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video campagne "dictatorship in the trance scene"

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 00:03
This topic, and stated completely worthless.

Is isratrance full of a lot of bullshit? Yes. However, there is bullshit everywhere and most of us who have had a computer for longer than say, oh, 3 weeks are quite accustomed to sifting through bullshit.

However - I have learned a lot from isratrance (both on the production/listening side and the personal/philisophical side) and have gone to a lot of parties that I would not otherwise have known about were Isra not around.

Those parties, those people, those ideas...even if for every 1 of those actual events there were 100 (its more like 10 imo) bullshit events I think it would still be worth it.

Also - in the past 7 years of going to trance parties do you know how many times the 'big social trance networks' have been brought up? ONCE. EVER.

Isra is not and will never be a reflection of the trance scene. Go party more and get trolled less.            If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 00:41

On 2010-11-12 23:46, Maine Coon wrote:
As for the question you did not ask directly – no, I am not a nut case. Maybe some day I’ll prove it to you over a cup of tea.

In that case I'm sorry that I drew wrong conclusions.
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 03:03
It's OK.
I am sure you already figured from the remaining posts that I am a pretty patient, tolerant and non-violent person. Like most Maine Coons, actually.

Your comment made me realize something: while those gun-related examples may be good for illustrating my point, they may not be the best thing to bring up in a fundamentally peaceful gathering. And it’s somewhat tactless to do that in an Israeli forum too. So, I suddenly found myself agreeing with you in a strange way: gun talk is certainly out of place in this Forum.

P.S. All this does not negate the fact that this thread’s main topic sucks donkey balls.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 11:00
          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 11:29
Well if you are looking at making a documentary..related to sociological and behavioral issues patterns etc related to psytrance what you could do is document a few other trance parties (tiesto, armin etc type) and do select interviewing at these parties and have the same questions for goa psy trance scene. See which trance heads are more intelligent and comprehend more as well as which scene is more open and free spirited and could be labelled as Healthy Trance ...if this documentary is made convincingly and Goa Psy can be projected as healthy, nutrition for body mind and soul.also do age will notice that tiesto trance uses a lot of hair gel           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 12:13
good morning again dears,:)

i see you are warming up into a debate, but the high season for discussing is gone. this was just an announcement, and if you know more about the stories going on at the mentioned place or you just need to talk about it and you are not allowed by the dictators, then just connect me. it will be done fast and short. it is a small project about human rights.

btw if you dont connect me, it will be a further provement of the thesis that i will state. consider that i publicly give both sides a chance to express a position.

to me it is not a waste of time because it is done in two weeks time ( with 14 persons will be perfect, preferably also the artists that have been banned or deleted)) and it is not a documentary, even because with this project i would not even get support from the places that finance documentaries. i prefer to contact these places for more important issues:)).

it is ridiculous to really observe a dictatorship from the side and see what is going on. a dictator is telling me what is important to talk about, a dictator is banning projects, a dictator is allowing permanent violence, not only in speech but also for real, and explains everything with the fact that he is a dictator. he can do whatever. i cant write enough to express what i think. and honestly i think the project will take at least an year to find 14 people, because the truth is that everyone fears this, they are afraid to talk. it is monopoly, may be not so much in the global scene but it is a monopoly in the german scene and you cannot excape from there if you want to do parties or promote yourselve. you will be dead if you do this, unless you have other income which was my case and only reason i could do it. so i guess it is even hard to find people to talk about the issue.

the figures about the user clicks 1 000 000-1 500 000 ( answering to your question) are coming from the bottom of the website where it is written how much users. the question about my own dictatorship - my contents are all free to anyone. may ne i cant stand someonw, but nevertheless he has access to my content. i never ever banned anyone. dictatorship is HUMAN RIGHTS issue. you dont go and ask for human rights. human right ARE GIVEN WITH YOUR BIRTH to you. and they can only be abused or violated. but not given.

the private issue is also not an argument. you can sit on your toilette highly private and alone, and nevertheless violate human rights if you for instance sit on a picture of a human while doing this. it is not allowed in a civilised society and i insist to live in one.

and i just want to give expression of this in a video because it will be more useful.

talking is just not enough. i have talken a lot.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 12:19

On 2010-11-12 11:34:44, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i am doing , which is a video platform about metaphysic, innovative music concepts, philosophy, ethnology, shamanism and politics.

time wave zero tv with up to 10000 viewers with high affinity to trance realated subject and very well financial status in society.

it means this is the avantgard cultural elite and it is growing fast. it involves scientists, artists and the philosophical elite + the financially well situated elite of the new age scene.

this topic and your thoughts about your tv-station are far more disturbing than the fact that somebody is banning animated gifs on a forum. wtf? the smart and rich elite of the new age!?! skull & bones, anybody?

