What is the future of psytrance?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 7, 2007 06:58
Everyday are less and less listeners, what is going to happen in a couple of years?
So the ones who enjoy psy are just freaks without nothing to loose, just to hang out with friends? or is a serious ritual for the celebration of life?.
As i become older i feel that im getting stuck in that time and space which was so beautifull 5 years ago which isn't anymore nowadays.
Anyway, i dont pretend to change nothing about it with this post, actually i know that just a very few will read this and a few less will think about it but i hope that someday we will be enjoyng together as in the past no matter our age and professions, i hope that will be no more divisions and all become one again. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 7, 2007 22:54
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 8, 2007 08:59
oh man that freaks me out. |
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Posted : Jan 8, 2007 19:24
I don't think psychedelic trance will die, it will just return to the underground for some years, and maybe then it will return to the mainstream again, with new ideas and new aesthetics.
this is normal and it happens to all music genres, but it is good because is the only way for music to evolve and grow
also let's remember that the world is huge and just because in Mexico people has lost interest in psychedelic trance, mainly because the quality of the parties is poor and there are few profesional organizers it is very strong in other parts of the world, like Brazil for example.
Serag what you said about divisions made my mind spin, I had already been thinking about this for a while but I guess that now is the time to express it.
many people complain about the situation of parties in Mexico city, about the quality of the parties, about the divisions among people, complaining is easy but doing things is not.
this is for everybody who has ever complained about something.
when was the last time you picked up trash in the dancefloor?
when was the last time you smiled to somebody and tried to be friendly at a party?
when was the last time you paid for a party, supporting the movement you say to live and love?
when was the last time you went to a rave for the music, to comune with nature, to connect with your brothers and sisters?
organizer, when was the last time you balanced profit with quality?
when was the last time you cared about decoration, or about placing litterboxes, or enough bathrooms?
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 8, 2007 23:02
Forza is not far from the truth, and besides when u really like soemthing u dont let it go so easily, so to most people that used to listen to trance and now think its bring i guess they never really liked it that much, it was just a trend, i still think psychedelic trance has quality acts and people trying to come uo with something new or fresh.
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Posted : Jan 9, 2007 02:40
yes, there are new projects coming everywhere all the time, so psy trance won't die, at least not anytime soon, but also there are new styles being born all the time, fusions, influences, and people started to like them.
I don't think all the people who developed an interest for other styles, or always had it is people who never really liked trance, but I guess calling it boring it's disrespectful, the fact some people lost the interest on it doesn't mean is boring.
another thing that has attracted people to other styles, is that the essence from goa or minimal trance or even pure psycehdelia is starting to incarnate in other styles, only time will tell what will be the future of psychedelia, but for sure is a bright and interesting one
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
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Posted : Jan 9, 2007 02:40
whoops, this was a duplicate post can someone delete it please?
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 9, 2007 03:51
It doesn't matter if Psy trance dies, because it might mean a new type of music is born. I guess what is important is to keep the spirit high so whatever comes along is a positive vibration music that goes higher into the new worlds we are entering through our minds. But we have to explode the fire of our soul so that the magic unleashes and we can rocks the stars.
Remember that GOA when it came was a NEW music, it was fresh and mindblowing. So how long can you do the same thing before you want a change? Change keeps things interesting. Its like you were making the same track over and over and one day you make a new track.
Change is good, lets just go for a good change. Yeah lets not turn the change into a weak ass comercial show off piss wanabe cool ego smelling crap devoid of any soul.
But don't fear change, because we are alive people, we are not freaking sheep with out creativity who can just listen to the same thing forever like a robot. That is also the beauty of it.
If you like GOA so much then make it so that it is as mindblowing as that music was when we first heard it. Otherwise let it go and lets find new psychedelic dimensions that will blow our mind or touch our deepest most free feelings.
