violence in partys-who is risponsible??
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2008 04:32:42
let me tell you a story that happend tonight.
a guy name tom that herd me play in a party last week asked me to play tonight (friday) at a freinds birthday outdoor party near rishpon.we agreed on money + he asked me 2 bring my own cdj's for the time ill be playing.he said the dj after me plays with computer.
i said yes.
i came 2 the party & palyed, after 2 & half houers the birthday boy who brought the ppl comes 2 me & asks me 2 stop the music.
than he tells everybody that 2 or 3 "unwanted" ppl came,hit the guy who stood at the entrence & took all of the money &than smashed more than 10 cars windows & took stuff from the cars.
at first everybody went 2 see what happend, which car was dameged etc.
i thought that this is time for me to pack my stuff & go..the birthday boy tells me "i think we should finish the party the police is on its way", i couldnt agree more so i start packing..while packing i did put another tune but not loud..
during this time tom came to me & tells me not 2 go & continue..after another track i saw that most of the ppl are not in the dance floor & the atmosphere was not good so idecided to pack.
so this guy tom start shouting at me & my wife who where there with me "i will not pay you, keep on playing etc etc"
at this minute i took my stuff & gut the hell out of there.the dj who was sepose 2 play after me was not there.this guy who just a minute b4 shouted at that he will not pay me the money tells me i should at list give him my cd'js un till the next dj comes..
i looked at him & asked my self .w.t.f?
when i went 2 see what is going on i saw the smashed cars & ppl dont know what 2 do calling the police etc.
im soory for the guy who had his birthday & for the ppl who enjoyed till that part but i think that tha party is not holy.
ppl saftey is more importnat so i couldnt understand tom who did not understand what is going on & as a part of the orgenisers whould have taken risponsibility insted of sohuting & the dj.
im not expecting for the money he promised me, i know that this tom is not a professional person but he is also a lame person who does not understand where he lives. i hope that no harm was done 2 ppl..and im sad that violence is a part of our scene & country
acid abe
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2008 10:41
Shit dude! Anther fu..ked up story about a irresponsible and non professional organizer who thinks he can organize an outdoor party with out security .
When will people realize that when they wish to organize a party they become responsible of their crowds life and property not to say to the environment in which the party is in, especially when the whole act is illegal!
So please, if you wish to organize an out door party keep in mind that you have to think about every thing and not just about the type of music and how much fun you and your friends will have!
All the best
Acid Abe
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2008 10:55
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 30, 2008 22:44
i guess yiu are right..
thats the last time for that(:
i dont think they have a name..chaoss somthing..from te aviv
what can i say..when i met the guy he looked o.k & i got a recomondation from a good freind about him..but the end is known.
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 16:56
i miss some info in the story
is the party was free small friends b-day party ? or 'event' that been promoted and charged big money in the gate?
u did mention gate money , but what was the fee does matter imo for your question
i made couple of those and had no security and its rediculus i dont take security when i go with 10 friends to the beach also... and defintly can happen violence and car brake etc.
the actual people to blaim is those monkeys that did it
and you do deserve your payment anyhow
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 20:19
Elad, when certain ppl see there's no security and they see $$$ sometimes they would react different than the normal situation when they see security.
I'm sure they saw no security and started making jokes or actual sayings "no security ? how stupid, someone can rob this party ! why somebody? lets do it us! "
ofcourse I am not justifying them , I am just saying security is essential even in small parties cause when ppl see them they wouldn't try anything stupid .
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almost_human KROX ( Phantasm Rec .)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 21:41
On 2008-07-02 20:19, Ananda604 wrote:
Elad, when certain ppl see there's no security and they see $$$ sometimes they would react different than the normal situation when they see security.
I'm sure they saw no security and started making jokes or actual sayings "no security ? how stupid, someone can rob this party ! why somebody? lets do it us! "
ofcourse I am not justifying them , I am just saying security is essential even in small parties cause when ppl see them they wouldn't try anything stupid .
  UVV Project / Mandala Project / Crystal noize Project / Cosmic Crew
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 5, 2008 02:43
there where at list 100 ppl if not more..i know i desieve my payment but this guy turnd up 2 not just not proffesional but an ass hole..
i rather not have my money & not see him ever in my life.
no money worth this.
i lernd my lesson & belive me this is the last time i will play at a party like this..maybe im 2 old for this kind of shit but i rather not play at all than dealing with ppl who do not understand where this scene came from & ruin it with negativity
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Posted : Jul 7, 2008 14:35
I would still claim my payment even now. The guy is from Tel Aviv, so he is not hiding. No reason not to be paid.
And never never would I bring anything from my house except the headphones and the music. Sure not for someone I don't know.
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 7, 2008 14:58
I DID claim my money..the man is not answering me..what should i do?
publlish his name in this forom?
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Posted : Jul 8, 2008 00:36
On 2008-07-07 14:58, amotz_T wrote:
I DID claim my money..the man is not answering me..what should i do?
publlish his name in this forom?
Yes! Seems to help in many cases
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 8, 2008 12:18
so his name is tom
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 9, 2008 20:24
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 10, 2008 00:34
they did not have a name..this guy was the oregniser
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle
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Posted : Jul 10, 2008 03:17
yeah well 100 people need security.
i will mention as well that i was talking on my b-day parties that were 15 , 20 , 25 people... all free.. drinks entrance etc.
on another thought , those security assholes almost always do nothing when shit comes (i saw it many times , 2 cars with 10 crazy arabs is more scary then 5-6 russian dudes on 30 shekel hour job)