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what is dark psy


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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 05:24:05
ok so i used be into dark psy until this weekend when i went to party in nor cal i used to love it i felt so connected with everything about it

but when i was there listening to the dark stuff at night
i had a realization

the music that was playing was sounding evil and dark
i mean like clips of people screaming and sound of people dying
dark and evil vibes were everywhere i could see it was almost part of evil trance state you could call it

why does dark psy have clips of people screaming in horror and dying pain and talk about hell and the devil
for sample xenomorph and other artists has clips of talking about hell and satanic things
songs titled
Xenomorph - Satan´s Presence
Parametrik - Evilgame
Psychoz - 666
Undertaker - Twisted Minds From Hell
Demonic Spells - Silent Horror
Satanic Mutant - Exorcist Devil
and album covers
filled with gore and evil looking pictures

is that what dark psy is really about that has nothing to do with what psytrance is really about

shamanic practices
love community peace reaching Higher State of Consciousness
connecting with energy that is inside us

etc etc

i think everyone should think about this thing next time they hear dark psy

can someone explain to me what hell and satanic practices has to do with shamanic practices because people seem to relate dark psy and shamanic practices

why do artists have evil names and put evil clips in there music
is this the message they are trying to send out if not then why are they putting them in their songs
there has to be a deeper meaning behind all this

to me dark psy has nothing to do with psytrance
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 05:27


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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 05:49
Dear Discharge 1234,
I am truely sorry to disappoint you, however, the psy community is over talking about what "dark trance" really is. That dog has been shot, kicked, skinned, burned, and sent off into the sun in a makeshift rocket. This process has somehow repeated itself millions of times. Perhaps you can try doing a search and reading some of the previous threads on this topic.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 05:50
the absolute last thing I want to be confronted with when in an altered state is some tosser trying to be 'evil' with his sounds, or trying to freak me out. show me some trippy shit, make me dance, possibly make me confront some shit I need to deal with yes! but I see absolutely nothing of merit in stuff that's blatantly trying ever so hard to be 'dark' and 'evil.' It doesn't make me want to dance any harder, it doesn't show me anything interesting - its just shitty. to my ears.

Careful with the deeper meaning stuff - a lot of artists just make music and thats what comes out - not like they're channeling shiva and it just pours out of their third eye or something.

It is one thing to have a transformative trance experience on the dance floor - if it happens, cherish it and be thankful. However, going to every party with the intention of im going to have a transformative spiritual experience will eventually leave you disappointed.

Unless every party you go to is insanely kick ass, in which case....bravo
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 08:45

On 2010-09-29 05:24:05, discharge1234 wrote:
ok so i used be into dark psy until this weekend when i went to party in nor cal i used to love it i felt so connected with everything about it

but when i was there listening to the dark stuff at night
i had a realization

the music that was playing was sounding evil and dark
i mean like clips of people screaming and sound of people dying
dark and evil vibes were everywhere i could see it was almost part of evil trance state you could call it

why does dark psy have clips of people screaming in horror and dying pain and talk about hell and the devil
for sample xenomorph and other artists has clips of talking about hell and satanic things
songs titled
Xenomorph - Satan´s Presence
Parametrik - Evilgame
Psychoz - 666
Undertaker - Twisted Minds From Hell
Demonic Spells - Silent Horror
Satanic Mutant - Exorcist Devil
and album covers
filled with gore and evil looking pictures

is that what dark psy is really about that has nothing to do with what psytrance is really about

shamanic practices
love community peace reaching Higher State of Consciousness
connecting with energy that is inside us

etc etc

i think everyone should think about this thing next time they hear dark psy

can someone explain to me what hell and satanic practices has to do with shamanic practices because people seem to relate dark psy and shamanic practices

why do artists have evil names and put evil clips in there music
is this the message they are trying to send out if not then why are they putting them in their songs
there has to be a deeper meaning behind all this

to me dark psy has nothing to do with psytrance

I get your point and mostly agree.I myself dont enjoy the so called dark psy when there is stuff like people screaming in rage,agony and pain etc ,samples from horror movies,only chaotic and angry feelings,when it feels like the track are trying to be scary instead of psychedelic.If i want stuff like that i rent a horror movie or something .

But i like quite many producers being labelled as "dark",and thats one of the things with this disscussion.That all producers and acts being labelled as "dark" is not the same stuff or shares the same vibe as others being labelled as dark.There is lots of deep,intelligent and mysterious psytrance without trying to be scary or invoke same kind of evil that are boxed into the same map as those who try to be scary and follows the same direction as death metal etc.And then people think that they are the same "stuff" when they are taking you into total different directions and are about different things.

Well,this is all just words,and what is a word,it is a pointer.So all a word can do is to point towards all those associations oneself got with the word.Therefore we all experience words differently and they have different meanings to us since we got different associations.

