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video campagne "dictatorship in the trance scene"


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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 00:17
A knight in shining Armour to the rescue.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 01:30
A lesson on dictatorship? there is already one and is perfect : 1984 by orwell, nothing more is needed.

Moki instead of focusing your energy on a Rant, better use to promote your own site.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 02:14
Didn't we establish already that this whole topic sucks 'possum's ass?
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 02:17

On 2010-11-13 12:13, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i see you are warming up into a debate, but the high season for discussing is gone.

Priceless. Who needs discussions, anyway? Let's just spit out meaningless slogans about supposed "rights" Tina has on GoaBase instead. Oh, wait, weren't those about discussing whatever she wants? Something does not compute here...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 07:02

On 2010-11-15 01:30, Login wrote:
A lesson on dictatorship? there is already one and is perfect : 1984 by orwell, nothing more is needed.

Moki instead of focusing your energy on a Rant, better use to promote your own site.

how would you promote anything in a monopoly if you are a media and are not allowed to talk ( in a certain scene)?

what is the meaning of a media if you are not allowed to spread it? fortunately i did find peace cause i realisied that with my topics i can reach other kind of people easily , who are more respectful and visionary:)

but this is a rhetorical question, , you just wouldnt promote in a monopoly;))). you would stop and resignate and then probably end the the resignation with something emotional like a video and go. yesterday i found the first artist to comment btw. it was not because of the thread, just a friend.

and it is funny to me that people dont even realize what dictatorship i mean:))) which makes it look like a dictatorship even more:)))

the answer is just to promote a new thing but not in this scene because it IS and stays the monopoly of those who werent even there as the scene rose up. i mean open up your senses for some new things, for some new people to come , arent you tired always same festivals, same line ups, same old ideas? no you are not tired because it is like a hamster in a circle.

but it is perfectly okey, as well. the trance scene is getting more and more densed. the water is slowly turning to air and running away.

oh and a civilisation can only go fort, if you dont expect from every child to build a new infrastructure, but rather use the one built by parents and grandparents. to me, this is even worse than a dictatorship. to centre a world into yourself and not be able to open for the ideas of people who are 20years younger.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 11:04
instead of all this change you want to create, first change urself,you should be focusing more on ur sadhna, and silencing the mind, later on when it is complete then u can help change the rest, right now focus inwards, not outwards on this crazy material plane iwth lots of bullshit egoistic people, telling you, you r wrong, and dont make sense, and ye, what ever these people say, who think of themselves as very learned, who can speak some stupid english language in a manupilative way, just to prove their ego is inflated, are meaningless, ignore them, do ur sadhana
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 16:04

On 2010-11-14 10:21, mk47 wrote:
im sure they have a disclaimer thing you had to accept .. there goes your case .. next nutter

so much drama about some gifs in a forum , awesome , mind sharing em ?, what could possibly be a gif file , was it fuckforforest animated banner or what ?

of course no:). i have never ever posted a video about fuck for forest there. ( but btw i met them recently and they want to make an isratrance special).
considering the age of the admin there and his followers in the dictatorship, i dont wanna be responsible for a heart attack of someone who cant handle this in his age.

of course i accepted a disclaimer. the disclaimer told me not to post anything about sex(ism) and about drugs because the scene has problems with the image and the drugs. perfectly okey. one week after i have been there, the rules and the disclaimer changed. new rules were written.
the disclaimer did not tell me not to post anything about quantum physics, not to state anything about quantum experiments and about the cosmic octave.

the disclaimer did not tell me what to do, if i am called a cunt. and in this big dictatorship there was noone to state that it is not okey to call a lady a cunt. there was an admin to state that the one who did it is right.

and yes, it happened at the beginning of 2009 but i still cant accept this. mars cant either. in the meanwhile i built a second media, and now it is even more impossible to ban a media without a reason( for the court). and yes, they did cut my feet and eyes. as a metter of fact they steal from the society its inner values of alchemical sound and metaphysics.

