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Was 2009 a bad year for psy????

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 10:52:24
What do guys (and gals) feel?

I read some negative comments on 2009 but i dont subscribe to them...lots of amazing stuff came out this last year!!!  

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 11:01
Are you talking about the drugs, the scene, the culture, the slice of electronic music that has appropriate the term inappropriately or something else?

Since I realised discovered that "psytrance" is a couple of dimensions away from the psychedelic one, I have been engaged on a fascinating voyage back to the mystical and wonderful.
It has been good watching the land of psytrance sink beneath the waves, and face out to new uncharted horizons and lands. 

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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 11:18
I was more referring to the music, and yes i agree with your view of misappropriation though i have it in a different way...psy-trance is nowadays an established genre of music!!!  
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 11:44
yes/no           ...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 11:49

On 2010-01-29 11:44, a3k wrote:

Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 12:25
I had no issues with it. Lots of good prog, dark & chill.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
punk tantrik

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 13:16
great year ...awesome tunes coming along for the listeners ...

Though I cud`nt b to any festival (outdoor) barring few parties in GOA/Delhi/Mumbai !!

hoping to catch all the fests in 2010


pls screw the drugs !! its killing the scene like parasite ..          Ppl with gUns don`t understand!!!

thats baSically the reason why they keep gUns..............too many misunderstandings:)
Martian Arts

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 13:23
The prog guys are the ones who impressed me the most. Good mix of psy-prog-techno and they are really developing the sound to something new. The down side is that there are not enough prog tunes that at a faster tempo (like 140).

There have been shed loads of shite full on, I am indifferent to the dark scene as I don't like the music, so I can't comment if its going towards a better direction, I dislike it as much as I did before.

But we had some great albums, The Antidote, The Delta, OOOD, that kept the flame burning for me.

The drugs are definitely not as good as they used to, but they are dirt cheap these days  
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 13:32

The drugs are definitely not as good as they used to, but they are dirt cheap these days

which part of the world are you in dude...where i am they have become super expensive

what was bad...still not enough chicks at parties and all those that are there come with their bfs.
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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 13:55

On 2010-01-29 13:23, disco hooligans wrote:
The prog guys are the ones who impressed me the most. Good mix of psy-prog-techno and they are really developing the sound to something new. The down side is that there are not enough prog tunes that at a faster tempo (like 140).

There have been shed loads of shite full on, I am indifferent to the dark scene as I don't like the music, so I can't comment if its going towards a better direction, I dislike it as much as I did before.

But we had some great albums, The Antidote, The Delta, OOOD, that kept the flame burning for me.

The drugs are definitely not as good as they used to, but they are dirt cheap these days

After I read the post I start thinking that maybe, just maybe, this world still has hope.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 14:34

On 2010-01-29 13:23, disco hooligans wrote:
The prog guys are the ones who impressed me the most. Good mix of psy-prog-techno and they are really developing the sound to something new.

Something new, you mean tech-house?

Nah, that's just being cynical. But the prog-psy has left the psytrance roots a long time ago and that's a good thing. Techno influences are a lot better than cheesier stuff of a few years ago. Personally, I think that prog music and techtrance are moving a lot closer to one another, and that's a great thing. Dig, drone, dig, drone, repeat as necessary... awesome. Tech trance was always a favorite of mine, and Extrawelt have paved the way for the introduction of harder grooves and deeper music into the mainstream of our prog scene, as well as the introduction of a more melodic view into tech-trance.

And here in lies the hope for something totally fresh and awesome. 

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 14:55

On 2010-01-29 14:34, Kaz wrote:

On 2010-01-29 13:23, disco hooligans wrote:
The prog guys are the ones who impressed me the most. Good mix of psy-prog-techno and they are really developing the sound to something new.

Something new, you mean tech-house?


you cannot avoid the unavoidable
"minimal" is over, techno and tech/house "is the way of the future"
accept it or expect oblivion.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 15:29
What happened to "Less is More"???

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 15:47

On 2010-01-29 15:29, Ellon wrote:
What happened to "Less is More"???

still works, you just dont call it minimal anymore
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 29, 2010 16:08
in 2009 for me best things trance guys have done is techno ,haven t listened many releases though ...this year was more around 128 bpm for me . i m fucking biased ,psy sound like it got stuck in time
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