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Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What if you only could listen to one sub genre in electronic music?
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What if you only could listen to one sub genre in electronic music?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 11:18:34
What if you only could choose one and only one
sub genre(like ambient,psytrance,goa,night psy,progressive trance etc) in electronic music that you could listen
to in the future(for the rest of your life)?

You cannot listen to other styles than this in electronic music under any circumstances,you can only listen to the one that you choose.

Which style would you choose?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 11:55
future sound of london + woob

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 20:01
I'd be happy with my JM Jarre collection (whatever genre that may be).

BTW, does this restriction apply to music of your own making too?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  63
Posts :  1477
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 20:24
what if you only could create one and only one topic from now on. would it be like this one?

i guess you like filling forms by ticking yes and no. for me that's too hard.          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 22:02

On 2010-09-18 20:01, Maine Coon wrote:
I'd be happy with my JM Jarre collection (whatever genre that may be).

BTW, does this restriction apply to music of your own making too?

hehe,yes,you cannot create other music then the sub genre that you choose
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  84
Posts :  2082
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 22:05

On 2010-09-18 20:24, Outolintu wrote:
what if you only could create one and only one topic from now on. would it be like this one?

It would probably be a bit different,perhaps something like this, "in this thread you can post all old and new information possible about electronic music"
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  301
Posts :  3605
Posted : Sep 18, 2010 22:33
42           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Cardinals Cartel
Black Machine

Started Topics :  191
Posts :  3097
Posted : Sep 19, 2010 02:14

What did you do if the doctors was cut one of your balls ? .

What all those topics ? You want play in imagination games of if this or that ? ,
We lucky that we living in an open world can hear everything we want , We are
not in russia at the 70's and the year is almost 2011 , Wake up ..

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  42
Posts :  1087
Posted : Sep 19, 2010 03:01
yea we lucky we livin in open world with people asking questions freely and open topics that they want...

chill and let it be.

          `Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules, which are repeated without end` Mandelbrot

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : Sep 19, 2010 11:39
IDM. Because it's not a limited genre and all sounds pretty diverse too.

Ha, I fooled ya!           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  779
Posted : Sep 19, 2010 20:41
Mesolimbic Trance... Impossible to boxed in with this type of awareness in electronic tunes...           

"If You Always Think What You've Always Thought, You Will Always Feel What You've Always Felt"

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Sep 19, 2010 21:28
I'd be 100% content with listening only Pink Floyd till I die           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What if you only could listen to one sub genre in electronic music?
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