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video campagne "dictatorship in the trance scene"

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 23:36
its a good thing you ****'d out the UN in cunt - otherwise I would be pretty damn offended            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 23:37

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 23:40
I completely a****. Cunt is a word I ****d be ****** and **** without a ***** inside a **** wrapped in *****!

I only clicked on the topic cos I thought it said champagne and I was thirsty.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 00:19

On 2010-11-15 23:40, rich wrote:
I only clicked on the topic cos I thought it said champagne and I was thirsty.

Yeah, if only we would be so lucky.

I see you’re turning into a decadent Russian. Maybe it’s time to stop hanging out with those darkpsy importers in SF.

P.S. Have I mentioned how much this topic sucks dead skunk’s toenails?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 01:27

On 2010-11-15 23:27, Distorted wrote:
Like suggested earlier you should do some Sadhana and also Padhana (Which means farting in Indian language) it will clear some air that has gone to ur head. A lot of people on this forum have already told u this topic is nothing but a bad fart.

Also ask any British, Irish, Scotish guy they will be able to explain what "MAD C**T" means or just go to an Irish pub any evening and ask the gentelmen there. It is just a slang, Like in US people say PU**Y. Although I prefer C**t.

But you cry like a river if you're called "Dude"... What a P***Y 
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 01:29
Don't get your p***ys in a twist and get all p***y with him, let's all just get together and have a p***y!

I'm hungry, want to eat a cornish p***y.
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 10:06

On 2010-11-15 18:29, Maine Coon wrote:
End of story. This is not about freedom of press, this is not about wymyns’ rights, this is not about any of big noble causes you’re trying to portray.

no , i insist on the fact that it IS about the freedom of the press AND the meaning of the press in a democracy. it is the main issue and it is important to know the meaning of media. i know it is hard to understand this, becaus most of my things are not in english. but still, i simply dont find it okey to ban a media. and if i go to court, it will be as a media, and not as a person against a penis conspiracy calling me a cunt.

i have a problem with the function of media in society and i insist on my right to take position through media. and i insist that my position is allowed to be heard. we are running a tv channel on a tv station not only in the internet, we are running 4 different internet psychedelic channels and i just cant accept, that it should be okey to not be allowed to post in a trance related place like goabase where almost 1 000 000 are signed in. we are allowed to read pr interviews about trance, reviews of releases and so on whereever we go. in this scene the media is the PR and advertisement. truely fucking boring.

and who is giving to those people the right to cut the media? i want to know this.

they cut me because i stated that most trance musician will not be able to realize the metaphysic of the cosmic octave - they are just no musicians at all. yes, this is a media message, you might not like it, but it still has the right to be spread.

do you know how many people died in the history of mankind for the freedom of the press???? do you now what happens in a society without press?
no press - no transaprency. dictatorship is a fucking right definition.

it is the purpose of a press to be critical towards society and to create a feedback for discussions in society , where lots of different points come together and try to find a consensual view. if there is no press, whatever the media, it will not be democracy. what is the press in our subculture? a bunch of pr-reviews from freinds to friends. where is the function of the press to critisise?

p.s. and no, i dont mean istatrance. but i mean a very big mighty part of our scene and it affects us all.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 10:33
No, it doesn't affect us all. In fact, I would wager my left testicle that YOU are the *only* one it affects.

Not being able to post something on a messageboard is not dictatorship, no one died so that you could post cosmic octave shit on a trance board miss. Last time I checked, people who own websites are not required to let you post and can ban you if they want, even if it's as simple as them not liking you or the shit you post.

There are so many, SO MANY OTHER THINGS to get righteous about that ACTUALLY MATTER! You obviously have some initiative, some drive in you to right some wrong, make the world better. Why not channel that into some volunteering or charity work instead of attempting to right some wrong that only exists in your mind. Bitching about trance message boards is so paltry compared to the incredibly simple but powerful act of actual human contact and assistance. Go out into the world and make a difference!            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 12:34
"metaphysic of the cosmic octave"


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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 16:35

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Remy [POF]
Principles Of Flight

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 16:58
          On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 18:36
I don’t know when you moved to Berlin, but I suspect it was after you had to care about which half of it you lived in. You don’t need to explain freedom of press to me. I’ve actually seen it both ways and know the difference. I also happened to live in a country where Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann are separated by a single click of a TV remote. So, yes, I know what you’re talking about.

