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What is "cheesy"?

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 15:26:22
I hear people apply the word "cheesy" to fullon trance a lot... and I wanted to ask people's opinions of what kind of sound they are thinking of when they say that word, so that I know what people are talking about.

So which of these two tracks is more "cheesy" in your opinion

This one

or this one


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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 15:28
One is more gorgonzola and the other mozarella.
I don't think either have the right pong for brie or cambert.

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 17:28
First of all I'd say that "cheesy" only makes sense when talking about emotional or wanna be emotional music.

I say something is "cheesy" or "kitsch" if I get the impression of a "fake smile" or generally dishonesty. If an expressed emotion seems pretended or dishonest to me then I say cheesy.

The first example I find a bit shallow and not very original, but I find it honest. Being a bit shallow it is also light and imho such music can be very good for the mood if taken properly. The fact that it sounds a bit like 10 other songs makes it look a little bit "cheap" to me. Is that bad? Well, In the right mood I can have a great time with such a song, it's sweet, isn't it? 10 such songs in a row and they might lose all meaning. Not the best idea, not the most important message, but honest, therfore for me as one piece it is not cheesy at all.

The second one up to 3 min doesn't really express much of an emotion, so for me there is no question about cheesy or not or honesty/dishonesty. It just IS. The melodies after 3:45, I hear them, but I don't know what to do with them. It doesn't touch me. Also later in the end. Those melodies don't get through to me. For me there seems to be a lot of wind around very little content. For me this songs makes the impression that it tries a bit to be something that it isn't really. Its mostly not so emotional, so I don't ask myself if it's cheesy or not. It's simply not working for me, doesn't make sense seems "tuned up" without actually being in that state.. so maybe I'd say it's cheesy, but not typically.

In my opionion and definition a lot of people tend to use "cheesy" too soon. For example for example 1. I often observed people calling anything strongly emotional or happy "cheesy" even though it was honest imho. Since "cheesy" has a negative conotation I found that usually not very fair.

Thats how I look at it.           Most of my music for you to download at:
almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 17:35
CHeesy IMHO .. Not connecting           UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 17:45
tooo much music these days

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 18:30           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 20:31

On 2010-01-20 17:28, subconsciousmind wrote:
In my opionion and definition a lot of people tend to use "cheesy" too soon. For example for example 1. I often observed people calling anything strongly emotional or happy "cheesy" even though it was honest imho. Since "cheesy" has a negative conotation I found that usually not very fair.

Yeah that pretty much duplicates my sentiment... I couldn't put it better myself.

It's not any more fair to say that all happy songs are "cheesy" than it is to say that all sad songs are "whiny"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 21:11
To me it's subjective. One man's cheese is another's brilliance.

For me, music that's predictable, formulaic and trite is cheesy. So that applies to all the genres, not just full on.
For example I find a lot of 'darkpsy' to be cheesy.
And I certainly don't deem any music with melody to be cheesy just because it has melody. Depends how that melody makes you feel. And that is totally subjective.

Thank god for music of all types, cheesy and heavy, to satisfy all of us, whatever our state of our being.


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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 22:48

On 2010-01-20 21:11, rich wrote:
To me it's subjective. One man's cheese is another's brilliance.

For me, music that's predictable, formulaic and trite is cheesy.

I find this also a very reasonable way of using it. Just, that it is subjective is the reason why I don't use it this way. The way music makes you feel for sure is highly subjective.

However, from a communication point of view, the "sender" either conveys a honest or dishonest message. It's not subjective, this is determined by the sender. The receiver might never know for sure if the message was honest or dishonest, but theoreticaly it is not subjective since the sender simply, as an (unknown) fact either was dishonest or honest.

Our deep, intuitive feelings usually can tell us pretty well when somebody is lying to us (it's a feeling so we can't say its the truth, I'm aware of that) and if I get this feeling, the impression that somebody is lying to me, be it with a smile or with melodies in the music, then I say it's cheesy. I can be very wrong, but in case I'm right it is NOT subjective. Its given by the sender as a fact.

I'm also aware that what I wrote here can be misunderstood very well, but I didn't know how to make it clearer. Hope you understand the logic.          Most of my music for you to download at:
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 22:49
some examples for me:

skazi in 2010 = cheese
infected mushroom in 2010 = cheese
psynina = cheese
dali = cheese

to me cheese represents music that doesnt really feel like the artist put much heart, soul and effort into it. Its something that the artist knows will satisfy large crowds in a very commercial way. Its basically a formula that works for the masses. There are some typical sounds I find in a lot of full on that i can only describe as cheap and cheezy, dont really know how to describe it well, its something like a synthesizer whining and passing gas at the same time in a really annoying way

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 22:51
this thread smells of cheese 

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Posted : Jan 20, 2010 23:51

On 2010-01-20 15:28, TranceVisuals wrote:
One is more gorgonzola and the other mozarella.
I don't think either have the right pong for brie or cambert.

...Nice one, lol, i agree with that. But honestly i think you should just enjoy the music who make your cells moving and ignore the others opinions...Too subjectiv/personnal question. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 01:24

yahel.. thats smelly chevre with a roquefort center!

you can hear the mdma powder grinding between the teeth of the dancers
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 03:39
i was looking for a cheesy track to post there but you are hard to beat with this one man and french cheese don t smell that bad
MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Jan 21, 2010 03:42

On 2010-01-20 23:51, ayalien wrote:

On 2010-01-20 15:28, TranceVisuals wrote:
One is more gorgonzola and the other mozarella.
I don't think either have the right pong for brie or cambert.

...Nice one, lol, i agree with that. But honestly i think you should just enjoy the music who make your cells moving and ignore the others opinions...Too subjectiv/personnal question.

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