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Video Clips of the first goa party in Mexico (1998)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2007 06:07
Anybody remember this one?

It was 1998 near valle de bravo. Only 500 flyers were made to keep the party underground. There was no charge, we only passed a basket around for donations.

This was the first real psy trance goa party to happen in Mexico and everybody was flipping out with the music. There were collective UFO sightings and many people went out of their head with incredible psychedelic experiences. I personally had a profound mystical experience on LSD and was completly gone from this world, and I am not exagerating.

Anyways, I recovered a few clips from the party that were taken at the morning. I took them from an old damaged VHS and so its terribly edited and chopped all over, plus the guy filming was all tripped out and had some tracer effect on the video so it looks all kind of blurry, but I think you can see some of tha magic of that party in those clips.

There are 3 youtube clips:





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Posted : Jan 21, 2007 19:16
how old are u right now?           Searching for new Sounds
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2007 21:19
Interesting! i can notice sum people amazed by it, and also i noticed a few that were far away in another dimension looked like a lot of fun

thanx 4 sharing the videos!           Gorump Peyya - \\\"Mystery of Nitzzy\\\"
VA - \\\"No Mercy for the Weak\\\"
eniChkin - \\\"A Particle of Infinity\\\"
VA - \\\"Ten Reasons to eat dust\\\"
Delysid / Wicked Wires

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Posted : Jan 22, 2007 00:18
jajajaja...nice videos...u cant see almost nothing but funny ones....maybe u can manage to found some other ones from other partys from the mexico beginning??? hun hunapu(with cosmosis in ajusco)...or limbic psy dreams with gms.....or maybe marakame festival or logic bomb party in la marquesa or skazi one in a house in edo mex.....jaja...will be really funny...if u can found some please put them here will be really nice to see them indeed....

nice to see that still some people from the beginning in mexico....big hughs and respect..

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2007 07:46

jajajaja...nice videos...u cant see almost nothing but funny ones....

Well you know the funny part is that its just how I remember the party in the morning, hahaha, since I was so out of it on lsd.

You can also hear in the beggining of the first clip somebody asks the guy filming if he can see the camera and the guy just responds: "nadamas calmadito guey, que yo si ando perooo bieeeen locochon" hahaha, and I am pretty sure I know what he meant.

And me, yeah I was so gone in that one. At one point at the party I just stood in one place in the dance floor and started spinning slowly like a clock, and I did it like for the whole night and things were getting kind of esoteric. Even the greek DJ that was playing said that they should now play the set backwards so I would come back to reality. hahaha

And no bro, I don't have any more videos. This one a friend left it by mistake in my house and now I am living in the USA. But when I go to Mexico again I will ask my friends if they have any videos from other early psy parties. I know they have at least some.

And Haka, I am 31 now.

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Posted : Feb 6, 2007 09:15
Yo Aluxe!, nice one mannn.. i was in that party too.. was really f**king psychedelic.. a real goa party.. the atmosphere was great.. only nice people and vibes, was very underground..

we also had some UFO sightings and intense tripping that night.. and i remember some japanese djs played that night (right?), and there were some japanese freaks that used to be at all the good parties at that time too..

by the morning 2 local guys of that town came in and i remember they were amazed to see what was going on in that ranch.. with all the dancing freaks and all the freaky music.. they stayed up for a cuople of hours only looking at the ppl and the party, i think they never saw anything like that before in their lifes..

was a great party indeed ! good times..

           ----- -----

----- sounds of earth label head -----
:::::::: :::::::

((---- radiance festival mexico ----))
-- --
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 8, 2007 03:48
^^Hey Vazik, nice to find someone who went to that party. Yeah there was a Japanese DJing earlier in the party, you can even see her in the second clip at around min 1:27 she is just dancing and smiling (wearing a black shirt with like a white psychedelic sun).

And the other Japanese freaks I met them at Venezuela at a solar eclipse party that some guy whom they call Solar Simon from the UK organized a couple of months before the Mexico party. Max Lanfranconi from Etnica, Nick Doof and many other big names were playing at the solar eclipse party. The greek DJ PAN was also playing there and that is where I hooked him up to come to play to Mexico to the Valle de Bravo party. And there I saw the Japanese freaks and told them I was doing a party in Mexico. They just said YES and asked for my tel number, no other questions or anything. And a few months after when I was organizing the Valle de Bravo party they call me and I told them to come to my house since my mother was out of town. FUCK.. suddenly 15 japanese psy freaks arrive at my house, it was crazy and my mom almost kicked me out when the maid told her.

And about the locals, I remember several friends talking about that. It must have been really funny to see their faces as they encountered all these psy freaks dancing to GOA music. By that time I was in the small lake next to the party swimming having really profound lsd experience. hehehe

Psychedelic times!!!! They are eternal
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 9, 2007 08:55
hi!, I just wanna say that I really liked to watch those videos, as I had never done it before. Tnx to aluxe for sharing them...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 13, 2007 06:07
hey ,,thanks for sharing these videos with us , so, you said that you are living in usa , are you still involved in the scene
bianca djús

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Posted : Feb 16, 2007 07:35
Very funny mom was watching them with me she didnt like them, she said she hopes me not to dance like this on party but come on i turn some psy on & she shakes too HAHA i really enjoyed very nice stuff no matter they seem shitty... i got excited now because of the music HAHA by then i was 10 years old damn & nothing like this in baja california of course but well...good vibes!
nice story aluxe!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 08:53
Freaking Awesome party! Killer!!!!!!!!!!!
This was the time i started getting into Goa in the US. I was very nice back then when it was all good music and high consciousness people. but the energy stream always changes...
Till we all meet again!

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 10:30
yeah..i remember those tickets at the entrance,everybody was welcome,there was no violence,just good vibes and people connected in the same galaxy...i miss those parties.i miss real goa parties.....can we have those parties back again??  the ticket and take the ride..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 10:45
when exactly does the mexican scene lost the way?           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

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Posted : Sep 22, 2008 19:48
Aluxe tnks for sharing this vids great party, i remember the good vibes from the psy family aaaa so f**king nice superb tns fr the vids ad btw the camcorder got acid 2?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2008 04:46
This is one of the threads that I like the most in the Mexico section.

We are ten years from the first goa trance party in Mexico!!!

Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Video Clips of the first goa party in Mexico (1998)

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