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Video games and electronic culture

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Jan 22, 2015 14:42:04
Yesterday I watched this documentary about the history of electronic music

And suddenly I found myself contemplating about the idea that video games have always been very interconnected with the history of electronic music and culture. Even more, video games are really the most sophisticated form of art in the history of mankind : they combine the most wonderful imagery and 3D graphics, the most weird animations, the most innovative storytelling, the cutting edge of human computer interaction and virtual reality trends and last but not least some great electronic music tunes. Since the very beginning of video games, electronic music has always been a very important part of the culture.

Now, what I wanted to ask you , is how important is the video game culture to you , have you ever thought that it could be exactly the place where you could have a nice innovative job? Or do you consider too old for it?

Considering my own experience, I used to play a lot 20 years ago, in the school. I and my brother even opened a small video games club in the back yard, but had to sell the pcs again after less than an year because it did not work well enough for a living. After that, I kind of stopped playing. He still does, he is the biggest freak that I know. And suddenly yesterday I had the feeling that it was very stupid of me to never try to get a job in this industry and that I will try now. They cant say more than no anyway. What about you?

Trance Forum » » Forum  Technology - Video games and electronic culture
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