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What is an arsim??

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : May 2, 2008 00:26:48
In so many of the party reviews I read about for Israel I see the word arsim, is it another word for bad vibe people? I know literally it means redneck, i know what an american redneck is but no idea what an israeli redneck is. Please someone explain in detail. And also I always read about Arabs usually referred to in a negative way in the party reviews for Israel. Can someone explain this to me? You guys have a lot of bad vibe people at Israel parties or what?

bOM Shanti
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : May 2, 2008 01:12
yes , sometimes.

arabs and arsim the same if they come oh god its ugly sight
and i realy am not racist , its just their actions , and beside half jewish anyways , goddamm narcotics people coming only for drugs

like they can park in the middle of the dancefloor and open their own music sooo loud almost compete with 16k system
and the hole balloons of nitros they sell and fight over territorry that no one invite them there from first place
sometime they are violent wich is the worst
sometimes not agree to pay entrance
sometimes rob the bar

offcourse not all of them , some are nice arabs and some are just look like arsim but actualy nice people 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 3, 2008 23:28
so arsim = arab? all arsims are arabs but not all arabs are arsims? i guess bad vibe people are everywhere in this world, last party I was at some asshole was playing hip hop from his car so loud!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 4, 2008 00:38
before this thread gets racistic, Id like to point out few things and clarify something.

'Ars' is not a nationality, race, colour or religion, it has nothing to do with any of those. Arsim are low-life hooligans, mostly aggresive and sometimes violent, rude and unpleasant to the surroundings. The authentic Ars comes mostly from low socio-economic classes, engaged in criminal activities like prostitution, drugs, gambling, dog fights and etc. Arsim dont care about social acceptances, they are mostly not intellegent or friendly to people not of their kind.
Its the kind of people who speak loudly where its not allowed (I wanted to say in libraries but then I rememebered that Arsim dont go there), put legs on the seats in public transport, spit indoor, able to beat someone up over parking or some other minor issue.

Unfortunately, every country or an area got their own kind of Arsim that annoy, irritate and sometimes even assault verbaly or physicaly some parts of the population.
I can think of million things that can define those people but I believe that most of you, whos reading this already got a clue
what kind of people Im talking about. I believe that any of you can find analogies of the israeli ars in his country, in US they are called guidos, in Aussieland - bogans, in Russia they dub them as Gopniki and so on and so on.

Its not about how they are called and what they look like, the bottom line is that those are not nice people that we prefer not to see at our parties (or anywhere else...)

Shahar Indepth
Started Topics :  16
Posts :  416
Posted : May 4, 2008 04:09
this link will explain everything :

Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 4, 2008 17:25
Great clarification Shahar
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : May 5, 2008 22:13
cheers, good video.... i get it now!

bOM Shanti
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Posted : May 8, 2008 09:11
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 10, 2008 16:40
hehe nice 1           Dope 4 Hope
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 19, 2008 22:22
nice on Svjek, the problem is that they effect also the normal people and its plague that effects lots of people that could be much more civilized...thats due to their carismatic features !
Shahar Indepth
Started Topics :  16
Posts :  416
Posted : May 21, 2008 00:57
another CLASSIC which further clarifies this important issue:

(my personal fave)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 16, 2008 00:46
nice one sahar good way to explaining
Shahar Indepth
Started Topics :  16
Posts :  416
Posted : Jul 16, 2008 00:47
LOL the last link is a CLASSIC, i must've watched it about 9289278329 times

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  61
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Posted : Oct 2, 2008 07:44
Thanks for the National Geographic video. I met a guy EXACTLY like this, and I never understood why he was so rude... but now I do.
NuNu aSiS
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 3, 2008 22:03
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - What is an arsim??

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