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what is dark psy

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 16:56
I don't like the whole start-stop thing. I'm trying to trance dance, and you keep interrupting me!

It's like if you're trying to go to sleep and every 10 seconds someone flicks you on the nose.
DJ Uhm

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Posts :  147
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 17:25
Willsanquil.......I wholeheartedly agree with what you said on the 2nd page about music just being a tool, and that it is up to the people to do the work. I presume this gets lost on people; the sense of developing tools. It doesn't matter if it it music, yoga, crystals (I know you love them so ), mandalas, or your breath. Tools, that's all they are and we all choose to use them in whatever fashion best suits the individual. We are all observers, all our own scientists, and we all search for our own truths; what resonates with us. To what levels an individual does that is purely up to them.

I liked what you wrote about being open to new theories and ideas. You would possibly smuggle yourself in your own box if you don't. I love to try out different things and experiment with them in order to see if they resonate with me and provide me benefit to the intention behind "its" use.

What good does it do to let yourself get annoyed to the point of your shit falling out of your ass when you hear "new agers" talking about what they talk about? Who cares? Why should you care enough to the point of getting annoyed? Why waste your emotional energy that way? So are you trying to label me without even knowing who I am?

Shirauni........I don't hold your emotional reaction to what I wrote against you. The only thing I can express to you is that maybe you should look at why you chose to act that way, and why the word "energies" brings out such a profound emotional reaction. It stands to reason that there's some underlying stuff there for you or else you probably would have been more civil.

JodoKaast.......You said at the end of your post that those experiences you described leave you feeling empty without some uplifting affect at the end. There's a lot of variables to that, I am certain. For you is it something mental holding that back? Is it the music that follows after? Is it a sense of literally feeling empty?

Maine Coon........Does it really matter to you that people choose to traverse these gatherings in a different fashion? That was the overall point you made when referencing the alarm siren example. I can see the point you are trying to make, it just doesn't fit as well when all the variables surrounding that situation are different than all the variables at a trance gathering. Just know that some people, not saying me mind you, need the uber fast, grating of the teeth stuff to let go. No one said it can't be done with other flavors of psy, and no one said that facing your fears has to be a dark experience either. To place something like that in a box is ridiculous - not trying to imply that you said that Its all about what works for the individual, end of story.

Magellan2012........I agree that there's a lot of crap in the sub-genre, but which one doesn't have a lot of crap. I dig, and I dig, and I dig to find tracks and artists that are exploring new avenues and doing different things with sound in this sub-genre. The run of the mill stuff doesn't do anything for me. The beauty of it all though is that I don't really care if what works for me works for someone else. It doesn't matter at all since in those moments its all about self.

          Brian - Uhm
Atrium Obscurum
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 18:29
I don't begrudge people who hold superstitious beliefs; I only get angry when they try to spread those beliefs. Superstition is the cause of much suffering in the world, so I hope you can understand why I have an emotional reaction to people spreading it.

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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 18:42

On 2010-10-02 20:58, Maine Coon wrote:
I believe in balance. Keep yourself on a steady diet of horror movies and you’ll become a lump of coal. Confine yourself to romantic comedies and you’ll become a marshmallow. The same with music. Listening to “glorious morning full on” all the time will make you shallow, but there are times for that music (psy purists can start yielling “boo” now ). Listening to darkpsy around the clock will either dull your senses or make you antisocial, but there is a time and a place for “facing your fears” and whatsnot. Choosing only one extreme and forgetting about other shades will only rob you of valuable experiences.

These constant arguments about horror vs. cheese are silly at best. Aside from the fact that there is the whole spectrum of psy music between these two extremes, a balanced person would need both in some doses. Just like an ecosystem needs variety of species. Just like evolution needs variety of individual traits. Anywhere you look, diversity is a key element of balanced life and natural progress. One-sided enforcement of any life style, however rational its justification may seem, leads only to stagnation and unhappiness.

well said Maine Coon
DJ Uhm

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Posts :  147
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 18:56

On 2010-10-05 18:29, Shiranui wrote:
I don't begrudge people who hold superstitious beliefs; I only get angry when they try to spread those beliefs. Superstition is the cause of much suffering in the world, so I hope you can understand why I have an emotional reaction to people spreading it.

Superstitious beliefs? Really, where? I think you are confused, and somehow seem to be painting me into some box. Honestly I don't care. Paint me as you wish, slam those who don't think as you do, bemoan all you want at the sight or sound of people expressing themselves and their beliefs, do it all.....just know it makes you look bad and intolerant. It does you more damage than it does to anyone else. You sound like those religious zealots who you are trying to blame as the cause of your emotions. That certainly sounds like a hippocrit.

