IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 28, 2011 01:58:33
Its hard to answer because of how diverse their discography is, but I think I'd choose "Hemispheres." Only 4 tracks, but the album is fucking amazing. Cygnus-X book 2 is one of my favorite musical pieces of all time.
Runner up for me is "caress of steel" which was a commercial flop, but i really enjoy this album. "The Necromancer" I immediately loved, but "The Fountain of Lamneth" is one that i grew to love over time.
I like 2112, but i only really love the epic piece and don't really fancy the other songs on that album so much.
All in all, i'm more a fan of their mid-70's epic shit than other eras of Rush, though any rush is always acceptable music to listen to.
"Rule number one: In my van, its Rush. All Rush, all the time, no exceptions."