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what is the funniest line you heard at a party?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 08:23:04
"dude he aint a drug dealer, he's a sonic chemist and prescribes good hearing!"

          missing plug-in
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 08:58
From a guy i believe attending his first party

what is this dun dun boom boom, cant they play some normal music with people singing?           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
punk tantrik

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 12:31
heard a girl say to the DJ.. dude u r suppose to play Dhan Tana !! whts wrong with the fck*** plc n ppl!!           Ppl with gUns don`t understand!!!

thats baSically the reason why they keep gUns..............too many misunderstandings:)
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 12:37
25 min after the popping session

"I think its hit me,.. i think i can feel it"

15 min later.

"I cant feel it man.. wtf, are you hit.. has it hit you?"
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Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 14, 2010 13:02
-drops in a party-

John in agony/despair : ITS PURE!!

George in total paranoia : LIKE MILK!

John was SO fucking relieved that left so happy to dance again !!!

I just wanted to ROFL but i was hallucinating of all this pure milk wondering how far have we gone

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Posts :  338
Posted : Apr 14, 2010 13:58
last night of a festival...
suddenly music stops!

everyone is angry asking "why"? and an artist havin' lost his payments says all the time "i lost my flight" again and again...
suddenly a voice in the crowd..."dude we don't care if lost your jacket!!!"
probably he thought all this happened cause the guy on stage lost his jacket(flight= jackets mainly used by air force army becoming trend before 10 years...)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 01:45
"it's my first time at a festival !!" - "Just remember, flight is not an inborn ability of the human race."

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 02:03
this one is a shocker: well at least i was totally shocked....

Was playing a gig (Psytrance obviously) at a venue in Dubai called Submarine (A small underground venue).....

Middle of the night at about 1:30AM a guy walks up n says

'I love it .... I love it..... and then he says ......hey do you have some Armin Van Buren' ...

Later the same night a girl walks up n asks

"Do you have Beyonce's - Halo"....


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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 02:04
"Due I come to see -insert artist name here- I am his bigget fan, do you know if he already played?"

"He is playing right now"           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 02:09

On 2010-04-15 02:04, Login wrote:
"Due I come to see -insert artist name here- I am his bigget fan, do you know if he already played?"

"He is playing right now"

hahahahaha God, that really cracked me up.....haha
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Labels Associated with: Samana Records | Geomagnetic | Triptec | Independent Mind | SkyGravity | | Psytr

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 07:46

On 2010-04-14 12:37, Forest dreams wrote:
25 min after the popping session

"I think its hit me,.. i think i can feel it"

15 min later.

"I cant feel it man.. wtf, are you hit.. has it hit you?"

hahahah           ~~Co-Creator of A Ritual~~

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Posts :  1417
Posted : Apr 15, 2010 07:47

On 2010-04-15 02:04, Login wrote:
"Due I come to see -insert artist name here- I am his bigget fan, do you know if he already played?"

"He is playing right now"

the best so far
cant stop laughin           ~~Co-Creator of A Ritual~~
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 08:22
what time did you get here?
the party is not picking up
fuck man this is a shit scene
dude lets go cane one
did you see that dude he's insane
walla habibi!
that dude is psychotic man
that couple needs to get a room           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Run Lola
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 12:31
when does the arabic music start (at a party here in beirut)

another big american dude asked if I can ask the dj to play hip hop.. typical!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 15, 2010 13:09
Funny stuff everyone. I think we can all relate and laugh
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - what is the funniest line you heard at a party?

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