what is dark psy
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 16:11
this is a really dark discussion..anybody got a flashlight?
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 17:38
cuz diss iz dillaaaaaa.... di-la-night!
Owooo... |
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 18:13
Okay so I check back and the thread has gone through a wormhole, out the other end, all exploded and weird and everything. 8--)
It seems like all the disagreements (the musical ones not the ideological ones) on these threads are over something like a 2 percent difference in opinion and taste, and yet so heated!
It's amazing and I think it's all very good'n healthy in the long run because it just means the psy scene here is SO alive and buzzing although it might leave behind some roadkill. (which is okay because they all pop right back up cartoon-like and hop along their merry psychedelic way again.)
As prolly my last post here I just wanted say I think the whole "what is good night-time psy" question is a bit independent from BPM. It's not like all 180+ tracks are the chainsaw abusers. Enichkin for example has some really FAST tracks that convey quite a positive vibe, although they are definitely night-time music, and I guess everyone would call them darkpsy.
I'm really glad a new thread popped up on this topic so near the Goa Gil party, purrrfect mental warmup, thank ya'all!
[Vaderspeak]: Let the daahkness commence! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 18:32
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 19:03
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 20:32
Well I think it's a little bit more than a matter of taste
I think that calling the music "trance" implies that the music is meant for the trance-dance experience.
A trance-dance experience involves dancing continuously for a long time
It is hard to dance continuously for a long time (by which I mean over 4 hours) to music over a certain BPM. Even 140 BPM is difficult but doable. |
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 20:35
On 2010-10-06 20:32, Shiranui wrote:
Well I think it's a little bit more than a matter of taste
I think that calling the music "trance" implies that the music is meant for the trance-dance experience.
A trance-dance experience involves dancing continuously for a long time
It is hard to dance continuously for a long time (by which I mean over 4 hours) to music over a certain BPM. Even 140 BPM is difficult but doable.
dang, well perhaps you are in need of a good techno party.
ahhhhh the power of perception lol.
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 20:38
I mean psykovsky played from 200 - 145 in the 10 hour set that i heard him play, mixed every tune in some way and i didn't stop dancing the whole much do you exercise Shiranui? Do you not do well with endurance? Vitamins and hydration really help me in the extended trance dance experiences.
I went 15 hours at a gil party before having to fall down for a bit, but i just fell to the ground in the dancefloor and wiggled about for the next couple of hours.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 20:54
I walk to work everyday, does that count as exercise? :x
I admit I am not in very good shape. I also have a knee that probably needs surgery. |
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 20:57
lol, i understand. I'm kind of a big dude, about 200 lbs in weight. I have deterioration in my left knee in my muscles and the bones that connect in my knee are rubbing together, so i totally feel you on the probably needs surgery tip. Glucosamine works wonders on the dancefloor
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 20:59
I've got some kind of cyst thing growing on my knee (it's probably either a cyst or scar tissue buildup) and it gets in the way of one of my tendons. If I jump or land on that knee really hard something gets bruised and I can barely walk for days (this happened on sunday because I got really drunk and wasn't paying attention).
It's been there for like 2 years at this point. If only I lived in a civilized country I would have gotten it taken care of by now :/ (no health insurance) |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 21:11
to me dark psy has nothing to do with psytrance
| Ironically i just started a thread on very similar lines in the trance section because i too feel like the current breed of darkspy artists are so far removed from what embodies the essence of darkpsy.
As far as Xenomorph and the satanic issue is concerned its difficult to ignore the fact that track titles and also certain samples used in the tracks have screams , satanic references but if you chose to ignore that aspect which in itself can be very hard, you might see that its not like the music that parades as darkpsy these days - there is actually some level of musicality that comes through.
If you are interested in proper dark psychedelic music as it was intended to be ( i dunno whether you are because i didn't read your entire post ) you could check out the older generation artists like Cydonia, UX , Darshan , Sandman and then you'll have a clear idea of where this subgenre has come from but sadly retains very little of it and more often than is the musical equivalent Texas chainsaw massacre .
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 21:34
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 21:46
On 2010-10-06 21:34, sage2012 wrote:
i know plenty of goths/rivet-heads/gravers that got into goa & psy through the industrial scene. is the industrial scene dark? i guess that depends on who you ask and how you define it.. |
| Yup i would say artists like ghreg on earth & gappeq owe their roots to industrial music some which is actually pretty foreboding and ominous in terms of atmosphere. i definitely dig these two guys much more than every third artist who claims to make darkpsy.
Then there are forest scando trance acts like derango , procs etc that have organic dark psy elements which is in good taste.
But the rest and i would go as far saying even psykovsky has gone too fast and has lost that edge. his debut was astonishing and could be enjoyed even if you werent tripping , but now if you arent it just doesnt make sense.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 6, 2010 22:30
On 2010-10-06 16:11, cinderVOMIT wrote:
this is a really dark discussion..anybody got a flashlight?
I dont have a flashlight,but here ,take this