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Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - VERY IMPORTANT WARNING - Be careful with Filipe Goulart (Mr Madness/Dystopia) !!!
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VERY IMPORTANT WARNING - Be careful with Filipe Goulart (Mr Madness/Dystopia) !!!


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  241
Posted : Mar 3, 2013 05:26:05
Hi guys,

i'm here to express (with great sadness) a very embarrassing situation that i'm currently living:

I'm having a personal problem with a Portuguese guy named Filipe André Martins Goulart.
This guy,a Dark Psytrance producer,is known for his Solo project Mr Madness and is also (or was) one of the
members of Dystopia project,together with Paulo Gonçalves (aka Inner Coma).

Besides being a Producer,Party organizer,working at a Radio Station,and doing Mixing and Mastering services,
he was also (till some time ago) a student at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias,in Lisbon.
I'm aware that he left/quit suddenly when was about to graduate for his Bachelor's degree in Science & Sound Technology.

So what happened?

This stupid kid placed an advert (on the 09/02/2013) @ OLX here in Portugal.It's a Website like Ebay,yet a bit different
and much smaller.The article/product he was selling was a couple of old acoustic foam tiles.

The thing is:

I've contacted him showing interest on them,was polite,and we've made an agreement on the price to pay,114,70 euros.
Dispite knowing him personally,i had a tiny idea of who he was.Since i had also in my possession quite a few details regarding
him,i kind of felt "confident" and went to the Bank,in order to make the payment onto his Bank Account.
Basicly he hasn't sent them to me,as he should.
Since then this bad character guy,or better "burglar" is ignoring my emails and giving me absolutely no satisfaction.
He has been arrogant,doesn't answer the phone,hangs it up in my face,insults me,and is threatening me,saying that he
has Security staff working for him and inclusively knows my home watch out bro!!!LOL

I have been very clear and gave him several oportunities to correct his stupid mistake by returning the money he took,
however without any success till today.I've warned him a few times by saying that i was not joking and that i would
press charges against him at the Police Station,he simply doesn't care and keeps ignoring me.I also told him that i would
do everything that i possibly could to make everyone know what he did to me and make him pay for that.
I've mentioned Labels,Promotors,Producers,Dj's,Party people,etç.

I'm also a producer myself (starting out) let's say...i LOVE Psytrance (Full-on/Progressive style) and i'm connected to
the "scene" for much longer than he is.I never never expected such attitude and behaviour from him...i've been living a
real nightmare!

Actions against this prick will be taken immediately,starting out next week.Let's see what he says in Court,when asked
to present himself.

I've also asked for help (by explaining the situation) to the University Director where i thought he was studying,although
i was told that he gave up the course halfway and simply disappeared,not being a student there anymore...unbelievable!!!

My intention with this POST,is mainly to warn people about him,by unmasking what he did to me and what he is capable of.
I strongly advise everyone to be aware in hope no one could be deceived by him in the future.

Here is some interesting information regarding himself:

Link of his adverts on OLX:

Web Page link of his debut Album (CD),published by the University:

Link of his Biography on Reverbnation Website:

Link of the Compilation (V.A) released by him,in partnership with Dj Shawnodese (Holand):

Link of his Account/Videos on Youtube:

A few other useful links:

If someone would like to obtain a more detailed explanation concerning the matter,please let me know.I will gently provide it.
If you want to spread "the message" between your contacts feel free to do so,to me it's only a favour you're doing!

P.S. - Would be nice to see this POST (on top) for some good time.

My best regards and thanks for all your understading,



Started Topics :  5
Posts :  241
Posted : Mar 5, 2013 03:40
Hi everyone,
just want to leave something very clear:

Paulo Gonçalves (aka Inner Coma) has absolutely nothing to do with what this guy (Mr. Madness) did to me.
He was only a member together with him (till nearly 2 years ago) on the Dystopia Project.This Project no longer exists.
He is not a coleague/friend of him anymore and rarely has seen him since then.He truly condemns and regrets his behaviour
with myself.He contacted me immediately after being told about this.He is a great guy and has shown huge support and

He can't be judged (in any way) for something he didn't do.He is completely innocent and was totally anaware of this!

This matter has been handed to the Authorities.

Thank you all for the kind words/feedback received.


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  952
Posted : Mar 20, 2013 22:34
I'm sorry to hear about this and I hope a positive outcome is met for you.
I have even heard stories about this guy before, at first I wasn't too sure..
All the best           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  241
Posted : Mar 26, 2013 08:29
Thanks Man.
I've heard a few stories too lately.
He seems to be "good" ripping people off.

Found out recently that 5 months ago he tryed on the same Website to sell an
old Legacy Midi Controller as a Legendary & Genuine Korg MS20,in mint condition.

As you might know they are both very identical products.

He got a few people interested on the deal.
However,due to the amount of money involved,he was asked to provide pictures,etç.
A few people got them and (fortunately) were smart enough.They soon realised they
were being deceived and that the advert was a trick.A POST was published as a warning
(regarding the case) on a known Portuguese Vintage Synthesizers dedicated Forum.

Here's the link:

It's written in Portuguese.As so,you won't understand it much,sorry.

Since then the advert has been removed.
I'm unaware if someone has been caught in the scam.I seriously hope not!

His Facebook Account Page:

Best regards

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  290
Posted : May 29, 2013 14:52
only one thing comes to my mind: cocaine
Trance Forum » » Forum  DJs & Artists - VERY IMPORTANT WARNING - Be careful with Filipe Goulart (Mr Madness/Dystopia) !!!
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