent speaker, I bet they would party all the time and celebrate their gods, and ancestors and rituals, all with the backdrop of our music...
I'd love to see that kind of party!!
coSmiIic r080t0n3
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 2, 2008 17:14
Andrew Terrakroma
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 3, 2008 23:06
No kidding... Well.. They are surrounded by beauty. I bet that they have some sweeeeeeetr party spots. Any links to pictures from Alaskan parties? I couldn't find any in that link....
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 11, 2012 05:53
i heard they had a festival on Easter island some time ago. I dont know about permanent scenes, some the parties in places like bolivia and morocco look pretty remote.
hehe, i wondered the same thing once actually. Sometimes when I listen to psytrance I think of the other people around the world who are listening the same thing.
Well there's a great psytrance artist, 'Ital', who is living in the mountains of Santiago de Chile, I found out in a interview with him. This is a very nice thing i think, because I always wondered how the music would sound when truly in the nature. I'm from Amsterdam, The Netherlands and not remote at all! There is a nice psytrance scene over here but you pretty much always remain in the city.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 12, 2012 05:57
How do you define remote? New Zealand is off the beaten trail, as is South Africa. Hawaii, although part of the USA, is quite remote. Dark Fox (an artist releasing on Neurotrance and Hispanodelicius) is from Tierra Del Fuego if I am not mistaken. I see 67 recent visits from Ushuaia in my logs. That's a ways out there... as is Norilsk, Yakutsk, and Kamchatka (all Siberian/Russian far east locales with about 8 hits apiece).
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 12, 2012 07:08
remote is a pretty subjective term in this sense, i guess i would call it the furthest from a large population center. new caledonia sounds amazing! And if there is a scene in Ushuaia it must be spectacular. It always amazes me that there are scenes happening in such isolated places. psy is truly global
Faxi Nadu / Elmooht
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Posted : Jul 12, 2012 10:21
The North Korean psy-trance scene is freakin' mental. They're only really into twilight-melodic forest neuro-psy-core though...bit narrow minded I think.
I think if any "indiginous types of people" heard trance music they would probably hate it. Imagine how alien it would seem to them to suddenly have psy trance in any form dropped on them. Chances are most people on this forum journeyed gradually through musical genres towards trance music. If you knew nothing of modern Western music and you suddenly heard trance or techno or whatever...I mean come on...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 12, 2012 20:38
Woh, I never knew North Korea had a scene. And does there dictator let them listen to psytrance in peace? I know he doesn't approve of western music. At least for the dictator, psytrance has hardly any lyrics so less danger for him I guess.
But I see what you mean btw, it would sound weird to them after never listening to it before. Same goes for these tribes in the African jungles. I would love to get some nice speakers and progressive trance, and blast it at them. It would take a while to get used to, but eventually they would love it!
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Posted : Jul 12, 2012 23:23
On 2012-07-12 19:17, randulon wrote:
The North Korean psy-trance scene is freakin' mental. They're only really into twilight-melodic forest neuro-psy-core though...bit narrow minded I think.
On 2012-07-12 19:17, randulon wrote:
The North Korean psy-trance scene is freakin' mental. They're only really into twilight-melodic forest neuro-psy-core though...bit narrow minded I think.
No not really its a concept which is quite amusing its called a joke. It is usually manifested by people who have a sense of humor and dont take things in life so serious especially such important topics and life and death debates about psy trance partys in remote places of the world
On 2012-07-12 19:17, randulon wrote:
The North Korean psy-trance scene is freakin' mental. They're only really into twilight-melodic forest neuro-psy-core though...bit narrow minded I think.
No not really its a concept which is quite amusing its called a joke. It is usually manifested by people who have a sense of humor and dont take things in life so serious especially such important topics and life and death debates about psy trance partys in remote places of the world
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