And to the point you were trying to say about it being the cause of so much suffering.....sorry I call bullshit. Explain yourself, for all I hear is you accusing religion for making people soft, instead of people accepting responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. Misery is self-inflicted.           Brian - Uhm
Atrium Obscurum
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 19:00
@ Shiranui - Psytrance is all about the "superstitions", or mysterious, unexplainable, mythology etc. Its why I fell in love with the psy scene.
I enjoy science but I don’t put my faith in something that changes every 10 years.

I also love many forms of darker music especially psy but theres a big difference between being dark and being evil.           
DJ Uhm

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  147
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 19:02

I also love many forms of darker music especially psy but theres a big difference between being dark and being evil.

Thumbs up           Brian - Uhm
Atrium Obscurum
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 19:34

On 2010-10-03 07:31, Deep-Fryer wrote:

On 2010-10-03 03:21, Shiranui wrote:

On 2010-09-30 18:13, DJ Uhm wrote:
Its not rocket science to understand that frequencies have an affect over us, and that energy is transferred all the time.

It's not any kind of science at all. It's new age pseudoscience bullshit.

Measure these "energies" with some sort of equipment and write a study on it, get it peer reviewed and published in a respected journal, then come back to me.

Otherwise STFU and stop acting like you know what you're talking about.

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 20:06

On 2010-10-05 18:56, DJ Uhm wrote:

On 2010-10-05 18:29, Shiranui wrote:
I don't begrudge people who hold superstitious beliefs; I only get angry when they try to spread those beliefs. Superstition is the cause of much suffering in the world, so I hope you can understand why I have an emotional reaction to people spreading it.

Superstitious beliefs? Really, where? I think you are confused, and somehow seem to be painting me into some box. Honestly I don't care. Paint me as you wish, slam those who don't think as you do, bemoan all you want at the sight or sound of people expressing themselves and their beliefs, do it all.....just know it makes you look bad and intolerant. It does you more damage than it does to anyone else. You sound like those religious zealots who you are trying to blame as the cause of your emotions. That certainly sounds like a hippocrit.

And to the point you were trying to say about it being the cause of so much suffering.....sorry I call bullshit. Explain yourself, for all I hear is you accusing religion for making people soft, instead of people accepting responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. Misery is self-inflicted.

I already said that it didn't apply to your post. I wasn't talking about you
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  116
Posts :  1219
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 20:42

On 2010-10-05 18:56, DJ Uhm wrote:
And to the point you were trying to say about it being the cause of so much suffering.....sorry I call bullshit. Explain yourself, for all I hear is you accusing religion for making people soft, instead of people accepting responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. Misery is self-inflicted.

I don't want to turn this thread into a religious debate but if you want to know how superstition creates suffering, Richard Dawkins will tell you all about that.

To quote

"Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let's now stop being so damned respectful!"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  114
Posts :  546
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 21:42

I also love many forms of darker music especially psy but theres a big difference between being dark and being evil.

BINGO!           Kri
Mastering and Mixing Service:
DJ Uhm

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  147
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 21:57

On 2010-10-05 20:42, Shiranui wrote:

On 2010-10-05 18:56, DJ Uhm wrote:
And to the point you were trying to say about it being the cause of so much suffering.....sorry I call bullshit. Explain yourself, for all I hear is you accusing religion for making people soft, instead of people accepting responsibility for their own thoughts and actions. Misery is self-inflicted.

I don't want to turn this thread into a religious debate but if you want to know how superstition creates suffering, Richard Dawkins will tell you all about that.

To quote

"Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let's now stop being so damned respectful!"

All this amounts to is you and this guy agreeing that it is okay to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Ans if you weren't talking to me with this post, "I don't begrudge people who hold superstitious beliefs; I only get angry when they try to spread those beliefs. Superstition is the cause of much suffering in the world, so I hope you can understand why I have an emotional reaction to people spreading it.", then who were you talking too?
          Brian - Uhm
Atrium Obscurum
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 5, 2010 23:01

On 2010-10-05 17:25, DJ Uhm wrote:

Maine Coon........Does it really matter to you that people choose to traverse these gatherings in a different fashion? That was the overall point you made when referencing the alarm siren example.

The answers are No and No.

No, it does not matter to me what other people choose. So long as I have an opportunity to simply leave the dance floor and go for a walk – play whatever you want.

