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what is dark psy


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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 00:38
This is just my take on 'darkpsy'. I myself really only listen to 'dark/twisted/twilight/fullpower' whatever the fuck you want to call it. I've become hooked on it so much so that I really disdain other 'flavors' of psy. Yes I will dig tracks here or there not in this category but I like to keep it 'dark/hard/insert witty adjective here'

I guess I am a bit disconnected with the psytrance community as I have no spiritual connection to the music. I am not a particularly spiritual person, to me the music is just moving, I find it takes me to a mental space where I feel relaxed even some of the hardest stuff does this to me.

I think that the whole concept behind these samples, themes, names etc is to create a CATHARTIC effect. I find myself after a nice listen to 'dark' music to feel rather relieved and soothed. I actually find myself cringing when really enjoying a track sometimes yet have no qualms about it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 00:49
Not to shart over anyone's parade, but i must admit, i do not understand this "face your fears" concept. Since when did psytrance become an episode of fear factor or some endurance test? what ever happened to getting together to dance and have a good time? maybe im just out of the loop on this.

And does this only apply to psytrance? For example, i despise country music. So applying this same ideology, would that mean that i am having issues accepting my southern roots or something? Cant i not like music because it "sounds shitty to my ears?" What i'm hearing is that if I don't like this kind of music, I must have some deep underlying issues to work out and that there must be something wrong with ME rather than the music. I just don't buy it! Please help me to understand this....


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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 01:31

On 2010-09-29 12:45, Deep-Fryer wrote:
As dark as it gets! Lucifer himself wets his sheets to this madness!!!!

the height of the US rave scene...That is why it was a huge hit...Go see The Matrix at the movies then hear that on the radio....on the radio because of this weirdo "rave" thing...
Sorry you missed it...Sorry your generation is a fucking joke..

I'm part atheist part Laveyan....Some guy who makes art and calls it Sigil Weaver is cool..
Some douchebag who pretends to make death metal pretending to be psy should be fucking punched in the face for reverse blasphemy...
Try talking to women..Stop making fake death metal, you fucking frauds reading this if you really have nothing to say...
Be careful how you fuck buddy/whore loves "magickal strength training"...I miss a good ol OTO proper sex magick ritual on acid...yummy...

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  432
Posted : Sep 30, 2010 02:14

On 2010-09-30 00:49, Moksa wrote:
Not to shart over anyone's parade, but i must admit, i do not understand this "face your fears" concept. Since when did psytrance become an episode of fear factor or some endurance test? what ever happened to getting together to dance and have a good time? maybe im just out of the loop on this.

And does this only apply to psytrance? For example, i despise country music. So applying this same ideology, would that mean that i am having issues accepting my southern roots or something? Cant i not like music because it "sounds shitty to my ears?" What i'm hearing is that if I don't like this kind of music, I must have some deep underlying issues to work out and that there must be something wrong with ME rather than the music. I just don't buy it! Please help me to understand this....

what he said /\ .. life's too short to listen to shitty music           New Album : Spirals of Time : Now Available !
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 02:41

On 2010-09-30 00:49, Moksa wrote:
Not to shart over anyone's parade, but i must admit, i do not understand this "face your fears" concept. Since when did psytrance become an episode of fear factor or some endurance test? what ever happened to getting together to dance and have a good time? maybe im just out of the loop on this.

And does this only apply to psytrance? For example, i despise country music. So applying this same ideology, would that mean that i am having issues accepting my southern roots or something? Cant i not like music because it "sounds shitty to my ears?" What i'm hearing is that if I don't like this kind of music, I must have some deep underlying issues to work out and that there must be something wrong with ME rather than the music. I just don't buy it! Please help me to understand this....

When i was speaking of 'face your fears' i was speaking about a shamanic path in life in general only because he brought up shaminism and psytrance. If discharge is really having this challenging of a time dealing with whatever music he speaks of then he should just sit with it. Go into it and figure out why these feelings of evil and dark are coming up. It's something internal that the music he was listening to was bringing up.

Im not saying sit with music that you find shitty or boring. That's just silly! This isn't what he was saying. He couldn't blow it off and get wacky and have fun on the dance floor because it was intense for him and these were very real feelings for him. i was just pointing out either walk away or deal with it!


Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 02:43

On 2010-09-30 02:14, .RAGON:. wrote:
life's too short to listen to shitty music

I thought it was too short to drink cheap beer...

To the topic: couldn’t you start it a week ago, when Ocelot was still showing his black-but-don’t-you-dare-to-call-them-dark spots?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 03:17
'face your fears' about a shamanic path?
That doesnt mean that the whole dance floor needs to do this. That should be a personal thing. 80% of the dancefloor is there cause they already did that and are there to have a good time.

