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New 'open source' trance mp3 website


Started Topics :  33
Posts :  1560
Posted : Aug 23, 2004 20:27

I am glad to announce that my website project is now online.
It is an open source mp3 site featuring selected artists from the underground trance scene.
To start with I have put up stuff from my own projects, ie spindrift, steptime and twisted misters, as well as some tracks from oogha boogha and funny farmer. All in all 17 unreleased tracks to start with.

I will keep adding more material regularly, and artists that want to release material under the open source music license is welcome to drop me a mail.

Check it out and tell me what you think...

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  242
Posted : Aug 23, 2004 21:15
Can't open the site

But I like the idea...

Also some good names hosted already           How am I supposed to hallucinate with all these swirling colors distracting me!

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  1560
Posted : Aug 23, 2004 21:22
You don't even get to the welcome page?
Or you don't have latest flash installed?
pm or mail me with info....haven't tested on mac's yet, only win and linux, but they are problematic with flash sometimes....

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Aug 24, 2004 11:06
I could open the site and I think it's great.
Very cool integrated player, where you can make your own playlist. Nice little visualizations too. I gotta go back for some downloads

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  1560
Posted : Aug 25, 2004 17:51
Ok, had about 60 visitors yesterday , but only one comment in the guestbook, no ratings or comments on the site for the tracks.
Since it's not a commercial project, it's of course your feedback that is the motivation.
I want the tracks on there to have a few ratings already before I put more up....ok

And also I thought that I make clear to anyone concerned about mp3 quality, that it will be possible to get higher quality formats.... either monkey audio or 320k mp3 for a small fee, from which I will pay 80% to the artists.
Until I have time to make the coding and server arrangements to do that, anyone really eager right now can make a paypal donation and recieve an ftp account with their selected tracks and format.
If I find there seems to be an urgent need, I will hurry up to set up a shopping cart system.
I have other projects to work on , and don't know if it will be such a great demand right now, so it can wait a bit otherwise.

And Moty&Pointy
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1698
Posted : Aug 25, 2004 22:48

dude cool site u got there man........ill rate some tracks once i finish downloading them....peace

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Started Topics :  58
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Posted : Aug 26, 2004 02:27
nice site .... good design ... looks very cool
Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  890
Posted : Aug 26, 2004 08:40

On 2004-08-23 21:22, Spindrift wrote:
You don't even get to the welcome page?
Or you don't have latest flash installed?
pm or mail me with info....haven't tested on mac's yet, only win and linux, but they are problematic with flash sometimes....

Thats simply not true. I work as a designer/web designer and there's absolutely no problems on the mentioned platforms if you have done your coding correctly.

Your site have one big problem. People with low bandwidth wont stay for long simply because you fail to provide a preloading device that tell them to wait. Your graphics are too heavy for low bandwidth connections.

And you should provide a link to the latest macromedia Flash Plugin.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  70
Posts :  2299
Posted : Aug 26, 2004 10:07
Very cool site! Love the tunes - not used to 'rating' music, so umm.. hehe, I guess I could try.

anyway - love the music! one problem I had - couldn't move the music player after it opened right over the download section, so i couldn't see the tracks i wanted to download.



Started Topics :  33
Posts :  1560
Posted : Aug 26, 2004 10:59
DiMiTry: At the top right of the player there is a drag and a minimise area-

Well HanD, I can inform you that the site is not more than 106k....and thats including all the pages. Probably you didn't have time to see the preloader

And that mac don't have problems with certain browser version and flash is the biggest pile of shit i heard from a "webdesigner".
And there is a link for the flash player on the welcome page.

Basically all your comments is total BS....sorry...don't mind critisism, but really what you are saying I can't take seriously.
Inactive User

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  890
Posted : Aug 26, 2004 19:34

On 2004-08-26 10:59, Spindrift wrote:
DiMiTry: At the top right of the player there is a drag and a minimise area-

Well HanD, I can inform you that the site is not more than 106k....and thats including all the pages. Probably you didn't have time to see the preloader

And that mac don't have problems with certain browser version and flash is the biggest pile of shit i heard from a "webdesigner".
And there is a link for the flash player on the welcome page.

Basically all your comments is total BS....sorry...don't mind critisism, but really what you are saying I can't take seriously.

Lol your a fun dude. You obviously have a problem with critisism. That's cool. But dont try to lecture me about webdesign and Mac versus browsers. I have been in this business the last 7 years and is quite an expert on Flash, Mac's and indeed web design.

As I said the Flash file .swf is just as "readable" on any given browser on a Mac or Linix system. If it fail to show it's because you as a web designer have failed to do your coding right. But yes sometimes the .swf play a bit slower on a mac than on a PC. That's the only problem with the different platforms.

And please no more private messages mate. If you got issues post it to me in public.
The bottom line is that you posted a link to your website and if you cant take some critisism (as well as applauses from those who find your site nice) then you shouldn't post your link in the first place. Comprende?

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  1560
Posted : Aug 26, 2004 20:39
Well OK, I thought it might not really be of intrest to take this in public.But since you didn't give any answers to what i asked in the PM.

The only thing I think is bull is to come and try to tell me that:

1. Flash performs without issues on mac with any browser version.
Just do a google on 'mac flash problems' and look for your self. For example I know for sure that I haven't done the necessary coding to ensure that there is a replacement function for the getTextExtent function of the textField object...and I don't think I bother to ....because it's only a mac specific issue, and i have less that 1% mac visitors.

2. The site is not large by any conventional standards. The average load time according to my log's is around 1-4 seconds. I found a couple of users that it took about 30 second, but no more. You obviously didn't check the site on a slow connection, because then you would have seen the preloader, even if only for a short moment.
The rule in webdesign is that your main page should be maximum 100k. Mine is 106k, but that includes the 7 pages on the site as well.

3. Even a blind hen would see the link to download the latest flash player on the welcome page. But at least if you don't have it pretty much all browsers will ask you to when loading the welcome page, because the image is a swf.

So you call it critisism, I call it spewing bullskit.
If you have more of that, pm me instead, because your merit list wasn't the topic really.

Let's keep this on topic instead....any users that is using a mac, I am interested in your feedback, and users that actually visit the site on a slow connection and have difficulties as well.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  278
Posted : Aug 26, 2004 21:36
hey guys shanti!

@HandA: why are you saying "you fail to provide a preloading device", when infact there is one? Why are you suggesting "you should provide a link to the latest macromedia Flash Plugin." when there is already one?
It seems you didn't look so carefully!

And I agree with Spindrift, the discussion about mac having problems with flash or not doesn't really belong here.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Promotional Releases - New 'open source' trance mp3 website
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