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what is dark psy


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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 01:12
An observation from a direct experience per both sides of the dance floor.. Me wanted to see something as well, thanks 2012

"We all know more than we believe"

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 01:13

On 2010-10-07 19:46, BrainLizzard wrote:
Proggy has its place and no one beats about its boring non evolving sounds of prettiness. It's a fact that the melodic sounds are trainings wheels for people who can't fly without it. We all know trance is more than flowers in your hair so allow it to be without your negative shit.


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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 01:19

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2010 01:34
banana ice cream

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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 23:23
Quoting this from Sid's status on fb :

The secret way to enjoy darkpsytrance

let the beet be your heart

let the percussion be ure bones

let the rest be the flow of life

enjoy the flow with a thumpin heart, jigglin bonez and

experience becoming the music and non existing

unlock the hidden secrets of non existent ego

and supramental consciousness

Sid is none other than the Aghori Tantrik           Wise decision to consider music a religion, one thing certain is that the existence of such maintains balance and harmony within this world. Attributes such as stimulation of intelligence and relativity to the perfection of mathematical equations make it

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Posted : Oct 19, 2010 07:03
How 'bout some dark jazzy house?

 | | PsyTribe | Phar Psyde Recs. | Logical Light Recs.

For CD releases:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2010 18:14

On 2010-10-07 17:53, Maine Coon wrote:

“If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself”

A short rant on the original topic, if I may:
“darkpsy” is just a (rather unfortunate) name of a
. It does not translate as “psytrance with a dark mood” any more than “Goth” would translate as “songs
about King Theodoric” or “black metal” would translate
as “songs about blacksmiths”.

All these exclamations like “I listened to this darkpsy
artist/album/track and it doesn’t sound dark to me!” –
it’s just silliness, IMO. The same like saying “I used my
espresso cup for cooking and the results don’t taste
anything like the recipe promised!” Well, of course they
don’t – “a cup” means half a pint, not your favorite
coffee vessel – it’s just a conventional name.

We all accepted the fact that much (most?) of Goa is
not produced in Goa, that at least some Suomi is not
Finnish, that a lot (most?) of Nitzhonot is not produced
in Israel and that a lot of progressive does not really
progress anywhere.

Why is it so hard to accept that at least some darkpsy
is not of a dark mood??

I think words are expected to have certain meanings. With the geographic examples, a term like "goa" still effectively communicates a style. However, "dark"
communicates a certain idea that seems to create listener expectations in the same way that "happy"
hardcore conveys a different notion than unhappy
hardcore. So I can see why it would be frustrating as an
artist to be (mis)labeled as dark psy. I agree thatthose in the know can take the term with a grain of salt, but still...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2010 18:28

On 2010-10-07 01:35, Shiranui wrote:

it's harsh, but not as harsh as industrial

it's dark, but not as dark as drum and bass

it's fast, but not as fast as speedcore

it's crazy, but not as crazy as breakcore

it's psychedelic, but not as psychedelic as goa

Ah, so you agree it's the perfect balance! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2010 19:29

On 2010-10-19 07:03, konflux wrote:
How 'bout some dark jazzy house?

probably not the most likely thing to hear at a trance party (at least, around here), but i love this stuff.. perfect for taking the edge off!           michael
the dog of tears
the dog of tears

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Posted : Oct 21, 2010 07:40
the first "darkpsy" i ever heard was The Delta and X-Dream. Nowadays if i say that to trancers they think I'm joking, but to this day both "Send in... Send back" and "Irritant" sound many times more genuinely "dark" then say, Parvati-style trance, which seems to be the most popular form of "dark"psy today (not that i dont LOVE parvati stuff).