So dark means another thing for you and psychedelic another thing for me,vice verse.

One thing that has been spoken about earlier is that many produders gets labelled as dark because of having a high bpm and many "twisted" and complex sound structures.

Then there is those who wants to be "dark" ,to use all those classic pointers in terms of words that brings some associations and samples of screams,horror movies etc.

Anyhow, it is about the music,not the pointers(word samples).Some music ,lets say a track with 150 bpm ,low octave base and squelchy sounds,perhaps just generally for the standard human mind creates a feeling(s) or an entrance inside oneself to deeper levels that many think of as unpleasent.

It is all about the meeting between the listener and the music,just like an experience and the one having the experience.Different person,different experience.

So one maybe experience a track as,mysterious,transcendental whilst another one experience it as something dark because it is sounds that they have not hard before,also,much labelled as dark can be very aggressive,choatic and contains feelings of despair etc.

But in the end,really,it`s all about the meeting between the listener and the music itself.Play a track for a insect or a cat and the experience about it will change.And every people think different about every tracks and sounds.It is not the sound itself because the one listening to the sound decides what or how the sound sounds like.So what it is is created between the creator of the music and the one listening.Then of course some kind of sounds, music scales etc we generally, naturally experience in similiar ways.

But in some cases,i think one can put a word on some act`s,because it feels fitting.Perhaps it can be good to label some acts as dark psy but for others not.I myself however view many so called dark psy acts as very very different compared to each other and in terms of being sound guides,they take me to very different "places".

Take metal music as en example,they have death metal etc for their acts that are most hard and raw.And there is some similiarites there with the dark psy acts,the focus on some scales,like minor etc.Not the usual major etc,minor usually brings feelings that humans genereally experience as unpleasent.And that fast bpm,the same pointers in forms of styles of samples,cd decoration,overall vibe etc,choatic sound structures,aggresives and perhaps music parts which many would associate with despair,hate etc,all those things that we usually define as something,dark and negative.Sure, some acts in my way of thinking feels fitting to call dark or something like that.

There is a obvious difference(in terms of creating emotions through sound structures) between many regular psytrance acts and acts being called darkpsy,but,there is also a big difference in the acts being called dark psy.

So i think it`s a bit wrong that many producers who creates fast bpm music,perhaps a hard low octave bass and uses lots of mysterious vibes,sound textures ,melodies etc gets boxed in the same map as the other stuff.It creates confusion.Especially for people who not have heard so much.

However ,one has to remember that every artist "represent" a unique sound,because they are a unique person and does not belong to a group,even though they may use sounds and ways of creatings sounds as a certain group does they still "represent" a unique way of creating sounds and building tracks.

Do you define death metal and other forms of hard metal as psychedelic?

Do you view horror movies as psychedelic?

I dont view it as psychedelic but i think it can change my emotional state at the moment.But that is not the same thing as something i would call psychedelic.

I myself enjoy some act`s that are being called dark since i find them very psychedelic and mesmerizing,for example Atriohm etc.

For getting psychedelic it needs other feelings,vibes,emotions then feelings like those who we traditionally experience as dark.So if you talk about getting beyond all the "light & dark" , beyond all duality then the track cant only be dark since that is not beyond duality.

Just because something is "mind bending" or "twisted" etc those not mean that it is psychedelic,there is lot`s of different mindsets one can be in ,psychotic or "fucked up" and psychedelic is not the same thing.

There is lots of psytrance music now,many branches of the same tree that not are psychedelic ,i am not complaining about that i am just accepting the fact. There is some plastic full on which moves further to the direction of mainstream music,there is some so called dark psy that moves into the direction of death metal and the likes of that etc.

But there is also alot of good producers out there doing very psychedelic stuff

Myself i dont like so called "horror psy" or what one should call the stuff that focus on the stuff you mentioned in the beginning of your text.Screams,horror samples,gory CD decoration,only trying to be scary, etc.I am really not at all into that.

But i like many tracks which has many complex mysterious layers of sounds,giving a supernatural feeling and being very intense and having a fat and steady bass and a high bpm.

Unfortunately this two "categories" often gets mixed up instead of being seen as seperate things.

So the musically talented, intelligent producer who works as a sound engineer , has been going to classic music school,being doing much meditation, yoga and try to understand as much as possible about spirituality and life and gives new ways of creating sounds and try to open new terrain and create new path`s on the map of sound

gets mixed and understood as the same thing as

Former black metal guy wanting to make scary tracks and trying to be as evil as possible in terms of creating choas,despair,hate,etc in the songs.Like to put in some horror movie samples etc.

