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What has happened to GOA - The Big Picture

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2002 14:20
Some thoughts I would like to share with you here.

In the 90's there were several events that supported the GOA spirit and influenced it:
(1) Collapse of the communistic countries - end of the cold war.
(2) The Internet BOOM!
(3) Popularization of new drug - Ecstasy
(4) Economic blooming in the west.
(5) Signs of peace in the middle east.

All these events made us believe that we are in the beginning of a "Brave new world" with no borders, no hunger, no wars; a world with a true Unity between all people. GOA was one of the best ways to celebrate this new world. Look what have happened to the dreams of the 90's and understand what have happened to GOA.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2002 15:09
Goa trance started as a music for the counter-culture of the 80s. From the rigid and unpersonal decade, people learned that going back to the basics was it. It's not a brave new world - it's returning to the tribe. It was not a celebration of the new - it was a celebration of freedom. Personal freedom. And a helluvalot of psychedelic drugs. Goa music was about the people - not about countries. The scene was (and still is) above things like countries, politics, or things like that. goa trance was NOT brought on by extasy, that was House, goa trance was brought by a rediscovery of an old one - LSD. The internet didn't help the boom at all - as a matter of fact, before the invention of Napster, online CD shops and stuff like that, most labels didn't even have a website. The end of the cold war also didn't influence goa trance - the reunification of Germany was the only part of it that helped it. Only now Russia is becoming a real part of the scene. The signs of peace started way after the goa wave had already started in Israel.

The people who started that movement were a mishmash of hippies, backpackers and people just plain fed up with the "proper" way to live according to western culture in the 80s - that's why trance started off from places where the need for change was felt strongest - Israel, Germany, England, and Japan. Where the society is strong and feels like it might crush the people within them at times, all of them travelling to a wonderful, magical place at that time - Goa, India. Over there people started experimenting with the new sounds and ideas, with the hippy market in that place being the center of the movement - and in that place, on the beaches, in the forests, pumped full of acid, smoking a some charas, something new started to grow.

If you want to know what happened to goa music - well, when the hippy market was closed and the police started to go harder against the parties, they attacked the heart of the scene. Since 1995, the move from those beeches to big, well organized, commercial outdoor festivals, with a lot of "classic" rave culture starting to influence the scene, and by 2000, extasy had surpassed LSD as the #1 party drug. With the rise of Napster and the internet, suddenly a lot of people had access to the music, and it spread like wildfire. Suddenly, the backpackers who brought the music back home from goa weren't in the center of the scene anymore. DJs that never were at goa started to gain more and more popularity. TIP and Dragonfly, two of the leading labels in innovation that kept on bringing the music forward at exponential rates suddenly became bigger, and as such, suddenly looked at making the profit more than ever. That's what happened to goa. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2002 15:56
In your reply you described the process that had happened to the GOA leading forces (that are closer to you I guess.) However I wrote my opinion on the consumers of GOA:
Most of the participants in the GOA parties were never in GOA and never heard of the hippy market there. Even more get into this music with E and not with LSD. My point is that our party habits are influenced by what is happening around us. I find a connection between the situation in the world today and between the fact that the music is becoming darker (also the raising popularity of meth - a violent and aggressive drug, as a party-drug). If were an Occult student I would say that because the music is becoming darker then the world is as well.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2002 17:05
You're talking about the recent 5 years or so. Most of the 90s were before 1998. And even though most party goers weren't in Goa, any DJ/artist/organizer that respected himself up to 1995 at least had played/been at goa. The E surge happened in the late 90s, along with the movement of parties from nearly exclusivly outdoors to indoors. 
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 5, 2002 21:28
Goa Trance the style -=- is now sleepin, but u should seee this phenomenon.., all hav said goa's dead for the last 2-3 years maybe, but look now, itz comin back so fresh, the Prog' Goa check out the recent releases, in some of 'em u can understand what im talkin about, Tegma's last one for exmpl,.
Goa spiirit forever, all should respect goa, thtz the most emothional style i know bout trans,..
Goa hits rule !
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 5, 2002 23:43
Yeeeah lets not be so fatalistic... its just not as huge as it was, but its still going. Timeless music has no expiration date. And as I say everywhere these forlorn threads appear - if you dont like it DO SOMETHING =) The main resource for the goa scene is not money... its PEOPLE... maybe some of the party organizers should have recruitment drives! Or just do it yourself.. a lot is possible, just be up front and honest and spread the word and send out those good vibes to all!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 6, 2002 03:08
I just realized something...... New styles are going to emerge in Electronic music, and much like the hippies from the 60's im gonna be stuck in my mid-90's to 2001 trance.... oh my god, what is happening!           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 6, 2002 10:24

On 2002-12-05 15:56, LostBrainCell wrote:
My point is that our party habits are influenced by what is happening around us.

Don't forget that what is happening around us is also influenced by our party habits.
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Inactive User

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Posted : May 20, 2011 08:26

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Posted : May 20, 2011 11:07
What about the 80ies when Goa was still Goa?           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : May 20, 2011 13:45
I miss Kaz and Surrender           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 20, 2011 20:25
There's nothing quite like the youthful enthusiasm of a decade ago
Inactive User

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Posted : May 20, 2011 20:43
change stayen same , decay remainen constant ,
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 21, 2011 04:20
My last trip to Goa was 1998 or something like this. I cant comment on the parties, but the (cheese or keema)nan and prawn masala in the beach huts were better than ever. also I bought a very nice Goa cassette from the flee market and rocked on the beach in Anjuna a little. Sunsets legendary.

So I am sure Goa is stil nice
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Jun 7, 2011 18:38
I don t like Goa anymore,it s not the same place,everything changed,people,music,atmosphere...I m focused on one thing now-finding Shamballa.
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