Funny thing is, though: nobody claims that Fox News has to give voice to left-wing speakers or that MSNBC has to do it for right-wingers. In your world such bias of TV networks would be a violation of freedom of press. In my world it’s the very essence of this freedom:
nobody can dictate to a media outlet what they can or cannot publish. Nobody. Not the government, not the opposing outlets, not a lone activist.

GoaBase does not have to publish anything you say. You don’t have to publish anything GoaBase people say. Sounds fair to me. The fact that their outlet is much bigger than yours is irrelevant. It’s still free media: you do whatever you want on your site and your TV channels, they do whatever they want on their site. When German government steps in and closes you down and announces that from now on GoaBase is the only outlet to publish anything related to psytrance – then we’ll talk about dictatorship and media monopoly. Until then, all I can see is a Chihuahua getting worked up because a Saint Bernard ignores her barking.

As for the “cosmic octave”: I appreciate psytrance without even knowing what this term means. As I am sure many producers write quality music without knowing about that octave either. Gee, I wonder if Rachmaninoff was aware of it? Probably not. I guess that disqualifies him as a composer…

P.S. A somewhat unnecessary illustration in case you still didn’t get what I was talking about: you are free to move about, but this freedom of yours stops at another person’s door step.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 19:21
yes, i understand your idea completely. and i will not tell you that it is wrong, i will tell you that my lawyer thinks it is wrong. and he is a dr. in this field.

fox news doesnt have to publish left activists.
but fox news is a media too. fox news can chose what it publishes - this is a very basic feature of a media content provider.

is goabase a media and a content provider? no. goabase is an infrastructure that someone programmed. goabase never published anything. goabase is a web 2.0 network with a provable monopoly status in certain markets. and as a network is has to keep to human rights and not discriminate anyone without reason. and as a network it has to consider that the german law protects art, media, journalism and science more than it protects other forms of free speech. the german law protects also the media in a special way ( that is why we pay less taxes, we get lots of things for free and we can easily go to court, if we are not allowed to fullfil our function as a critical feedback of society.

no, goabase is not obliged to publish me. but IF it publishes me, it has to allow me to comment in human way. without cheap explanations about cunts. also, there is another law in germany that you CAN spread opinions but you cannot spread false facts in a media, either a real media or a network. a person has the right to ask immediately this media to correct the facts. i did this almost two years ago. no reaction.

and also you cannot post a film without letting the filmmaker speak if he wants to.

i mean seriously, if goabase is such a big deal, why cant they afford some euros for a lawyer who can explain some things to them?

and whatever it is, i said already that the legal issues will be the hardest way possible and even harder than the possible advantages.

and i insist to say that goabase is disadvantaging the users themselves. because they dont get the whole reality and the whole cultural value that belongs to them.

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 19:59

On 2010-11-16 19:21, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote: without cheap explanations about cunts.

I did not say u r a cheap expanation about cunt, I said u r a mad cunt.

What german goverment u talk about, the maximum number of sex tourism to south east asia is from Germany. It has been going on for years, what has ur govenment done about it. Oh! so u r happy German government protects u. Go do some documentary on that.

and just to clear ur misunderstanding, since u r so impressed with Gil. Gil in his early days used to pedal coke in Goa. Read Cleo's book (If u know whom I am talking about) that is why gil was pissed off with her. Face the reality, rather than insisting that all the people should beleive blindly what u say.
Bom! Bom!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 16, 2010 20:05
Still kind of confused as to why this shitty thread is continuing - you obviously have no support here for your campaign. Bitch about goabase somewhere else maybe.

Seriously can't believe someone is getting this worked up over a frigging trance board. Go outside.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
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