This two examples was just like a example of how it feels sometimes when comparing tracks laballed as dark to other tracks called dark.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 09:16
i like to call good psy, which morning/full on dj's (vaxination) call dark psy, ATMOSPHERIC psy, or if I'm talking to someone in the know, GOA

I love intense music and the energies it shares, but death curdling screams and chainsaws and general horror movie fare have no place in GOOD music, in my's not a musical idea, it's a sample, and often expresses an artists true intention and lack of understanding of love....sad really, but if you're in control of the soundsystem,you're the shaman, and if your intention is to share horror and despair, I don't care to see your thoughts
          Wake walking through your sleep dream

Esoteric Generation (Arkansas)/Beatnik Production(AR)/ Three Way Mirrors (West Coast)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 12:45
As dark as it gets! Lucifer himself wets his sheets to this madness!!!!

          {':' }Deep Fryer/Squirmtronix{ ':'}
["0,c]Global DAT/Adama Recs/Esoteric Gen[c,0"]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 17:25

On 2010-09-29 05:24:05, discharge1234 wrote:
ok so i used be into dark psy until this weekend when i went to party in nor cal i used to love it i felt so connected with everything about it

but when i was there listening to the dark stuff at night
i had a realization

the music that was playing was sounding evil and dark
i mean like clips of people screaming and sound of people dying
dark and evil vibes were everywhere i could see it was almost part of evil trance state you could call it

why does dark psy have clips of people screaming in horror and dying pain and talk about hell and the devil
for sample xenomorph and other artists has clips of talking about hell and satanic things
songs titled
Xenomorph - Satan´s Presence
Parametrik - Evilgame
Psychoz - 666
Undertaker - Twisted Minds From Hell
Demonic Spells - Silent Horror
Satanic Mutant - Exorcist Devil
and album covers
filled with gore and evil looking pictures

is that what dark psy is really about that has nothing to do with what psytrance is really about

shamanic practices
love community peace reaching Higher State of Consciousness
connecting with energy that is inside us

etc etc

i think everyone should think about this thing next time they hear dark psy

can someone explain to me what hell and satanic practices has to do with shamanic practices because people seem to relate dark psy and shamanic practices

why do artists have evil names and put evil clips in there music
is this the message they are trying to send out if not then why are they putting them in their songs
there has to be a deeper meaning behind all this

to me dark psy has nothing to do with psytrance

Hmmmmm where to start with this... Well I guess the first thing I will touch down with is that you say that you connected and and really enjoyed 'darkpsy" until you went to this party. So you heard this artist or a dj or 2 that played "darkpsy" that you didn't relate to. Why put all this music that you previously connected to in a box with the music that you heard that turned you off?

It doesn't matter why certain artists make the music you speak of. This is their way of creating. There are no rules on what you want to put in your music. I personally dont care for the screams and horror movie samples and so on but Im not worried about why they make it. Different strokes or different folks. You have the option to either listen to that particular style of music or not...

You say that psytrance is about shamanic practices
love community peace reaching Higher State of Consciousness
connecting with energy that is inside us and so on... But is it????? That might be the case for alot of us but for others it may just be music. Sounds they enjoy. It might be the people and vibe they enjoy.

What do you know about shamanic practices? One thing I can tell you is that shamanic practices aren't all pretty,nice and beautiful. It's actually quite the opposite. It's about facing your fears. Confronting them and working through them. If you find yourself on the dance floor and this music is
being played that is bringing up all kinds of emotions try sitting with it. You spoke of feeling evil vibes everywhere and that the sounds coming from the speakers were evil and so on. Sit with it and see where it takes you. What are these feelings that are coming up triggered from? Maybe try to go into a meditation. if you are lucky you might find a light at the end of tunnel and MAYBE come to terms with whatever is causing this fear within you. Trust yourself.

Or you can go the other route and choose to not listen to the music that brings up certain emotions...

Just remember to not pass judgement on what you think is right or wrong.. Understand that different people need different frequency's to connect. and most of all dont make the mistake of putting all music labeled 'darkpsy' in a box... Most of the music that is labeled this isn't even the music that you spoke of.
Happy dazzzzzz

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at

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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 19:29

shamanic practices
love community peace reaching Higher State of Consciousness
connecting with energy that is inside us

etc etc

i think everyone should think about this thing next time they hear dark psy

can someone explain to me what hell and satanic practices has to do with shamanic practices because people seem to relate dark psy and shamanic practices

why do artists have evil names and put evil clips in there music
is this the message they are trying to send out if not then why are they putting them in their songs
there has to be a deeper meaning behind all this

to me dark psy has nothing to do with psytrance

Well if you are not connected with their circle (it's been from generation to the generation from centuries, in variety of level/caste), it's hard for you to see it in close-up. I am and my ancestor does. Since ultra supreme being (human with the soul) started to aware about what is going on in this planet today, and watching the mask of FEAR (that's another name of Satanic Practice) started to pulled off day by day, they seems like have to do something to keep their mission (sucking everyone soul and blood) on and on. So they choose things like religions and other shields. They call this as their protection but actually it's because they are coward to face their soul, so they call it as their "protector" to make it sound that they are normal. Because this virtual planet literally controlled by the SATANIC practice, so they follow this "practice" so that they think they will not be facing a judgment by giving their soul and will be chosen to come along in those "ships" when the planet earth is vanished. They don't realized that nobody can touch their soul actually. It's just the culture and society force them to think that so called HELL. And this is nothing new, it's been from generation to the generation. trust me. It's made me smile sometimes.