For example I still look back to the music by Pink Floyd, however I don't wish people were making more psy rock, NO!! because the times change and I want bands to use the new technology and instruments and the new ideas like from electronic music or whatever. So the same with psy trance and GOA, yeah its good whatever but let the change come and keep the art flowing into new worlds ready to blow our minds with a fresh groove through change.
Some music from the past can touch are very high feelings and so we don't want to let it go and want to return. Which is fine, if we hit some exquisite dimesnion in the past with music we just have to keep the dimension in mind but we don't have to make the same music. We can express same feeling and freedoms of our soul in a billion infinite ways. So lets be alive and kick it full to the depths of life without the fear of change !!!! Its just cool !!!
But lets aim always for the best, for "la neta" in music !!! don't sell out !!! then the music whatever shape it has will fill you to the depths of your soul with true good feeling!!!!
Yeah, but don't be scared about change, maybe about shit music and shit mentalities. But why choose those? Become active, be the change, be the trend.. set the trend with your own soul. Shake it freely.. and be the magic spell. Or break the spell!! But be alive in your dance !!!
YOU are the music !!! keep it rocking from the depths of your soul and never sell that feeling and that road because its the road where the good musical gathering and movement happens. Magical trail into the funky esoteric psy dimensions. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 9, 2007 07:29
when was the last time you picked up trash in the dancefloor? Last NYE party in LA.. Tron Rocked the ranch!!!
when was the last time you smiled to somebody and tried to be friendly at a party? why at a party...
when was the last time you paid for a party, supporting the movement you say to live and love? Dic 31 06 it was worth it!!
when was the last time you went to a rave for the music, to comune with nature, to connect with your brothers and sisters?
last party!!! we just like a big family!!
organizer, when was the last time you balanced profit with quality?
i just do the parking lot...
when was the last time you cared about decoration, or about placing litterboxes, or enough bathrooms? if they trashcans get full , we have some extra bags ; ) and im not even a promoter... i just like to see the ranch clean..
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 10, 2007 06:18
I just checked and psy trance is still fun.
And like what are we going to listen too instead, reggeton? hahaha
I also don't care if there are less listeners, well as long as we have fresh music coming out that is far out cool and psychedelic. Hey just as long as we keep on having good music, even if the style changes I am fine with it. But I think we still have plenty of fun with psy trance.. so its not precicelly dying yet. Hey you never know, this might just be the beggining and we may have just begun to scratch the surface of what computers can help us create to make amazing psychedelic music.
Imagine tomorrow a new synth is invented, new software, new methods.. this might just be the start of cosmic futuristic music. |
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Posted : Jan 12, 2007 02:07
i think psytrance will alwayz exist if theres plenty of crazy materfackers willing to dance
  Necroine a.k.a Noid
The 5th Element Recs
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Posted : Jan 13, 2007 13:49
Many many many years ago one man said "Everything change".From the beginning of humanity people change the way of thinking the way they dress the way they talk.
In the anchient years one family was living 1000 m from the other family but the people w knew each other.Now they live in a distance of some cm and they are afraid each other!The commnunication was with words and expressions now is with the combination of 0 1.Nowadays a child in the age of 15 know more things in siense than a whole community before 200 years."Every thing changes"!!!
Unfortunately the only thing that is still the same is the war in all forms,poverty ,racism,illness.And one thing that our new civilization add to this bad things is pollution in the nature and in our minds.
When the Psychedelic trance was created (as the next step of the generation of 60s,the generation of hippes,the generation of Doors, pink floyd,jimmy hendrix) the people that follow this new wave was protesting to all this garbidze of our civilization!!!The only demand of this people was LOVE UNITY RESPECT
F R E E D O M!
"Evrything change"
Now days MANY people that follow this music have missunderstood EVERYTHING.....
psy trance=>lets take drags,psytrance=>Big names.psytrance=>recordings,psytrance=>money.
Well there are some EXCEPTIONS (thank shiva).
In my opinion psy trance has changed now is a form of a very powerful music that people dance non stop for 12hours or more and thats it and people wait until the next big name releaSE the new CD.
p.s sorry for my english
  space out |