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What do you do to get gigs and publicity?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 10:35

On 2009-09-28 09:08, TranceVisuals wrote:
I don't know, it has kind of reinforced how utterly pointless it is doing what I am, and for the amount of time and effort I have put into it, I am never even going to be able to even scrape a living from it.
Ahhh fuck it, it was a good dream whilst it lasted.

thanks for all your comments.

It seems to me that you are doing things right by having a Youtube channel and posting cool videos demonstrating your skills. I really liked the video you did for Cosmosis and cross-posted it on my site. Maybe you just need to give it more time and effort... although I caution anyone against deluding themselves that they can "make a living" in this counterculture.

Have you tried shipping a press kit around to local promoters? Or considered throwing events yourself? And here's a radical idea: partner with an audio producer and develop an act based on live multimedia collaboration.

Also, check this out... a short documentary about VJing in B.C.

I think you have to do these things for fun first and foremost... as something to do, a creative outlet. If it ever takes you anywhere, cool!

Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 12:46

On 2009-09-28 09:08, TranceVisuals wrote:
I don't know, it has kind of reinforced how utterly pointless it is doing what I am, and for the amount of time and effort I have put into it, I am never even going to be able to even scrape a living from it.
Ahhh fuck it, it was a good dream whilst it lasted.

thanks for all your comments.

Don't give up so easily! Here's something I'd suggest:

Throughout the fall/winter, browse through as many forums in the continent you want to go (for example, Europe) and see who's been throwing successful parties. Also look who is posting parties coming up next summer with lineups still TBA. Make a promo package of what you think is your best work, put it in a rar, and upload it somewhere handy so you can write people and drop the link to them in the e-mail. Also, while you're feeling creative on the computer, use your MSN or whatever to network with other people in the scene just to chat. Everyone's a human, and in my case everyone who I've messaged randomly like that has been open and friendly to that and I still chat a lot with most of them.

Then, next spring or summer, take a vacation! Buy yourself a plane ticket to where you want to go and let people know you're coming and where you'll be. Tickets are cheap nowadays. More often than not the people you talk to from the areas you're going will know where and when the parties will be, who's throwing them, or where you can crash for a couple of days. If you're already over there, promoters will be a lot more open to book you since they don't have to pay for an international ticket. In most places in the world in the summer season there's some kind of party happening somewhere just about every weekend. Work out your fees ahead of time and for your own security go for some kind of advance confirmation, like a contract, transport up front, percentage up front, or whatever based on your intuition and how serious/professional you want to be about it all.

That's what I did to start getting bookings in Europe and it's been kind of snowballing for me ever since. I have been making a lot of good friends and having a lot of great experiences so if you're willing to throw a little caution to the wind, you can make quite an adventure out of it and you'll learn a lot for your next time around.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 14:07
give up and go make visuals for minimal partys
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 14:56
TranceVisuals - wanna hear my opinion?
I think you should take contact with some "big" artists in your country and make a collaboration! you set up a live act with trance visuals!

maybe also you should get in contact with a club to begin with and try and get gigs there and maybe you can connect with more live acts and ya“ll make a nice trip with your visual skills and their sound skills, then make someone film at this club and later on use it for promotion to bigger events, outdoors for example...

Questions like if you have your own gear and such is also important i think... if you show you got the stuff more orgz will be interested..

Good luck, you can pull it off if you live out your vision and think that you can pull it off...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 16:39
offer to bring good green to a party in exchange for a booking  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 19:05
Thanks for people advice, ideas, comments etc...

I wish I could do what Axis Mundi suggests. Unfortunately being a full-time father makes it, a lot more of logistical nightmare, than being care-free and fancy so to speak. Apart from the fact I can't at the moment even afford a christmas present for the missus or kids yet, as I have earnt a grand total of £0 this year, buying a ticket to foreign destinations, let alone getting the £80+ for a new passport is a bit beyond my own means.
Although I do intend to put a package together and try my luck with the festival circuit after ten years of trying to play aboard, I feel less than confident. Especially as I have no other income, I can't do this as a holiday, or really even afford to do it as a hobby.

As for working with other people, well I am doing that, with collaborations with SUN Project, Dubmission Recs (PitchBlack, International Observer), maybe Liquid recs, OTT's been in contact about maybe visualising his music (though I think that is a fat chance in hell, tbh), some stuff for Ex-Hawkwind members, as well as doing videos for a host of other people for mutual publicity reasons.
But unfortunately it seems at all levels, or at least what I am getting told, there isn't any money in it, at least in video production side. And unfortunately with the emphasis on gigging for income, many of them are very reluctant about sharing the pot with another person, which is understandable. And nearly without exception tbh none of them are interested really, which sucks.
It also seems that I won't make it piggy backing on the coat tails of another person, and tbh I wouldn't want to, though it would be a damn site easier.
Its all basically fubar.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 19:22
Well sounds like you need to get your self a job man!
and man who are you working with that dont want to pay you? i really think its very rare with people that can do good trance visuals!
maybe you are too wimpy! i mean when its concerning money and things like this you need to get your arm bows up! sad but true... thats why money sux...

