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What do you do to get gigs and publicity?


Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 14:02:41
Its a bit of a puzzle for (as I am VJ rather than DJ) but I was curious to know how you get your gigs, and maybe go about raising your profile?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 14:26
keep ringing clubs or orgs....until they offer u a gig           Studies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion.
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 14:29
blowjob Detox and youre in
Solid Snake

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Posts :  4138
Posted : Sep 25, 2009 15:25
Start out by doing good music and/or play good music, it also helps if you know what you're doing! The rest will follow, and never ever ever ever ever post 'VOTE FOR ME top100' spams, it lowers you to the level of other artists and dj's that I will not mention to keep it clean

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 15:25
Great Topic! I am very interested in that subject myself!

I would love to do what Juice is doing but I hate doing it. In my imaginary idial world, if someone loves my music, he will book me ...

Is that happenning in the real world?

I occassionaly send my last DJ sets to some promoters and producers... hoping that will do 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 15:38
know the stuff you get into i.e. VJ/DJ whatever!

          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 15:42
create a mystery around yourself           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 15:48

On 2009-09-25 15:42, Xolvexs wrote:
create a mystery around yourself

Start out by doing good music and/or play good music, it also helps if you know what you're doing!

yes , +1000 , but the thing is that even if you make good music, you dont have publicity.

most of the organizers rely on publicity, they need to fill the club

for example i loved the Solid Snake album, and mostly because of the dub/tribal approach (one more bravo for the overall work), but i really doubt that ill see you live playing that in a club in Athens for example.. even if Athens is a big city.. organizers care much for not loosing money, and "illiterate" crowd will not come, maybe few out of curiosity, fewer that will know the music and the act,, no candy/lollipop "fullon" kids for sure (means much less money cause they are plenty) etc, you can understand what im talking about

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 15:58

On 2009-09-25 15:48, gutter wrote:

On 2009-09-25 15:42, Xolvexs wrote:
create a mystery around yourself

has anyone seen Highnina           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 16:09
Be a suck up, or work with Psytropic Rec.!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 17:15
3 basic things:

written with priority:

1- Connections. (((best method)))
2- Producing Music.
3- Promoting your self

1- Connections:

The more you are connected to organizers the more you have gigs. I see lots of unknown dj’s playing at big festivals coz the organizers and promoters of those events are their friends.
So, start making connections. then simply ask them to let you play.
talk personally to them , it works as charm!

2- Start making music:

but if you don’t have those skills then its enough to make dj sets. But after doing that -> jump to section 3.

3- Do lots of high quality promotion:

Don’t spam people on myspace as most artists do coz its annoying. I delete immediately those advertisement comments.
Instead , post in highly rated forums that are visited by organizers and promoters , pay for promotions on relevant magazines (psy magaizines or club , depends on your style). Music radio shows , banners in high quality sites.
When your name becomes spoken and mentioned everywhere everytime for good or bad then you become a famous so you worth to be booked , coz you will bring a lot of people for any party = then you worth money!

((try to find some gimmicks -its as the best "natural" promotion method))
((and always rememeber - there is no such a thing bad promotion coz once you are mentioned then people know you))

Skazi did it big time => Smart guy.

Good luck!

          Break The Matrix!

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Sep 25, 2009 17:32

On 2009-09-25 14:26, juice wrote:
keep ringing clubs or orgs....until they offer u a gig

Hassling people seems counter-intuitive. Besides which is not necessarily just getting the gigs (I can play pretty much anywhere in the world, if I want the normal "shanti shanti bollox".) It about getting treated as a respected artist. Being in demand not demanding.


blowjob Detox and youre in

So you're the forum gimp I take it.
But seriously, sex or rather sexual fantasy can take you places in this scene. At the start in the UK there used to be a stron non-gender orientated vibe, which unfortunately has been lost. I suspect as "sex sells". Unfortunately for my business prospects I am happily raising a family.


know the stuff you get into i.e. VJ/DJ whatever!

Ten years full-time professional, most parties and festivals in the UK. All my own original graphics, mixed live properly, not just a bloke with a V4 and laptop. Just over 640,000+ views on youtube of my videos. 5 of the top 20 watched HD psytrance videos on youtube (inc no. 1+2). I think you could say I know my stuff.


create a mystery around yourself

Interesting, didn't work for me. Much rather make friends than fans. But I can see how it could as "marketing" for a DJ.

I've also been working my arse off for free (cause there seems to be no money for what I do) for various artists and projects, to try and get more publicity/exposure. I have videos for SUN Project, PitchBlack, International Observer coming out. As well as doing favours for acts I haven't heard or know, but seem liked nice people when they asked me if i make one for; Visua, Zymosis, Kiriyama, Tikki Massala, and Harvey Bainbridge (ex-hawkwind) amongst others. Which I will upload for free in HD on youtube over the coming months.

I don't know, I just got a nice rejection message from the party I most wanted to play at in the UK, as they don't do visuals ever. *sighs*
It just seems like I have kind of made it as a "VJ" on some levels, and just can't seemingly make it to the next. Perhaps I need to be more patient, it is just tiring constantly throwing oneself "out there" to get great feedback, like wow your graphics are amazing, you are really good at what you do, but no we don't want to pay you, as we got this friend who can show clips from films, and mostly likely the audience wouldn't even know.

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Sep 25, 2009 17:33
P.s. As for paid publicity, which I have done, taken adverts out in Mushroom Magazine and Revolve, amongst others.
And it had NO effect whatsoever. Complete waste of money, which had I known now I would of spent on a party for my mates.

P.p.s. Apart from pieforum and here, what other popular psytrance forum are there, please?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 17:51

On 2009-09-25 17:33, TranceVisuals wrote:
P.s. As for paid publicity, which I have done, taken adverts out in Mushroom Magazine and Revolve, amongst others.
And it had NO effect whatsoever. Complete waste of money, which had I known now I would of spent on a party for my mates.

P.p.s. Apart from pieforum and here, what other popular psytrance forum are there, please?

Well , I didn’t say that magazines are the best way for promotion , but if your name appears at every corner in correct way then its good.
Including those magazines. But still its doesn’t guarantee that you will be booked coz there are except of you tens of artists that make the same thing…then what determines if you will be booked or not , is your reputation , that you build over the years.

But yes, internet can be considered as number 1 for promotion , but this should be used wisely. In order to avoid the worst tag: Spam!

I will upload for you around 30 forums folder now, their you can post links,info,bannsers…

here you go:

and other part:

good luck

          Break The Matrix!
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
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Posted : Sep 25, 2009 18:03
start a myspace and a facebook page with a highly illustrative description of yourself in the 'about me' section.. and add random psy party people and orgs.. then spam them with hundreds and thousands of messages and mails till they finally get you a gig to play!

          Nothing is said that has not been said before.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - What do you do to get gigs and publicity?

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