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What do you do to get gigs and publicity?

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 02:04
I've always believed that you don't get gigs by turning gigs down. We're playing Universo Paralello for free, the org is just paying for our flights (probably about £3500 in total for all four of us so it's totally fair enough in our opinion; a European festival with smaller transport expenses can expect to pay just a little more than absolutely nothing ), so strictly speaking we'll be losing a fair bit of money on a 16-day stay in Brazil... and like you this is money that I really can't afford to spend right now... but fuck it, it'll be a dream come true and will lead to bigger and better things.
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Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 02:18
good luck colin
try to get any sort of payed sets anywhere around south america? if you are there im sure mexico is possible!
or think about making some kind of 'learning group' about live or music creation around the festival.. (they can probably help you with space and some p.a and screen etc.)

and make sure to have lots ov fun and some good vids!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 10:01
The topic is misguided.... The real question is " How to get publicity and blowjobs under the console"

ANS: Pop pills n play fullon!           "It's not the fall that kills you; it's the sudden stop at the end." - Douglas Adams
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 10:50

On 2009-09-28 23:07, TranceVisuals wrote:

I know what I do is f**king amazing, and pisses on the kiddies who have been doing for a year or two, mixing other people's footage and getting away with it.
I know that from the comments, and feedback I get, I don't have a self-confidence issue. Though thanks for asking, more a curiousity problem.
I have contacted all the major festivals, and larger parties that had the rep, and probably could maybe afford me, REPEATEDLY, over the years (I don't believe in spamming ppl) ever since Boom2000. Vcds/DVDs/HD Divx/emails/mailshots etc, and do you know in all that time apart from a constant "next year" from Mr A. about the Voov for four years. In 2007 the Vuuv got in contact about a month before hand and offered me 200 Euros to do a night of graphics on the mainstage, that was the costs/expenses included. I politely turned down that loss making venture, as was, as I am now without income (and in the UK).
So I must question what promoters, might say to artists, and publically but their actual intentions and actions in my experience are far and wide between.

P.s. I tried to talk to Robin (if you mean Triskele management), and she was a nice lass who wanted to charge me for the priveledge. I again had to turn down that wonderful offer.

Sorry if I came off rude in that post. I wasn't trying to be, just offer some helpful advice

A few people made good points about accepting bookings... even if it might be at a loss, for example to VJ at VooV is a good thing to have on your resume if you wanted to play at more parties.

The first few parties I played for no fee just so I could get to know people, and it was well worth it... we had a great time and I met some good friends from the deal who have helped me a lot later down the road.

As far as making a living through VJing year round... on one hand I'd say that most party-related jobs are highly seasonal which make the winter months lean at best. It's not that promoters in Europe don't have the money or would be willing to pay.

Here's an idea, if you don't like spam, have you tried using physical media? People reacy a lot differently to a physical something in their hand versus internet spam. Maybe a DVD, a business card, and a business profile sheet would be all you need.

Just something to consider.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 12:24
200 euro for a whole night of self made visuals is an offense. actually it is even an offence for a vj mix. i would prefer to either do it for free or just refuse:). but not sell myself too cheap. what do i have at the end - especially if i had a family :
the family never sees me at the end of the week, i have no money, i have no health because you are the only one to stay awake there all the time and we all know how this is done.
i mean seriously, every pathetic dj with absolutely no idea of music is getting more for two hours of doing the clown. the vjs are highly underestimated btw. very pity.

but there are only few good vjs. with a conceptual touch. the rest are better adviced to work for an agency of animations and 3d instead. much more better living, better health, more time to enjoy life.

vjs are not there to put fractals and turn the auto tuning with the music on. they are there for a totally different purpose. but anyway, they are too underestimated - even if you put all effort in doing publicity, it is the promoters of events themselves that just dont care about such things.

