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V/A - 'Forest' CD - (DOOF Records 2004)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 02:56
‘Forest CD’ – Doof Records 2004

More info

From the desert to the forest emerges the latest V/A compilation from Doof records. Following hot on the trail of their last album release from Entropy, the Doof crew have put together another banging disc of tracks for the dance floor with the usual big names delivering consistent satisfaction.

1.U-Recken vs. Zion - Furies
2.Double R.E.L - Scum Of The Earth
3.Entropy - The Messenger
4.Zirkin vs. N3xu5 - Tooth Fairy
5.N3xu5 - League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
6.Iron Madness - Maniac Police
7.Zirkin & Rev - No Game
8.Rev - Sunday Driver
9.Blanka - Forest

1.U- Recken vs ZionFuries A very banging start to the disc, opening with the scraping metallic noises into a hard, punching hammer kick Furies is a fitting opener with a punchiness in the sound familiar to U-Reckens work. This is surely peak time music, the samples and the buildups throughout the track add to the energy and leave you with an immediate urge to dance. I liked the percussion at 3”20 and the breakdown, it really gives the energy of the track a chance to build and recollect itself before the explosion into a more cruising journey than the opening.

2. Double R.E.L.Scum of the Earth Another stomping track from the Ariels with echoing distant samples and drums banging into a 4/4 kick that is nice and big. Wailing drones over the top of double percussion, plenty of echoes and balghan here equating to a very consumable piece of music. It opens right up at the 1.30’ mark sampling ’…this is no longer music…’ and certainly it isn’t, this is doof music and it rocks solid. A favorite here with no doubt that reminds me of Xatrik!

3.EntropyThe Messenger Entropy enjoys high rotation on my CD player as this is an artist who knows how to bang. With his previous album only a few months old from Doof his track here is a continuation of the same values and high production. This track threw me off at first as it opens with a slower tech stomp that drags it’s feet a little, a sample of Ronald Regan and a slower groovyness to it. Then we hit the 2’.30” mark and it gets real nasty after a sliding instrumental break returning with a hard, stomping kickdrum and a very funny sample. The same style of pads and instruments we heard in ‘Empty handed’ and the remix. What a MONSTER of a track.

4.Zirkin vs. N3xu5 - Tooth Fairy After the last track, we are on a roll. Another killah from this side project of Zirkin and N3xu5 that works well from beginning to end. Opening with the anguished sample, screaming, a thunderstorm and the voice of a child saying ’ ..we are all going to die…’ we know we are in for a seriously enjoyable night time journey. A few tracks from n3xu5 recently in some ways were lacking the fullness I look for in a bassline and kick but this combination with Zirkin has filled this space and we get a very solid and much more full sound to the music. Sampling ‘..what I took before in kindness, I will take forever in revenge..’ this is unrelenting and very well written. The break at around the 5 minute mark is very original too and allows for the perfect transition in the music before the chaos erupts again.

5.N3xu5League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen Opening with a sample of Sean Connery from the movie that shares the title of this track this is a good evolution from N3xu5. It’s a real stomping journey again that winds out with FX and signature sounds but has more body that some of their earlier tracks. It is powerful and uses buildups and layers well, dropping FX in and out to get a nice flow of energy and allows things to build up before the inevitable explosion and breakdown.

6.Iron Madness - Maniac Police Ok this is some seriously heavy music. Sliding into a sharp resonant kick with plenty of high end that drives into your brain. Screaming, wailing police sirens and the inferno of hard, ceaseless psychedelic mayhem. As the morbid screaming and digital chaos erupts things get heavier still, pounding and driving without end winding up and up until you think you cannot tolerate it any more and all the pressure in your brain will explode….. then BANG hell becomes deeper but I will stop now, you should listen to feel it. A beautiful piece of music to push you over the edge.

7.Zirkin & Rev - No Game It was very relaxing to ease into this track after the sheer pressure of the last one. Using a kill bill sample that has appeared in a few other tracks but this time with some nice FX over the top this is a light and journeying tune with plenty of breaks and nice instrumentation. The kick does have pressure but not as much as some of the other tracks on the disc offering some nice variety in bass line also making for a very rocking track.