If any thing, "dark"psy has gotten progressively less dark... there used to be less of a divide in trance. listen to old tracks by GMS, Infected, Logic Bomb, et al that are all labeled as "full-on" and they are totally insane and dripping with psychedelic texture. Today full on (with few exceptions like Rastalien et al) is almost exclusively comprised of hackneyed melodic build and generally "stock" sounds or at least "yeah, i heard a less well-EQ'd version of that yesterday, but todays version is much better EQ'd, wow" kind of sounds. so called "dark"psy seems to embody everything else 145 bpm or faster that isn't based on totally non-psychedelic melodic hooks and sound design (can someone please delete the "hoover" preset from every softsynth on the planet?!).

we didn't NEED "dark"psy 10 years ago when there was amazingly psychedelic full-on to listen to and insane german stomp-doctors to make us something techy with a mono-note bass for the night time. i watched old Goa Gil videos and saw him playing old Infected and Logic Bomb trax, the same exact looking kind of "dark"trancer crowd bouncing about as i see today at Gil parties (though in the early 2000's it seems spandex was a bit more popular in the trance scene).

when i make "dark"trance i like to make it genuinely dark-- minor keys, monotonous bass notes, and as previously mentioned, sounds that give the listener a physiological response if they're really listening. though of course i also make a variety of major key, funky-style tunes that really have no dark content whatsoever--- except that theyre really mentally insane, which i guess means you have to be really crazy to listen to it and enjoy it.

mr lizzy mentioned prog/full on being training wheels for blah blah blah darkpsy. this could be true, though i saw mr boomslang was offended by the comment. surely i've met many full-on trancers who "got into" darkpsy quite heavily, after a particularly perfect Goa Gil experience maybe, or perhaps a MoE style full moon desert hoe down. i don't think, on the other hand, i've ever met any one who was drawn to trance by darkpsy and then later on came to prefer full on. ive seen a couple people go prog. but not so much full on. my personal experience was that, growing up, i listened to all sorts of electronic music, and some of it was psy-trance. my first super-psychedelic party experience was in fact a quite cheesy full on party. then i had an even MORE psychedelic experience at a Mindfull full moon "dark"trance desert party, and full-on became almost completely "turned off" for me, psychedelically. so for me, it was, in fact, training wheels. that's an honest personal experience. i'd never put the training wheels back on my bike, after all...

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Posted : Oct 21, 2010 20:47
Mr Boomslang likes melodies, YES I do (BTW there's 2 of us, so this might be just one sides opinion) not talkin bout newer GMS or "cheezy fullon".

Like mr dog said
Braincell, Rastaliens, Chromosome, are great examples of the kind of melodies i like.

As for most new Trance, dark or whatever.... I like the old stuff better.... Its why i write what i write.
Gimme psychedelic with a side of melodic.

One can get over darkpsy in the very same way that someone can get over fullon psy. But to be able to find the bridge between the two?.... Oooo i want some o dat!

I can do enough ego destruction just trying to figure out women.

Nobody can say their COMPOSED NOISE is the best form

the dog of tears
the dog of tears

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Posted : Oct 21, 2010 21:19
i like composed noise... been checkin this idea since the fifth grade
and i key the noises...

yes mr. boomslang i know there's two of you
have u heard Enichkin's album?? It is very fast and hard but full of quite original melodies. just one example of course.

btw trying to figure out women is non-constructive ego work

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Posts :  84
Posted : Oct 21, 2010 21:38
We all are composing noise. Noises of fun and flurry!

I have not heard Enichkin but i will check mos def.
Have u heard mental extensions, the psychill album by terrafractal?
Other side of the spectrum.

Now and days i am intrigued by anything unique.

As for women..... Let me do some more hands on research

the dog of tears
the dog of tears

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  399
Posted : Oct 21, 2010 22:45
I have not heard this, if you have a link with samples I'd appreciate.
I'm at their myspace now listening to some of their trance tunes. hehe this is kind of cute music actually. "only so much oil around rmx" might be the only politically geared full on ive ever heard hahahaha.
i approve of these tunes sounds like crazy ducks but more full-on... nice sense of humor in the overall aesthetic. good sound design.

Ever heard Sectio Aurea? They are the only trance artists i know of that are heavily incorporating improvisation into their finished tracks. Total musical insanity if yr into things like free-jazz
they're from Switzerland, husband and wife duo. there's a pretty amazing track of theirs on Axis Mundi's new comp "Sunday Morning Cartoons"

Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Oct 21, 2010 23:02
OMG THE sectio aurea album is going to OWWWN!

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