i have never done publicity - everyone who needs me, just finds me. and i am happy that few ppl find me. but they have all my support and vision at least.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 12:30
one thing for sure dont count on income from this as long you are in trance scene. there are enough good souls that will do it in loss prices , and the quality aint matter that much in those festivals they always book those who want to be more famous for free.
the only ones getting payed good is those who really allready have big name and attract thousands of people. i dont think your vj name attract 100 people for now , so you simply CANT ask for money. sorry. thats how it works in trance scene same with musicians. i dont even say its good/bad its just reality. once you make some parties and festivals and make extra cool work you start get your name and money will follow. its long hard journy and a kid sure aint help to make it.
you can guess if you get booked 2 times a year that its aint really commercial success right? after getting 40 bookings (there are planty of festivlas) then you know you can charge big time. specialy when double booking for same dates happen thats a good time to ask for more i reken. i wish festivals actualy make the THINKING that if they allready have the equipment why not to get the best people who can use it. but its also full of commercial fullon music , so i dont expect them to be artistic geniuses


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 15:00
thanks for all the replies.

What can you say, I guess I will just have to tell my son, "Sorry, no christmas present from your dad this year."
I hate to think what will happen when he gets old enough to understand what I am saying.

A scene in my head of his playground future.
"Your dad."
"He's a fucking failure."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 15:02

On 2009-09-29 15:00, TranceVisuals wrote:

A scene in my head of his playground future.
"Your dad."
"He's a fucking failure."

to avoid this situation, switch to some mainstream work!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 23:03

On 2009-09-29 15:00, TranceVisuals wrote:
What can you say, I guess I will just have to tell my son, "Sorry, no christmas present from your dad this year."
I hate to think what will happen when he gets old enough to understand what I am saying.

A scene in my head of his playground future.
"Your dad."
"He's a fucking failure."

Or, you know, maybe Daddy needs to get a real job and do visuals on the side for fun.

I think we'd all be chuffed to get paid to do art for a living. Still, having realistic expectations will help to avoid feelings of disappointment and failure.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 29, 2009 23:51
You could always make him something for Christmas.

You seem like a creative person, so I think you can think of something.

Just trying to help.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 11:07
make music but dont release it until u said "oh shit this sounds AWESOME" (i mean release as send it to too much friends, uploading it at myspace and all that kind of stuff, not to release it in a label) if u think u are not too good for producing u should make dj sets as i read before
i think ppl will talk about your music or your dj sets and said how good it is bringing you publicity, then u will get gigs

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Posted : Sep 30, 2009 12:32
It would be great if publicity was about quality of work.

Unfortunately this is only only true for the rare absolute geniouses or pioneers. Which is true for maybe a handful acts in psytrance.

For the rest it is all about connections, its all about knowing the right people and doing the best possible average .

Making a living with "music" is hard. With anything "music" and "psy" it's even harder and with anything "art" and "psy" it's close to impossible except if your organize events.

So better get a real job or be a genious

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Sep 30, 2009 12:46
Well, as I am a full-time father (my partner works to support the family), and the ONLY work I can get it seems is minimum wage shelf-stacking which won't cover child-care costs, amongst other things, kind of limits my options....

Phew..... thank the universe I am a genius then.

P.s. I tried for YEARS to get any CGI/computer, other work and failed miserably. No-one it seems will touch me with a frigging barge-pole. Bollox to this "opportunity society"
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Sep 30, 2009 13:34

On 2009-09-29 23:03, Basilisk wrote:
Or, you know, maybe Daddy needs to get a real job and do visuals on the side for fun.

I think we'd all be chuffed to get paid to do art for a living. Still, having realistic expectations will help to avoid feelings of disappointment and failure.


Started Topics :  37
Posts :  1033
Posted : Sep 30, 2009 14:59
Making money with visuals in psy... could be hard. But for sure at first work for free or little to get a name, use any opportunity. don't feel "too good" for anything, for that you are not in the position when you are at the beginning, no matter how good you actually are.

Real work: If you have good skills in ANYTHING you ALLWAYS find work in this world. Especially when it comes to any kind of digital skills. - - if you don't find work then you are simply worse then the rest and that means you have to work on yourself and get better than the rest.           Most of my music for you to download at:
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