It will take years and year for me to explain this, but obviously everyone is in fear, so it will not make any sense to the public because the public it self is already dumbed-down with this brainwashed and fear thing since they are born, even tho they have some talents of such world level of intelligence and technology with has nothing to do with soul and it's relation with the right brain cells through the space in between it's quarks, the darkness that is not related to these soul suckers. And what they will call me to response to this? They will say that I am smoking crack or out of my mind. Of course I have to be out of my mind instead of stay of the prisoner mind to be able to see this. LOL.

Oh don't forget that the psytrance today is nothing related to the soul compassion of earth and its wicked beauty (psychedelic), that's just a COVER OF FEAR. and of course gaining their drugs industry: COCAIN! period.
founder http://www.blacksheephybrid
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 19:55

On 2010-09-29 05:24:05, discharge1234 wrote:

can someone explain to me what hell and satanic practices has to do with shamanic practices because people seem to relate dark psy and shamanic practices

Well according to what I studied shamans are highly trained religious practitioners who engage in many different rituals for the benefit of the community, some involving potent psychedelics and hallucinogens. The shaman helps out the people sort of like the witch doctor does for African peoples. Other than maybe the use of bones in ceremonies I cannot think of one single negative thing I associate with shamans. So maybe a connection between dark psy and shamans is based on something else.


why do artists have evil names and put evil clips in there music
is this the message they are trying to send out if not then why are they putting them in their songs
there has to be a deeper meaning behind all this

to me dark psy has nothing to do with psytrance

I think this music is good and therefore there should be positive influences and vibes throughout. I think the Old Testament gets lambasted a lot for violence, misogyny, negativity etc. and to follow suit is counterindicated. Gimme the Love, give me the dippy happy and the cheerful colors, Yeah.

Finally the overuse of dark has too many racist overtones for me and I always encourage everybody away from it; if there be prejudice and violence as it is, there's certainly no need to import such things into our nice and enlightened scene ;].
Fractal Cowboys

Started Topics :  50
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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 20:31
quasar and I utterly disdain being labeled dark psy....

yet promoters and people call what we do dark psy....

mega jesus of evil is a faux dark song, and if you play it backwards, you hear a voice saying

"if you stop dancing, I'll spray water on your cat"

so, just because something isn't full on, or progressive, doesn't mean its dark....

most artist get offended by the use of this moniker to sum up their creative efforts...

its two years until 2012, what can we do to up the ante on intelligent discourse?

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  2094
Posted : Sep 29, 2010 21:00
dark psy...bAAAAAAAH.

           WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  370
Posted : Sep 29, 2010 21:04

On 2010-09-29 20:31, ohmy wrote:
quasar and I utterly disdain being labeled dark psy....

yet promoters and people call what we do dark psy....

mega jesus of evil is a faux dark song, and if you play it backwards, you hear a voice saying

"if you stop dancing, I'll spray water on your cat"

so, just because something isn't full on, or progressive, doesn't mean its dark....

most artist get offended by the use of this moniker to sum up their creative efforts...

its two years until 2012, what can we do to up the ante on intelligent discourse?

Right! I feel like there is some music being made today that is so far beyond being labeled as anything really. Some great stuff really pushing the boundaries and exploring new avenues. So many people are very quick to label music "dark" if it makes them feel funny or if its fast or weird or whatever to them..           Jessica

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at

Started Topics :  36
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Posted : Sep 29, 2010 22:44
how about we just like trance music?

nothing out there is dark. and if screams and stuff make you feel like the music is dark..then it can be considered the same as a b rate horror flick and should be ruled cheesy...

i like trance do you?            WARNING: The Reality Master General has determined that Mr. Vomit may significantly alter your reality. Usage of the knowledge provided by Mr. Vomit may be perceived as dangerous and subversive by those in authority.

Started Topics :  26
Posts :  660
Posted : Sep 29, 2010 23:33
seriously, if you're actually upset or disturbed by some ex-metal-headbanger slapping together a few samples from SAW 13 over a halfassed bassline........i dunno, dude.

that shit's not dark. it's just annoying.

that said, there is some genuinely unsettling psy getting made & played, but it has nothing to do with horror movie samples.           Quantum Frog / Anomalistic
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