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video campagne "dictatorship in the trance scene"

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 21:49
Internet forums are owned by privates, so they dictate the rules.

That being said germany laws could be quite different of US bill of rights (which from what I read is what must of us use for making examples).

Internet as hole is a completely different story, are you denied the use of the internet?
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 21:59
I think she's denying herself the use of her brain tbh.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 00:50

On 2010-11-16 19:21, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
goabase is a web 2.0 network with a provable monopoly status in certain markets.
and i insist to say that goabase is disadvantaging the users themselves. because they dont get the whole reality and the whole cultural value that belongs to them.

Are GoaBase users in any way coerced into remaining on that site? Are they in any way prevented from accessing other psytrance related Internet forums (of which there are dozens, but let’s just mention IsraTrance and PsyMusic UK)? The answer is no and no. End of story.

P.S. Even if my argument still doesn’t convince you, please, consider this: it’s becoming more and more of a purely political discussion. This forum was not created for figuring out subtle differences between American and German Constitutions. And yes, I know that Germany doesn’t have a Constitution. In any case, this discussion obviously belongs somewhere else.

P.P.S And it still sucks groundhog’s tail.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 10:04

On 2010-11-16 21:49, Login wrote:
Internet forums are owned by privates, so they dictate the rules.

..Internet as hole is a completely different story, are you denied the use of the internet?

well lets put it like that. i completely disagree with the statement that a private dictates the laws. completely. the laws are given in a constitution and in international agreements. like iit or not. move to the moon if you dont want to follow these agreements.

what if a private wants to post free music and stuff? then you will all ( or the artists among you) suddenly stress around like hell arent you? what if the private wants to share your music around in his PRIVATE place???. this is btw one of the problems that goabase already had with a laywer till now .

i dont deny internet, and i even pay to a lawyer specialised on the internet to take care for my stuff and my firm, because the world is more complicated than you state. much more complicated. such simple model just doesnt fit to a forum where grown up people meet and discuss life. it fits to a child party.

but with such arguments stated on the last pages, if it is arguments at all, we can surely imagine that most of this neo trancers are going conform with any form of social dictatorship. they simply dont have this psychedelic anarchistic mind to rebell. you would do whatever a loser tells you to do!!!! without even a critical thought.

i will not leave any private to dictate the rules. almost all the world is a private, nevertheless people seem to disagree situations against the accepted common law. and btw for those with a " constitution" ( maine coon, i will explain to you another time why germany has no constitution and if), did you know that there were courts and rules 2500 years ago, and more, longer that there are universities and schools. laws and courts are the fathers of civilization.

goabase are the biggest losers possible. and if a normal human discussion is not able to say in an intelligent way what is the situation, then a lawyer must do this. it is as simple as that.

to maine coon. yes, the users are coerced to stay there. should i explain you why. i chose to leave there. i havo no account any more. and i now cant even access my own parties , the pictures of my own parties and the reports any more. i find this absolute ridiculous. who is this man to tell me what happens to my own events without letting me speak ??? not a loser? of course he is a loser. keep in mind that i dont even mention the private stuff running around - like the violence threatening and whatever it is. yes go conform with this. i will not.
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 12:38
moki .. ?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 15:48

On 2010-11-17 10:04, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:

what if the private wants to share your music around in his PRIVATE place

That would be illegal. An administrator deleting your posts from GoaBase is not illegal. And don’t tell me that it is: if it were true we would not have this excruciatingly boring conversation - you would be too busy testifying in court or collecting a settlement from GoaBase.


laws and courts are the fathers of civilization.

goabase are the biggest losers possible. and if a normal human discussion is not able to say in an intelligent way what is the situation, then a lawyer must do this. it is as simple as that.

Great! If it’s as simple as that, why don’t you take this route then and stop polluting this forum with “issues” that don’t belong here?


to maine coon. yes, the users are coerced to stay there. should i explain you why. i chose to leave there. i havo no account any more. and i now cant even access my own parties , the pictures of my own parties and the reports any more. i find this absolute ridiculous.

Agree. I find it ridiculous too. Which is why I don’t post anything on Facebook. Yes, they have exactly same policy as the one you just described. Maybe you should start a campaign against Facebook too.

