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What do u guys Think About Dark-Trance?


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Posted : Jul 18, 2006 22:59
hahahahah what a fucking crap is going here, man we don't have to dicuss this shit, you know everyone got his own taste of music, his own perception of music so .. really is pathetic to discuss this issue hahahah we are not talking about "fashion" as some stupid posted (fucking jerk), you know this music is beyond that, it has been kept in the underground cause its meant to be there!! is no 4 fashion, no for trends, no 4 posers, really all of you are just focusing in what is called "dark Trance" really is wider than that so our opions about are not very important... my advice is just: Enjoy what you hear, you feel, and be coherent with yourself if you like FULL ON, get the fuck out of the dark tance scene !!

sex, drugs & gore 666
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 18, 2006 23:58

On 2006-07-18 22:59, necrodekapitator wrote:
hahahahah what a fucking crap is going here, man we don't have to dicuss this shit, you know everyone got his own taste of music, his own perception of music so .. really is pathetic to discuss this issue hahahah we are not talking about "fashion" as some stupid posted (fucking jerk), you know this music is beyond that, it has been kept in the underground cause its meant to be there!! is no 4 fashion, no for trends, no 4 posers, really all of you are just focusing in what is called "dark Trance" really is wider than that so our opions about are not very important... my advice is just: Enjoy what you hear, you feel, and be coherent with yourself if you like FULL ON, get the fuck out of the dark tance scene !!

sex, drugs & gore 666

Man!!! you say it all!!! Fuck yeah!!!!! I dont even like the name dark trance!!!! is trance just that, Fuck it if u like it good for you if u dont please step a side and dont bitch about it less winning and more dancing

Peace!!           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2006 05:47
nekrodekapitator "s no 4 fashion, no for trends, no 4 posers" you sound like a metalhead trapped in trance or viceversa" , i agree that there´s no reason to discuss, but forever underground and poser?? i think those terms are not for trance or at least it was not created under that thoughts, you sound so metal.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 19, 2006 06:57

On 2006-07-19 05:47, Brain Hacked wrote:
nekrodekapitator "s no 4 fashion, no for trends, no 4 posers" you sound like a metalhead trapped in trance or viceversa" , i agree that there´s no reason to discuss, but forever underground and poser?? i think those terms are not for trance or at least it was not created under that thoughts, you sound so metal.

sound so metal hehe Killa!! cesar           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  442
Posted : Jul 19, 2006 22:58
hello janue!!!! i dont mean to bother or argue but i ran away from metal (listened for 10 years) because of negative and mind blocked attitudes, and i kinda find some of those attitudes in some people that listen to "dark trance" and man!! what a nightmare...


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Posts :  98
Posted : Jul 20, 2006 01:10
I dont think its a matter of sayig if its good or bad, good music is always recognized no mater the genre.
And if itexists it cause there´s ppl who like it.
After all who are we to judge?
Let´s just enjoy and open our minds, cause after all the point of having psy trance in our lifes (no matter what kind) is to make life easier and more enjoyable!
So let the dark force and the light force be with us!
And njoy life
Brain Hacked
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  111
Posts :  442
Posted : Jul 20, 2006 01:47
I think the thread should be closed, mita_sabina said the exact speech, dark, full on,hi tech...all the sub genres belong to the same main style.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 20, 2006 07:16
well i think the genre without doubt has brought some freshness to psy.. and mostly i love it. but as more people has jumped into the dark wagon, sometimes i think the music on some cases has become standard, soulless, the same as in most fullon.... nows dark fullon. still there are great artists in this genre like scorb!! who rules!!! and of course artifakt and labels like timecode and nexus media, also parvati, keeps delivering! i kinda agree that all belong to the same main style,, but i listen to gms and then to some scorb and i just cant relate them (at least in what it makes me feel). 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 21, 2006 06:31

On 2006-07-20 07:16, piXan wrote:
still there are great artists in this genre like scorb!! who rules!!! and of course artifakt and labels like timecode and nexus media, also parvati, keeps delivering! i kinda agree that all belong to the same main style,, but i listen to gms and then to some scorb and i just cant relate them (at least in what it makes me feel).

