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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Volunteers For Party Reviews Needed
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Volunteers For Party Reviews Needed


Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Oct 13, 2007 03:18
Hi people, I was recently thinking that we could use more user reviews of parties, if done properly and constructively we could greatly improve the quality of parties and the scene so I thought in some suggestions for those who are interested.

Try to be objective and honest, speak with respect and in a civilized way of what you liked about the party, speak of what you didn't like and why and how do you think it could be improved, speak also about what you thought was a success in the party, and what you felt it was missing, it'd be nice to have detailed reviews covering everything like:

sound system
party place
trash containers or lack off
party organization or lack off
decoration or lack off
bathrooms quality or lack off
food quality or lack off
security personnel attitude and efficiency
was the dancefloor good or impossible to dance in?
quality of chillout area or lack off
was the scheduled well planned did the artist music fit in for the atmosphere and evolution of the party?

your impressions about the vibe of the party, you felt that organizers really cared about making a quality production or they just wanted to get rich on your behalf.

please do speak of the artists also, what were your impressions about their sound, and finally i'd like to ask promoters not to be over sensitive to constructive critic and use it as a tool to keep improving.

in my personal opinion there are too few parties who care about having a nice chillout area, what do you think people? please share your thoughts

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Oct 13, 2007 04:05
Yeaah!!!Thats what im talking about forza!!!!

U are bringing new and fresh ideas to this section hehe

Next party i go , i will write a review!


          If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Fraka Phil

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  49
Posted : Oct 13, 2007 19:50
Absolutely great idea Forza!

Definitely the type of feedback that is needed to help make promoters and artists, see and understand how to improve as well as to to distinguish those that are professional from unprofessional!

Lets hope that the Frakalaka will get some good reviews with good feedback!!!

U can be sure i will review in this section!

All the best and much love and light!

namaste!           You're only as young as the last time you changed your mind.

Timothy Leary

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Oct 17, 2007 16:01
I'm wondering why is that this thread hasn't got too much attention, it was because the previous thread title didn't tell you much?
(I decided to change it because of that)

or it is because few people is interested in making the reviews?

Come on people we need you! Positive reviews mean better parties, more profesional organization, more chances to book not so comercial artists and a better scene.

Love and Light!
          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Oct 17, 2007 16:40
would be nice if we get more promoters involved within our forum though, so they can get their feedback directly from the people who payed and attend their parties....
anyway, i think you are coming up with great ideas and threads Mr Forza...


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  70
Posted : Oct 17, 2007 22:56
I'm in to make a review, but for now i have no attended to any so...
But I think it`s a nice idea this reviews topic, like you said Forza, it can be translated in better parties for us.           :::Get Twisted:::

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Nov 28, 2007 03:33
Topic unlocked, so we can talk about this           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Volunteers For Party Reviews Needed
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