So you mean that these dudes dont pay you anything for you to do visuals for their music? sounds very strange to me..

I would pay for someone to do a nice fractal music video, maybe you should start offering your service to more artists, on a lower level and dont take too much money for it, and of course dont spend too much time on it either, but if you are good it will be great anyway...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 19:50
Psy Trance 2008 Psychedelic Visuals - Atom Grinder psytrance

Nice one, i like the track and the visuals
if i ever hired you i would go for a more abstract video with not so many physical recognition, like no UFO“s and floating body“s or other stuff like that.. i would like pure fractal movement and some cool FX on that..

I think it gets a little too cheesy otherwise..
but thats just a matter of taste


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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 20:20
I prefer the abstract, particularly when in a psychedelic state of mind, as I don't like to be told what to see/think. I much prefer the reflecting pool of the mind, i.e. you are meant to see what you "think" you see, the art you make, awakening the creator within.
However most ppl from feedback don't get that, and want to see recognisable imagery. Infact it is scary the number of people who want to be told what to think at psychedelic parties. Also most people are on ampetamine derivatives/analogies, than psychedelics/entheogens, and that changes a lot what people like seeing as well.

That video has been seen by 250,000+ people (1/3+ million views) but it hasn't made a single difference to me. lol

P.s. thanks for all the nice comments. I find the situation puzzling, particularly as no-one will touch me with a barge-pole for "ordinary work" either.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 21:32
my reply here will teach you some basic skills..well if it works for toe licking then it could work for djs and artists..i am already in demand.
i can give you lessons in Drenched Drowsy Donkeyshit...for now its free but later it gets better and then you decide but then there will be small charge to take care of some basic necessities like caviar

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 22:28

Xamanist - Initiation:

20,000 downloads. 3 CD sales.

The real pathway to success is simply to be really, really awesome.
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  1848
Posted : Sep 28, 2009 22:52

Recently I met a VJ from New Zealand. He was traveling the world playing parties. You said you might work with Liquid... do you know Robin? Talk to her. I bet she can give you some good advice/leads.

I agree with Freeflow, in that promoters all about Europe would be willing to pay for good visuals. But it starts with self-confidence.

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Sep 28, 2009 23:07

I know what I do is f**king amazing, and pisses on the kiddies who have been doing for a year or two, mixing other people's footage and getting away with it.
I know that from the comments, and feedback I get, I don't have a self-confidence issue. Though thanks for asking, more a curiousity problem.
I have contacted all the major festivals, and larger parties that had the rep, and probably could maybe afford me, REPEATEDLY, over the years (I don't believe in spamming ppl) ever since Boom2000. Vcds/DVDs/HD Divx/emails/mailshots etc, and do you know in all that time apart from a constant "next year" from Mr A. about the Voov for four years. In 2007 the Vuuv got in contact about a month before hand and offered me 200 Euros to do a night of graphics on the mainstage, that was the costs/expenses included. I politely turned down that loss making venture, as was, as I am now without income (and in the UK).
So I must question what promoters, might say to artists, and publically but their actual intentions and actions in my experience are far and wide between.

P.s. I tried to talk to Robin (if you mean Triskele management), and she was a nice lass who wanted to charge me for the priveledge. I again had to turn down that wonderful offer.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 00:10
How about targeting some bigger non psytrance events? Surely psytrance is your favourite, but I am sure there is more money to be made in nonpsytrance festivals. At least here in europe.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Sep 29, 2009 00:57

On 2009-09-28 23:07, TranceVisuals wrote:

I know what I do is f**king amazing, and pisses on the kiddies who have been doing for a year or two, mixing other people's footage and getting away with it.
I know that from the comments, and feedback I get, I don't have a self-confidence issue. Though thanks for asking, more a curiousity problem.
I have contacted all the major festivals, and larger parties that had the rep, and probably could maybe afford me, REPEATEDLY, over the years (I don't believe in spamming ppl) ever since Boom2000. Vcds/DVDs/HD Divx/emails/mailshots etc, and do you know in all that time apart from a constant "next year" from Mr A. about the Voov for four years. In 2007 the Vuuv got in contact about a month before hand and offered me 200 Euros to do a night of graphics on the mainstage, that was the costs/expenses included. I politely turned down that loss making venture, as was, as I am now without income (and in the UK).
So I must question what promoters, might say to artists, and publically but their actual intentions and actions in my experience are far and wide between.

P.s. I tried to talk to Robin (if you mean Triskele management), and she was a nice lass who wanted to charge me for the priveledge. I again had to turn down that wonderful offer.

Well if you turn down offers even if you might lose in the beginning will lead you no where.. sad but true..
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