I completely agree masta, i believe that dark-psy, or most of it stays true to the PSYchedelic nature of PSY-trance...
But there is some kinda music that aint full-on, aint dark, but still pretty psychedelic and pumping, like Psyboriginal, or Psywalker, who btw just kicked asss this sunday , and this music at least 4 me, brings me if not the same feeling as i get while listening to some killer dark-psy, it still gets pretty close!!!           Memento Mori

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Posts :  783
Posted : Aug 25, 2006 01:13

On 2006-05-13 22:02, DAHAKA wrote:
Well I met the trance only for the Dark Trance Its my favorite sub genere (well I dont know much about but I really like it)If anyone knows the history of the dark trance please tell me (sorry for the bad english) peace and compression for all!!!!!!!!

I was reading this complete topic after having thoughts about this subject earlier today.
The above question is rather hard to answer and might even have several. Im gonna try to explain my perspective on the case.

When i first had contact with psychedelic trance music, it was around '97, it wasnt really my taste. As many others here i was more into rock kindda music.
Eventually sometime around the summer of '98 i heard a Xenomorph track and some Lotus Omega and Parasense, that gave me a new perspective on this phenomena. Dark trance seems to origin from northern regions, with names as Orichalcum, Alienated and the old sounds of Hux Flux, Logic Bomb. A compilation from spirit zone named Tales from the forest explains the phenomena quite nice.
(Today this branch is kept alive by artists such as Derango, Hokus Pokus, Ka-Sol, Traskel and Jahbo, KDD among others.)
At this point a much more experimental period begun. In 2000 things stretched abit for me, in my town a label called Creamcrop records started promoting a new vibe, more clinical, more minimal, yet dark and psychedelic. This music was projects such as Paps, Tripiatrik, Yumade, Magus. (Paps was the maker of one absoulutely mighty dark track called "Vibes from the other side") This music was less aggresive and the label evntually turned "lighter".
Ohh well its a many sided story but at this point progressive started to fill the floors and the trance got much more commercial and as mindless full-on outdated the intelligent traces of the "goa-generation". Evolution took the scene to this cross road... Many psychedelic trance producers are today commercial sell-out's the scene invites to this. The music is less psychedelic than ever, just up-tempo euro trance and mtv rmx shizzle. Of this mess rises the new dark scene with pictures of evil stuff and names that makes your skin creep. Cannibal Syndrome, DevilsMind, Golden Dawn, Nabi are labels that represent this new horror vibe. Some tracks have very provoking voice samples and for me its sometimes too much.
As mentioned there is lots of skilled people that have made dark trance for many years and still do. Also from the town i come from (paradox) is Parvati records. This might be the first label to stick to the non-fluffy sound alone. This is not screechy horror music, more like serious psychedelic. I look for the intelligent psychedelic music aswell, thats what we all should.
"Once the stuff we liked was called "full-on", then "full-on" turned into something new, and then what we liked about it turned to become "dark-psy"
-or lets just say we're in the category. I really hope that the future will bring us more true psychedelic nighttime, daytime and morning music. And i hope to hear less mtv (wanna)be popstar shizzle on the scene...

Please, i know this is a single sided perspective, yet its mine ... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  77
Posted : Aug 26, 2006 16:56
WELL i just wanna say , i find the madness in the dark side, i think is the door for extremely experience because dark trance go beyond of everything . its deep. at least for me
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 26, 2006 21:18
the shamans trip at night.

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Posted : Aug 26, 2006 22:50
hehe funy topic the name perfect is

round 1

the dark trance is necesary in the partyes i think but we need find a dark trance with more idea n quality production no only noise.


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  78
Posted : Sep 6, 2006 23:02
dark rocks when the day is dark (nighttime ).
morning rocks in the morning!
yall know that
makes for a great journey!

people that dont like dark are just pussies hehehe


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  70
Posted : Sep 7, 2006 07:03
the dark trance is good


the morning trance is good
the elctro is good
the progressive is good
and more styles....

but the comercial music is boring

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