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 12:23
i will not comment the statement about the gifs because it is a ridiculous statement:). he is banning projects and contents which is my problem and not the gifs. why does my tv station disturb you btw? would you ban it if you could ? would you be disturbed to be called a dictator after that?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 12:31

On 2010-11-13 12:23, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
why does my tv station disturb you btw? would you ban it if you could ? would you be disturbed to be called a dictator after that?

your tv station does not disturb me. it can't disturb me cause i don't know anything about it. what disturbed me was this:

it means this is the avantgard CULTURAL ELITE and it is growing fast. it involves scientists, artists and the PHILOSOPHICAL ELITE + the FINANCIALLY WELL SITUATED ELITE of the new age scene.

do you see it now?

          "no one ever sweats on a plug-in" -moby
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 13:25
Your video campaign will only make the dictators more famous and like "Che" it will be cool to be seen under their influence or with their ...u are only widening their wings..dictators love protestors infact sometimes they hire them to fake protests just to show their power..propoganda 101.           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 15:30

On 2010-11-13 12:13, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
the figures about the user clicks 1 000 000-1 500 000 ( answering to your question) are coming from the bottom of the website where it is written how much users. the question about my own dictatorship - my contents are all free to anyone. may ne i cant stand someonw, but nevertheless he has access to my content. i never ever banned anyone. dictatorship is HUMAN RIGHTS issue. you dont go and ask for human rights. human right ARE GIVEN WITH YOUR BIRTH to you. and they can only be abused or violated. but not given.

I’m pretty sure the human rights doesn’t mention anything about not getting banned from a website.

It doesn’t matter how big Goabase is – it’s a privately owned website, and they are free to ban you from using their site if they want to, and for whatever reason they feel like. It is not a violation of either your freedom of speech or your human rights.          DJ pr0fane (Iboga Records) | Multiphase | |
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 15:34

On 2010-11-13 12:13, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
bsite where it is written how much users. the question about my own dictatorship - my contents are all free to anyone. may ne i cant stand someonw, but nevertheless he has access to my content. i never ever banned anyone. dictatorship is HUMAN RIGHTS issue. you dont go and ask for human rights. human right ARE GIVEN WITH YOUR BIRTH to you. and they can only be abused or violated. but not given.

All that says is that your have chosen to exercise your own dictatorship in a way that makes your content accessible to all. As dictator of your own website, you could change that at any time. If you have a website, dictatorship can be exercised in many ways but it cannot be taken away. Will your work on the internet dictatorships of others be balanced and include information on your own dictatorship?
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 17:54
i truely believe that lots of people need a lesson on dictatorship in the internet. know your rights. i am again on this legal issue in the internet because i have a lot to do right now with a lawyer ( expert on the internet where my other firm is situated) and thought a lot about human rights in the last years.

it is perfectly okey to ban people. it is perfectly okey to ban even projects ( although they can protect their rights on a " market" which is situated as a monopoly , but lets leave this issue). it is perfectly okey to ban and to put access to your content if you define who is not allowed to be there. and you do this before you let him in ( for instance a network can say i only allow academically certified doctors in my network).

BUT you have to keep to your rules consequently!! in the moment you start to ban and delete certain projets that you dont like , and to let other projects break all your rules consequently ( which is the case in goabase) , you are having a dictatorship. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?? it means, that you are disqualifying certain humans ( no matter if it because of their sexes, religious beliefs or wahtever it is). it means, that you take their humans rights from them. this will never be allowed in the internet, and i am lucky to say that i live in a civilised country that would never allow this.

Basilisk was right, the statistics about 1 500000 users is not on the bottom any more. but you can find in a newsletter, i guess? earlier it used to be on the bottom of the newsletters as well. now i dont know, i am not a member in this dictatorship and i dont get newsletters.

dictatorship can be taken away btw. by courts. i have promised to me to wait 2 years till i go there. 2 years will be gone next year in the spring.

and i mean, why is it so difficult to just talk about things like cosmic octave, quantum physics??? it is ridiculous and it has "mine" definite no of my tv plattform.

@outolinto: me myseld i dont give a * for a financial elite. but it is an important argument for banners and ads especially if it is free. you simply get an access to more people who buy music.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 18:39

On 2010-11-13 17:54, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
i truely believe that lots of people need a lesson on dictatorship in the internet.

And by that you are the self-proclamation spokeswoman who should teach all of us dummies?

And here (I dummy) thought this forum was about music?


Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Nov 13, 2010 20:52

i have promised to me to wait 2 years till i go there. 2 years will be gone next year in the spring.

You have waited 1 1/2 years? All that time with your anger pinned up inside you? You could have let it go, after all, blessed are the ignorant, but to hold on to this type of vibe for too long, can produce cancer. Now I hope you don't have cancer Moki, but it is inconceivable to me how someone can wait for 2 years for some crap like this.           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
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