on the other side, the ship is truely sinking without me too.

and @minus, i care for myself. myself knows that i need to grow with my tv plattform. everyone who tries to stop me is an enemy and must leave the way. this is my point. but there are millions of points.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  14
Posted : Nov 15, 2010 17:13
moki maybe you should learn to move on..
somebody calling you a cunt is not the end of the world
if you don't like the smoke, get out of the kitchen

Started Topics :  18
Posts :  783
Posted : Nov 15, 2010 18:13

On 2010-11-15 17:13, Tranceconspiracy wrote:
moki maybe you should learn to move on..
somebody calling you a cunt is not the end of the world
if you don't like the smoke, get out of the kitchen

I thought they BELONGED in the kitchen... It's my legacy, cant help it.

Anyway im pretty much into the idea, d.i.y. dictatorship is a cool concept! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 18:26
be strong and forget them.Realize your time,avoid any waste. 
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 18:29
Tina, you do it in every topic you start here: mention some big traumatic event in your life (which you never described on IsraTrance), how you tried to discuss it with people “in The Scene” (again, this really means GoaBase) and how the evil penis conspiracy, a.k.a. dictatorship, called you bad names and tried to shut you up (again, on GoaBase). Half the time you don’t even bother to mention that all this happened on GoaBase, which creates a wrong impression that you were mistreated here, on IsraTrance.

Why all this opacity? Why not come out and say directly: “A jerk beat me up and more jerks on GoaBase took his side” End of story. This is not about freedom of press, this is not about wymyns’ rights, this is not about any of big noble causes you’re trying to portray. It is about one particular dick who mistreated you in the past and it is about more particular dicks that mistreated you on GoaBase. If you have problems with the global penis conspiracy – join some militant feminazi group and go to protest marches, flaunting unwashed hair and hairy legs. If you have problems with somebody trying to silence your journalist voice – join a civil rights group and file a law suit. If you have a bone to pick with GoaBase – go to GoaBase and do it there. And if you want to discuss The Scene – let’s discuss The Scene: not male chauvinists, not abusive boyfriends, not rude goabasers, not media conglomerates. If you want to talk about all those other things – no problem. Some of it can be discussed in off-topic forums. But let’s be honest and upfront about what exactly we’re talking about. Let’s not make a political martyr out of yourself just because you still feel like cutting some dude’s penis off.

Maybe it’s time to start healing yourself instead of taking it out on the rest of the world.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 19:11

On 2010-11-15 17:13, Tranceconspiracy wrote:
moki maybe you should learn to move on..
somebody calling you a cunt is not the end of the world
if you don't like the smoke, get out of the kitchen

The guy calling her a cunt dont like to be called a dude. Go figure

At the end of the day it should be possible to have an opinion and speak ones mind without being insulted with terms like "cunt" etc. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 19:47

sums it up quite nicely imo.

People on the internet are douchebags - you may even have been a douchebag on the intenet yourself at some point, not even realizing it. Anyone who has been on the internet for more than a couple of days should be used to this, and develop a tough skin or GTFO lest they do themselves more harm than good exposing themselves to this toxicity.

I had a friend in high school who thought that Cunt sounded less like a curse word and more like an increment of measure. Can you imagine going into the store and being I get 1 cunt of pizza? or 1 cunt of cheese....maybe a cunter's dozen of donuts or something.

this thread still sucks.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 15, 2010 20:23
video campagne wins ! 
Wierd shit happens :)

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  137
Posted : Nov 15, 2010 23:27
Like suggested earlier you should do some Sadhana and also Padhana (Which means farting in Indian language) it will clear some air that has gone to ur head. A lot of people on this forum have already told u this topic is nothing but a bad fart.

Also ask any British, Irish, Scotish guy they will be able to explain what "MAD C**T" means or just go to an Irish pub any evening and ask the gentelmen there. It is just a slang, Like in US people say PU**Y. Although I prefer C**t.
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