That does not mean, however, that I have to agree with what I see other people do. Just like Will doesn’t have to buy into the latest news about crystals. One can be understanding and even accepting – but not necessarily adopting – other people’s beliefs and practices. I don’t judge an old person for using a cane. And I understand why he’s doing it. Doesn’t mean I would do it, while there is nothing wrong with my legs. And if a young healthy person does it – all power to him. But it seems unnecessary, if not downright ridiculous, to me. Now, going back to “traversing these gatherings in a different fashion” – tell me: do psycore fans need hours of mental abuse in the same way those old folks need their canes, or is it that they just haven’t learnt to walk without a cane yet? Once again – it doesn’t matter to me either way. But it should matter to those fans, don’t you think?

The other No is about the point I was making by the alarm analogy. All I was saying was that it’s a form of brain rape in both cases. The difference between “traversing the gatherings” under the whip of 200 BPM tzwick-tzwack vs. under suggestive influence of milder genres is the same as the difference between running through an obstacle course under barking orders vs. jogging on your own in a forest. Now, again – I am not judging anybody here. Some people stay in the military because they actually like this kind of …ahem… discipline. That’s fine with me. Some people prefer to be strangled while having sex. Fine too. I find it unnecessary (and potentially unhealthy).

P.S. To clear any kind of wrong expression here: I do enjoy an occasional track of psycore (one track ) now and then. I do like “proper” and forest darkpsy too – 30-40 minutes at a time. So, I wasn’t just bitching about the genre in general.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 23:16

On 2010-10-05 20:42, Shiranui wrote:
I don't want to turn this thread into a religious debate but if you want to know how superstition creates suffering, Richard Dawkins will tell you all about that.

To quote

"Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let's now stop being so damned respectful!"

I wonder if you realize that this quote is a perfect example of exactly the kind of intolerant narrow-minded nonsense we’ve learnt to expect from religious fanatics.

I’d dare Dr. Dawkins to produce a revealed scripture, which actually teaches that it’s OK to burn yourself and 3000 of innocent bystanders alive just to make a political point.

Horrendous crimes have been committed in the name of religion? Big deal. Look at the crimes committed in the name of “cooperative economics”, which you love so much. Should we “stop being so damn respectful” of your views now too? Needless to say, nearly all crimes committed in the last 50 years were done in the name of “democracy”. Should we scrap that concept too because of that?
DJ Uhm

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  147
Posted : Oct 5, 2010 23:18

On 2010-10-05 23:01, Maine Coon wrote:

The answers are No and No.

No, it does not matter to me what other people choose. So long as I have an opportunity to simply leave the dance floor and go for a walk – play whatever you want.

That does not mean, however, that I have to agree with what I see other people do. Just like Will doesn’t have to buy into the latest news about crystals. One can be understanding and even accepting – but not necessarily adopting – other people’s beliefs and practices. I don’t judge an old person for using a cane. And I understand why he’s doing it. Doesn’t mean I would do it, while there is nothing wrong with my legs. And if a young healthy person does it – all power to him. But it seems unnecessary, if not downright ridiculous, to me. Now, going back to “traversing these gatherings in a different fashion” – tell me: do psycore fans need hours of mental abuse in the same way those old folks need their canes, or is it that they just haven’t learnt to walk without a cane yet? Once again – it doesn’t matter to me either way. But it should matter to those fans, don’t you think?

The other No is about the point I was making by the alarm analogy. All I was saying was that it’s a form of brain rape in both cases. The difference between “traversing the gatherings” under the whip of 200 BPM tzwick-tzwack vs. under suggestive influence of milder genres is the same as the difference between running through an obstacle course under barking orders vs. jogging on your own in a forest. Now, again – I am not judging anybody here. Some people stay in the military because they actually like this kind of …ahem… discipline. That’s fine with me. Some people prefer to be strangled while having sex. Fine too. I find it unnecessary (and potentially unhealthy).

P.S. To clear any kind of wrong expression here: I do enjoy an occasional track of psycore (one track ) now and then. I do like “proper” and forest darkpsy too – 30-40 minutes at a time. So, I wasn’t just bitching about the genre in general.

Well who said you or Will had to agree with anything, that was never what was being discussed? I can't tell you what psycore fans need, and you would have to talk to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM to get their answers since they would most assuredly vary from one to the next, rinse and repeat. What good would it do for me to answer that question since I speak for myself. You call it mental abuse, and they call it ________. The ending of your first paragraph really doesn't fit in this discussion; its off-topic from where this discussion has been and is now resting.

Once again, you call it rape and others call it ________. Its cool though, this is great and its what makes you, you. Don't know you personally, but I am glad you are hear As I said a long time ago in this thread, sink your teeth into whatever shakes your fancy, and waste no time in disparaging the rest. It serves no one by doing so.

Yall take care now, ya hear....           Brian - Uhm
Atrium Obscurum
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