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video campagne "dictatorship in the trance scene"

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 11:34:44
Hello freaks,

i would like to start a small video production campagne connected with a search on isratrance. i hope , it is okey to do it in this forum, and if not, please apologise me and move it to the right section.

i am looking for psy trance freaks who would like to be interviewed or to give a statement in front of the camera about the development of the scene and the influence of the big trance social networks on the scene. the purpose is to prove the thesis, that the scene would still be this beautiful powerful innovative community, that we all know, if there were no big trance social networks to ruin everthyng and to turn this culture into a mass phenomenon killing the real psychedelic trance minds.

if anyone is interested to give me a statement about it, please connect me. short info for those who dont know me - i am doing , mostly in german language, which is a video platform about metaphysic, innovative music concepts, philosophy, ethnology, shamanism and politics. my email for contact:

mostly i would like to experimentally discuss in front of the cam the fact that in the 21.century i need to read posts like this one :

" in the internet - and we are now there - everyone has the right to start his dictatorship and it is only the desicion of the dictator how transparent his dictatorship is... "
quote from amalesh @ goabase 11.11.10

i want to make a video about the dictatorship of psy trance and the culture of the minority. i consider it very important to do this. so if you want to give a statement, no matter positiv or negative ( i mean you may be have any arguments about something good that the big networks have given to the scene!!??) , please connect me. preferably i can film in berlin but also in other places, with some more planning before that.

those who want to participate get a special PRESENT FOR PROMOTION of their projects, banners or ads, on time wave zero tv with up to 10000 viewers with high affinity to trance realated subject and very well financial status in society.
Inactive User

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 13:18
10000 viewers with high affinity to trance realated subject and very well financial status in society.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 13:47
yes, it means this is the avantgard cultural elite and it is growing fast. it involves scientists, artists and the philosophical elite + the financially well situated elite of the new age scene.
it is a present that everyone will get from me if he or she participates in the project with a statement - a free ad or banner or even a project presentation with a video.

oh, and i need to quote full ( in german, see translation under the link):

" in the internet – and we are now there- everyone can immediately start a dictatorship. Nobody can stop him doing this. After that it is the decision of the dictator, how transparent his dictatorship will be and what purpose he wants to achieve with his dictatorship. The difference [between and] to the real dictatorship is that here nobody is born [into the dictatorship] and everyone can go anytime. "

quote, amalesh @ goabase, 1 000 000 users per month. 11.11.10

time wave zero tv states a definite no. it is now enough.

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Nov 12, 2010 14:05
Hi Moki/tina

I must confess I am a bit confused (yes, I know, its easy to discombobulate me!) as to what you are wanting to achieve, and what you mean by "dictatorship in the trance scene".
I am assuming this has something to do with goabase, but as I said, I am a tad befuddled.

In regards to the notions of pet hypothesii...

Robert Anton Wilson : Whatever the Thinker thinks, the Prover will prove. And if the Thinker thinks passionately enough, the Prover will prove the thought so conclusively that you will never talk a person out of such a belief........

P.s. But you ask/interview me about "whatever" anytime.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 17:27
You will always have to read stuff like that, because the internet is "free", so anyone can write whatever they want or even impersonate whatever character they want, which means they can almost "be" whoever they want.

Of course, sometimes I have to delete a post or topic, because even though it is free it is still supposed to be somehow safe. For example, I can't allow topics discussing how someone likes to rape and torture little children while listening to 145 bpm morning full on.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Mike A

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 18:03

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 18:08
How transparent is your dictatorship, Moki? Where are you even getting the stats for one million visitors at Goabase?

This entire project sounds like a ridiculous waste of time and energy.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  117
Posted : Nov 12, 2010 18:27
This is really ridiculous...