Mastering and Mixing Service:
the dog of tears
the dog of tears

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 06:00
i don't really see the problem with a couple chain saws revving up and a decapitated head or three whirling around for a couple of hours in the middle of the night personally

just has to be well placed.

i myself make music that many people would label as "dark" psy... but i don't use any of these kind of samples described. i do try and create physiological effects through amplitude and frequency, though, which does tend to upset people who aren't expecting it.

any one can do whatever they want as long as it's good 'lectronic music... if u wanna use a scream sample, just make it good.
Mr Hardman

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 11:11
You had me at...

On 2010-09-30 00:38, alus12 wrote:
This is just my take on 'darkpsy'.

Dark psy is when I go to a party in the desert and in the span of 2 minutes, go from the point of wanting to beat the shit out of an egomaniac who's aggro with me about his fucking fire, to helping a newcomer to psy, a stranger to me, put his tent up in the dark, like we were old buddies.

Artists and DJs need to stop with the dark and light and leave the psy alone. If you can't do it, don't release it and call it some shit cos you don't know who you are yet and need to 'identify' with something. That's poser shit.

Hey Jessica I'm surprised you're defending this 'face your fears' concept. Real life has enough fears. You have children. I know you have fears. Do you want to hear your worst fears when you're tripping? Do you think you need to 'explore that?'

I'm a dad and fuck that. It's not even that good of a music. It's just ok. I would never trust any self proclaimed or 'dark psy' with that trip.

Dog of tears, I would like to hear a couple of chain saws revving up too, if it was well placed, in the night. (If it was in the day it would be like doing chores lol)
But what does a decapitated head or three whirling around sound like? Will I hear it as an upsiren or some shit? 'dark psy' tends to disappoint me when it turns stupid all of a sudden.

Anyway be careful what violent and satanic sounds and samples you guys put out there cos you may get some fool who's going to go all trench coat mafia on you. that would suck/
Mr Hardman

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 11:13
I'd party with braininvat

DJ Uhm

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Posted : Sep 30, 2010 18:13
Thanks Dave for putting out there what you try to do with the music that you make. That helps to bring some more insight and perspective to the discussion

We all know that people choose why they are attending a gathering for a myriad of different reasons. Some like to have fun dancing to music in the woods, other like to take psychedelics while doing it to enhance their experience, and then even others view these gatherings as a ceremony and traverse their experience as such.

What Jessica is saying is that it is part of her path in life to utilize these experiences for growth. If we choose not to face our fears then they will run rampant through our lives having a lasting affect on who we become and how our life turns out. If the person next to her is managing their experience in an entirely different manner, then who cares; its their prerogative. No one has ever said that this is how it has to be for everyone, and no one ever should.

Mr. Hardman......yes, Jessica does choose to face her fears through psychedelic experiences. It is part of the shamanic path, and she knows enough about herself and how strong she is, that she is comfortable with traversing these experiences in the manner in which she does. The benefit has been an incredible amount of healing on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. You get out of it what you put into it, so why not take full advantage of what life brings to your doorstep.

Its not rocket science to understand that frequencies have an affect over us, and that energy is transferred all the time. What's great about music is it's inherent capability to bring stuff to the surface. Sometimes its beautiful, others times it is scary and dark. In those moments you have two distinct choices; remove yourself from whatever is making you feel that way, or sit in that feeling with the intent of trying to better understand it. The more intense, non-melodic psytrance is very powerful in bringing stuff up to the surface that we may not want to deal with. Its fucking beautiful that it does do that when it happens, for it is medicine at that point. It is an opportunity to purge what ails you. Harness the power of the situation, or succumb once again to those energies that have been trapped inside of you for who knows how long.

What it boils down to is listen to and dance to whatever music makes you smile and move. Forget the rest, who cares. If your intention is to go out and have fun, then spectacular I hope you do so. Just know that there are some of us out there who throw a lot of intent behind being there, and it is to heal. Fear or love, I choose love but in order to do so I know that I must face and release my fears.

And don't get caught up into these sounds and artist names/track names, unless you know the intent behind the choice then it will all be suppositions.           Brian - Uhm
Atrium Obscurum
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Oct 1, 2010 15:24
I prefer my psytrance to be hard, fast, and heavy.

I like my drum and bass to be smooth, chill, and jazzy.

Go figure.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 1, 2010 20:13

          peace to you and peace to me.

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Posted : Oct 1, 2010 20:17
Do you wanna talk about dark? What about the production crews and artist/dj archetypes that abuse the spiritual side of Goa and they don't even believe in it, now that's dark no matter what type of music is being played

This is basic civil defense information from the department of Face Your Fears


"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 2, 2010 01:42
Well its definitely not an excuse to gather a bunch of potheads and talk shit about each other...

Yeah I'm bad.
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