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What can we do?????

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Dec 5, 2006 21:21
Hey guys... i´ve been thinking 4 a long time now, what the hell can we do 2 get our scene back... i am f*****g tired of smelling inhalants instead of insciense, u guys remember those great partys? were it was an actual magic environment? where we didnt have 2 worrry because we might get robbed, or because our cars might get f****d... those good old days where the line up promissed was the line up given... We have created a monster and i say we cuz even when things began to come down we still supported this fake producers, which their only purpose was to get money out of us, we hated it when it happened, but still a lot of us were attending this events, and i am ashamed of myself cuz of this, cuz i knew, i was aware of this but i didnt care, all i wanted was 2 party, and now i feel f*****g emarrased about it, and i cant help it i do feel responsable in a way, and i think that if the scene has come to what it is now its cuz of us, cuz we were not taking care of it... i would like 2 know what u guys think about it, and i would like 2 hear (in this case read) what possible solutions we have 2 this problem, cuz lets face it we can do it, we jus need to stick all 2gether, the true family, the true tribe, and we can work it out... For an instance i think that we should get back 2 the underground and i am not talking about the music, although it could help a lot of course... By underground i mean the sole purpouse of the party, we should not think about getting money out of it, cuz when we get all greedy its when things stop working, so by this i believe that line ups should be smaller, with less international f*****g rockstars live acts, and more artists that do this cuz they love music, and cuz they love the scene and cuz they love the concept of trance dance xperience... This means less money so the intention of the party wont be to gain lots and tons of money, but giving a hell of a party, as it should be, and 4 sure you´ll get back what you have inverted, so you can do another party again, and please i am not saying that winning money its a sin, the thing its when the whole purpouse of the party its 2 get money out of it, its like prostitution, you understand what i am trying 2 say? This is my humble opinion, and i would really like to know what u guys think, so thanx 4 taking the time and read this bros... take care... Ciao.           Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Dec 5, 2006 22:16
hell of a rush, i would say.
It brings me a lot of angry and disapointing just remembering how bad is the scenne this days.
If i could do something would be :

1. personal invitations by internet
2. 1 international serious act for all the party (like Gil's)
3. more national acts but not more than 2 acts per party
4. 1500 persons partys max.
5. NO SECURITY (no bad vibes)
6. 1 acid per person max. plus some joints

this are my 2 cents.

Started Topics :  106
Posts :  269
Posted : Dec 6, 2006 02:11
man its almost impossible,

how can we end corruption?

how can avoid all the "activo people" ( pvc etc..)

and all the things that you said

its not only in the raves of psy its in all the country! the problem is our contry how can we change it?

hold a second not our country:

like molotovs song

"porque fuimos potencia mundial somos pobres.... NOS MANEJAN MAL"

maybe its that all about that!

my .00000000001 cents

          Searching for new Sounds
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Dec 6, 2006 05:16

On 2006-12-06 02:11, HaKa wrote:
man its almost impossible,

how can we end corruption?

how can avoid all the "activo people" ( pvc etc..)

and all the things that you said

its not only in the raves of psy its in all the country! the problem is our contry how can we change it?

hold a second not our country:

like molotovs song

"porque fuimos potencia mundial somos pobres.... NOS MANEJAN MAL"

maybe its that all about that!

my .00000000001 cents

Indeed .00000000001 cents...

We can stop it man, we can do something but with conformism we wont get anywhere... Less wit that attitude bro... We have to think positive and yer attitude will never help... We cant look at it as if we were already defeated, i wont, and hopefully more people wont, i hope u think again b4 you post man, cuz we CAN do it, just a matter of will
          Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Dec 6, 2006 06:31

On 2006-12-06 05:16, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:

On 2006-12-06 02:11, HaKa wrote:
man its almost impossible,

how can we end corruption?

how can avoid all the "activo people" ( pvc etc..)

and all the things that you said

its not only in the raves of psy its in all the country! the problem is our contry how can we change it?

hold a second not our country:

like molotovs song

"porque fuimos potencia mundial somos pobres.... NOS MANEJAN MAL"

maybe its that all about that!

my .00000000001 cents

Indeed .00000000001 cents...

hahahaha! ............but true.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  570
Posted : Dec 8, 2006 03:49
Maybe the first thing we should do is take it easy, and let it go....
I mean... we cant change the scene in an internet forum.... the very first reason is that people wasting the scene doesnt give a damn about it, and i doubt they are in isratrance.

But i agree with MEZCA.. comformism doesnt help, it just makes worst the situation.

So imho i think he is right in some points:

we should be more selective in our parties.
in wot we buy.
but must important is to teach people wot is this music about, give ignorants reasons to love this music instead of just "partieeeeee!".

This maybe wouldnt finish the crap scene, i think its more possible that the scene would be divided but at least we can diference well the garbage!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  725
Posted : Dec 8, 2006 08:48
I think that to change things for the better the doors are always open.

But we have to empower ourselves by knowing WE ARE the scene and WE ARE the change needed. So lets take the step to empower ourselves and be strong, because the good energy has to cut accross all the crap and bullshit which comes disguised in many ways.

Yeah we created a monster, but the good energy that comes from a bold humble heart and a naked free soul is a powerful magic that can transform anything for the good.

We all have it.

But we have to believe in ourselves so that we start giving importance to the voice of our soul which is always riching to the top and is trying to take us to where we were born free. So lets walk with it, yeah take an adventure and follow it, hey let it be your vehicle and driving force.

And yes the problem in Mexico goes beyond just the psy scene, actually most likely its Mexico's bigger problems that are reflected in our psy scene. But as big as these problems may be, we can not be drowned by them, yeah amigos, NOT when we are willing to change things and ready to turn things around for the better.

Hey people, I will be damned if I don't take a stand !!!! We all have to put our grain of sand, because that is the change and it can spread and is contagious, just like negativity. SO lets change for the good and spread positivity through conscious action.

The change will come as we step to transform the scene by looking through our heart and soul, from that angle, and as soon as we do that the change has already begun and the magic has started to flow.

The parties do not have to be big, or have hot names because that does not mean anything. What matters is that we choose the real shit. The real shit. Whatever is the real shit to you, chooosse that. But don't be fooled by the hype, or the trends, or the fluff. Because you know that aint it.

Choose what moves you with love into your highest most liberated, most pure and greatest feelings. See from there, open your 3rd eye shaman.

And FEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL your way through. Feeling is such a direct connection, you know before you even think. So turn on your antenas and connect from within, and squeeze a little ol looovvveee too.

Lets build the scene from there.

REAL & GENUINE: I think that is what we are all trying to say here. And I am with you.

Couldn't agree more !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully more people will start appreciating that.

Surf the vibe with heart and soul

Chiiiiddoo aamiiigos,

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  570
Posted : Dec 15, 2006 05:15
Nice message compa aluxe.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - What can we do?????
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