The whole story is that the webmater of goabase wants to abolish animated gifs in the forum. And now certain ppl start bashing him for that.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 18:32
What? This is an outrage! The scene would still be a beautiful, powerful, and innovative community if it weren't for the systematic oppression of real psychedelic trance minds by webmasters abolishing animated GIFs on their forums!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 19:01

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 19:13
For much I agree with you Moki in many topics, I feel this a little bit over the top. It will be much significant a documentary about the relation of social network sites and the psy trance scene. The problem with your actual topic is that you haven proved that such relation is significant.           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Nov 12, 2010 20:16

On 2010-11-12 19:01, Beat Agency wrote:

          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Nov 12, 2010 22:40

On 2010-11-12 11:34:44, Moki.Time.Wave.Zero wrote:
the purpose is to prove the thesis, that the scene would still be this beautiful powerful innovative community, that we all know, if there were no big trance social networks to ruin everything and to turn this culture into a mass phenomenon killing the real psychedelic trance minds.

1) Your thesis is fundamentally non-provable, since nobody is going to go back in time, abolish all the “big trance social networks” and then come back to the present to see how it is without those networks. What you call “statements”, therefore, is going to be nothing more than what-if speculation.

2) I was under an impression that you were a journalist and not a preacher. As a journalist, you’re supposed to test a thesis, not to prove it. As soon as you set out to prove a thesis (especially, a fundamentally non-provable one), you become a propaganda outlet.

3) Related to the previous point: if you end up with dozens of people making statements that your “thesis” is a load of manure but none of the people that would confirm your “hypothesis” – will those “negative” participants still get the super-duper gifts you promised?

As for the GoaBase statement, I see nothing wrong with it. I imagine it’s a private project, just like IsraTrance, and it’s the owners who make the rules there. Just like my State allows me to own and carry a gun, but most businesses have a sign on their doors prohibiting me from doing that. Business owners’ wishes trump the Second Amendment. GoaBase’s owners’ wishes trump your thirst for the freedom of animated GIFs. And BTW, no “Internet dictatorship” can force you to read those statements. You chose to read them, just like you chose to blow them out of proportion afterwards.

Anyway, just curious, when does a network become “too large”? IsraTrance has about 3000 users (most of whom are dormant). Is this too big? How about that super-enlightened TV of yours, “with up to 10000 viewers with high affinity to trance related subject and very well financial status in society”? Would that qualify as one of them dictatorships?

I’ll conclude with the timeless quote from Melvin Udall of “As Good as It Gets”:
“Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.”

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  117
Posted : Nov 12, 2010 23:13
Maine Coon: How does it come that you're talking about guns in every second post?

It seems you're pretty fond of guns.
Do you take your gun to psy parties as well?


On 2010-11-12 22:40, Maine Coon wrote:
Just like my State allows me to own and carry a gun


10/08/2010 23:41
The famous NRA quote applies pretty much in every area of our lives: “Guns don’t kill people – people kill people”.


14/10/2010 20:00
It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about techno music or gay marriage or gun ownership. Live and let live. The more variety in the world the better.

Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  12
Posts :  1659
Posted : Nov 12, 2010 23:46
Three times out of 1100 messages is hardly “every other post”.
And in every post you quoted it was an illustration of a larger principle that had little to do with firearms per se. This is an interesting area of ethics and law, where freedom and safety hang in a very delicate balance – so yes, I like pondering on it. And the thoughts of general nature that come in this process sometimes can be applied in totally unrelated areas – just like it happened in the three posts you mentioned. Some people mention String Theory, others talk about chakras “in every other post”, yet somebody else likes bringing up farts in every topic. It’s not always directly related to the topic at hand. And it doesn’t always mean that this is all a person ever thinks about.

To answer your other questions:
No, I am not fond of firearms. They are fine pieces of engineering and craftsmanship, but personally I prefer MRIs and “4D” ultrasonic imagers. Although, those are much harder to weave into a psytrance discussion.
To your last question – it’s a double-no: I don’t have a gun and I don’t go to trance parties.

As for the question you did not ask directly – no, I am not a nut case. Maybe some day I’ll prove it to you over a cup of tea.

P.S. It's all majorly OT. Although the topic at hand sucks, anyway.
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