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was the psytrance scene affected by the global economic crisis

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 18:15

On 2010-02-16 11:11, Dogon wrote:

On 2010-02-16 10:41, Xolvexs wrote:
yes it is getting post bail for hippies..riddiculous

+ INR3500 entry charges for GMS gig!!!


thats even more then for a gig of Kindzadza and Texas Faggot we have this weekend in Belgium!
i dont think the global crisis affects this scene, since most of those party people did not had a job anyway. the sales of music went down since some years, the festivals just look last year having much more people then even before,           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 18:22
Yes it's been affected (obviously it affects every scene in some way). This doesn't mean that less people have been coming to parties though, there's been growth in attendance where I'm from, but I still know some people who can't afford to make it to parties due to not having a job.  - Midwest based psytrance group
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 18:47

On 2010-02-18 16:09, dave arc-i wrote:
I find it an entertaining sociological example of how (in the UK) class affects the sort of disco music you are into

Oh, put a donk on it!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 19:21

On 2010-02-17 10:04, Xolvexs wrote:

On 2010-02-17 09:12, Beat Agency wrote:
Its a huge delusion that there ever was any Hippies in the psytrance scene. At best it's pseudo hippies with gadgets robbing pseudo hippies with gadgets

I see no stagnation when it comes to parties and festivals and releases caused by the crisis.

not true..psytrance has big hippie influence. psytrance or goa trance started only because the hippies came to goa in mid-late 60's. there is a big influence of the hippies in the scene

You need to learn a bit more about the history of this scene. Trance which became psytrance and Goatrance did not originate from the hippies in Goa but from especially Germany and from Beligian electronic scene.
And dave arc-i also explain things quite well. 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2010 20:50
i am not doubting the fact that european electronic musics influence on the scene nor am i saying that it originated with the hippies..all i am saying is that there is a big influence of the hippies and that is an undeniable fact...psytrance or goatrance is not like other electronic genres which typically cater to the urban pop youth...though it is now begining to do so but traditionally it was defined by experimentation of all things including sound. Goa was rediscovered by Hippies and even in the 70's they used to have beach parties there-in-fact back then India used to be a much more open society and liberal-the music well may have been stuff from Grateful Dead and other experimental psychedelic stuff...           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 19, 2010 03:51
Ummm Xolvexs... i happen to know a few elderly people who were heavily involved in the 60's & 70's hippy movement, and spent time during that period in Goa.

They think the psytrance and *ahem* "Goa" trance scene is a load of shite when asked if their "hippy" culture was a major influence.

Sure they say they brought western music to India in the form of acid rock but when electronic music hit the area the hippies had moved, and their culture was dying down.

The only true hippy link that they told me is that Goa Gil plays the music and that's it.

They see the goa and psy scene through the 90's until now mostly as middle class western kids looking for an excuse to lead a hedonistic lifestyle, and from what I've seen in Europe, India, Asia & Australia they're not far off the mark and this is why i stopped going to gigs coz it's just shite!

As for the econimic decline affecting the scene, well for me yes i could purchase only a few cd's during 2009 per motnh compared tomy usual 8-10, so I was much more selective

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