Perception of tracks__From an artist p.o.v & plain listener p.o.v
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Posted : Apr 3, 2005 19:38
I have something to share with you and listen to your point of view (p.o.v) as well...
I have been listening electronic music since i can not remember... Im not close minded and i like to listen lots of genres.
The last 3-4 years i have been spending sometime in production and not only trance but other genres aswell...
So far so good...
My knowledge on the specific matter has grown, I know lots of stuff from technical point of view, i know stuff as far as the labels point of view etc...
Something that happened to me since I have started to produce music and I dont know if it is good or bad, or is it just me or everybody, is that, I have narrow my taste and i have filtered looooots of subgenres and i find my self not going to a lot of parties nowdays...
To the ones that i go, I like to listen verycarefully the tracks played and Im trying to visualize the track structure and what will come next and the level of difficulty spend on making each track that i listen etc...
Some times this makes me realy angry cause i often listen to lots of crap... Not only in trance but also in house or even in downbeats...
Im not saying that i have stopped having fun... Some times i found my self being so excited of what i listen and the suprises that i get from the trax and all...
What Im trying to say is that I easily get bored and Im not having as much fun as i used to have before i get involved so 'deep' into this...
Is it just me or...???
Im waiting to see some opinions about it...
  • Noize Conspiracy Records • |
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 3, 2005 21:04
I tottaly understand u CHP.same in here
ignorence is happiness man or else "makarioi oi ptoxoi to pnevmati" like a wise man once said!
CRX,athens |
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Posted : Apr 3, 2005 21:05
Yeah, but u need to stop to see only the technical points. Very simple tracks can be good, and music doesn't need to be perfect always. Make party and have fun. Take the music as it is, make music like u want it to be.
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Posted : Apr 3, 2005 21:44
True CRX...
EYB u have a point... But Im not seeing tracks just from the technical point of view... I like minimal stuff as well...
I like alot some minimal techno and deep minimal house tracks... I also like some minimal deep prog trance tracks... Sensient & krumelur style if u know what I'm saying.
But even in simple n minimal trax, the srtucture and the build up in some tracks is so great... The samples they use the way they use them it makes me happy and it makes me enjoying what Im listening...
Well i guess is just me... hehehe
  • Noize Conspiracy Records • |