8.Rev - Sunday Driver This is my favorite track on the compilation. It glides into a fat, rocking kick and compressed bassline with plenty of low rumbles and the taut punchiness in the atmosphere that is right at home with tracks from Entropy and other doof artists. Nice use of percussion here that slots comfortably over the top of the low rumble. A guaranteed dance floor smasher using samples very well and plenty of channel panning to add to the energy within. Top job!

9.Blanka - Forest Another big one to finish up the compilation, my second favorite track. It comes rolling in with a ’…are you ready to go…’ sample and a nice compressed kickdrum and some really powerful rock and roll style hi hats.. Using some samples that have appeared in Xatrik tracks ‘…crank this motherfucker up…’ this is a great formula for the dance floor that uses some very original sounds and devices and delivers a very rocking sound that is hard with a funky edge.

I give this 9/10 – Hard, clean and bangin!

Underground Psychedelic Nightmusic
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  162
Posted : Nov 30, 2004 08:00
Must get! Can't wait!

I would love Double R.E.L to release an album...quality stuff!!!

Can't wait to hear some of that Zirkin madness!           _______________________________-______________________________
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight... razor... and surviving.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 13:22
will be nice to hear this           Peace Love Unity Respect and Underground
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 30, 2004 17:58
Yeah this must be good. need... to... listen...
Only heard Maniac Police and its a banger for sure.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  106
Posted : Nov 30, 2004 20:46

On 2004-11-30 02:56, tract wrote:
‘Forest CD’ – Doof Records 2004

6.Iron Madness - Maniac Police Ok this is some seriously heavy music. Sliding into a sharp resonant kick with plenty of high end that drives into your brain. Screaming, wailing police sirens and the inferno of hard, ceaseless psychedelic mayhem. As the morbid screaming and digital chaos erupts things get heavier still, pounding and driving without end winding up and up until you think you cannot tolerate it any more and all the pressure in your brain will explode….. then BANG hell becomes deeper but I will stop now, you should listen to feel it. A beautiful piece of music to push you over the edge.

well.. thank you on the review and the Good feedback to my creation with ziv
HEHEHEHHAHA your brain explode.. COOL. this is the intention in the section..

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  123
Posted : Nov 30, 2004 21:10
Very good compi by DooF !

fav: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9

i give 910 too...

Keep rocking Doof !

Boomz, Oren.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  455
Posted : Nov 30, 2004 21:36
This compilation is very good i think the best track track on it is by Double REL guys ,
Also Nexus track is very strong new style from him

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  25
Posted : Dec 2, 2004 01:09
you must to hear this compilation
the best 1 for 2004
i realy likd :
keep on the good work my doof famely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love and respect frome europe.
and by the way blanka compilation in january
olso my new album in februar.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  164
Posts :  2510
Posted : Dec 3, 2004 14:19
Good Review !

my fav here are :

U-Recken vs. Zion – Furies

Double R.E.L – Scum Of The Earth

Entropy – The Messenger

Blanka - Forest

          "The external world became changed as in a dream and colors became more glowing.When the eyes were closed,colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope.what had caused this condition?"
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Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 3, 2004 15:30
a very nice release from Doof my favorites are:
2, 3 (!- Entropy continue with their blasting style), 4, and 8.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  43
Posts :  116
Posted : Dec 3, 2004 22:17
nexus and iron madness kickass and the rest is average.           Peace Love Unity Respect and Underground
Memory Loss
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 4, 2004 15:07
Entropy Track Is One Of The Best Psychedelic Track Ever!!!!           Skate 0R Die
uv doofy

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Posts :  21
Posted : Dec 5, 2004 19:20
so many posts and the cd only comes out tomorrow.. makes me wonder how everybody heard these trax already, hmmm......
i think theres a leak in our promo system...

anywayz, thanks to all af ya' for the good words on this release. each track here has been dance floor tested and approved. zirkin played almost all of them @ boom and it really kicked azz.
tract, your review is great, i love your writing. tnx


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  141
Posted : Dec 5, 2004 20:11
CRAZY crazy track list... .waiting to get blasted !!!!!!!!!
doof chaos (rocking)
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  506
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Posted : Dec 6, 2004 08:29
i really like the Double REL track and Entropy tracks here. good stuff from those 2.           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
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