You’ve probably noticed that I am the only one here still “talking” with you. Please, make no mistake – this is not because I enjoy this conversation. It’s only because of my nearly infinite patience and my stupid habit of giving people the benefit of the doubt. I tried to hint, I tried to tell you directly but you still don’t seem to get it: your topic does not interest the vast majority of people here; and your general attitude and the manner of carrying on a conversation is not something many people would enjoy. I haven’t gotten pissed off or started calling you names only because it’s not in my nature (those damn Maine Coon genes! ). And also because I am still hoping that this Big Drama will have a peaceful resolution. Like maybe you thanking everybody for their time and attention and quietly leaving?.. [hint-hint ]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 16:04
and would you mind then just moving to a more enjoyable conversation where you can take a basic position on the basis of facts and situations that you observed and you can comment? how did you come to the idea that the topic is relevant to you and you need to take part in it?

i dont even slightly ask you to talk, i am just answering your comments and questions since i am patient enough in a social place to read a total offtopic. as you see this topic is about a search for interview partners, not about explaining basic issues. the basic issues must have been explained last year already.

to your information, i would tell you that i have enough people to talk to about the issue, and i dont even know anyone who is interested in protecting goabase anymore. i dont even need to convince )).

whatever it is, i will be patient to you ( for the last time) and tell you that the issue is not about deleting posts. unfortunately a conversation with you is not possible since you feel free and welcome to comment anything that you have no idea about. but i am sure, it will not be your last time, as i saw your behaviour in this forum, so go on. with or without you.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 16:05
oh and i am also hoping for a peacuful resolution. more peaceful than the idea in the first post will not be possible. but why dont you leave the peaceful resolution to the figures involved?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 16:34
Indeed, there is no point in me continuing this conversation.

Good bye, Tina.

You just lost the last person on this forum who [edited after posting] was still willing to tolerate you. Congratulations.

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 16:49
C**t Wanking. Which means masturbation, It relaxes u and for a few minutes gives u the same high as drugs.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 18:24
Freedom of expression is protected in public spaces, not in private spaces. In private spaces people agree with each other the rules to follow.

Of course you cant quit some rights, like freedom of expression, but thats is very different to a right to use any media to express your self.

All in all moki, if you are hiring a lawyer he must be nuts to take your case to court. In the US or any common law system it will fail. Are you paying him in advance?           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 19:03
my lawyer is doing totally different things for me at the present time ( like for instance fighting firms who havent paid to me tousends of euros, or domain and database legal issues of customers or net tv issues and also issues about the firm itself because i want to found a new one with more financing). you are right, he will laugh on this issue. if it were facebook, he would do it. because facebook are professionalists, facebook have dosens of lawyers and legal issues coaches. and facebook is professional enough to keep to the rules of the constitutions and the international agreements. it is also the biggest problem that governments have with facebook - you cannot find any issue that facebook broke in the constitution. and still there was a movie about facebook that said more than a court. we can do it in a smaller fractal for our scene too.

also, it is important to know, that the media freedom is bigger in europe than in the usa. i know people who were sent to work there as correspondents and they came back fast because you have less freedom of speech, less doors are open for investigative journalism etc.

and yes, in court with facebook would be a nice dopamine exercise for my lawyer, because to him, it is not important the vision or stuff, but of course mostly what he can win. you could take at least 30000 from facebook if they did the same.

about the private place. any private place needs to keep to the constitution. you can define a private place, you can put barriers, you can even state that you dont want certain topics or certain groups. but you cannot go against the constitution. especially against the first two dozens of points in the constitution. they weight more than any interest of a private person. and how do you define a private place. i would say that a place with 1 000 000 where anyone can sign in is not private any more.

okey, i must say that i am absolutely sure that i would win in court. absolutely. because there was also violence, psycho terror, even jokes about dead.

my lawyer would do it, but the court will probably not. who fucking cares for goabase. if i get bigger, i could.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 19:30

enjoy the loop          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 19:39
0/10 Topic           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 17, 2010 19:40
Bullying, harrasment could do the case, but there is not a violation of freedom of expression.

by the way US has a better bill of rights, it protects further. But the use of media is another topic, and its about the ownership of the media, not expression by it self.

It would force any media to open space to everyone to express and that violates the ownership rights.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
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