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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Vataff Project - Kalitz
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Vataff Project - Kalitz

Morpheus Music
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  165
Posted : Jun 18, 2008 12:28:25
Quirky downtempo electronica. Kalitz brings together some blip-punctuated lazy beats and ambient atmospheres that are inhabited by a variety of sharp digital effects - swishes, pulses, clicks, grasshopper flickers, sci-fi techno snippets, electro-squishes, bird-like twitters. There are also diverse fleeting enhancements to this primarily synthetic soundscaping - rich flute lines, peculiar vocal samples, traditional Bulgarian instrumentation. Ranging through chilled psychedelia, IDM, and rhythmic ambient, Vataff Project leaves a distinctive impression - slightly sombre, touched with enigmatic dusk.

Kalitz has a cool, shadowy nature - comfortable, confident, relaxed - yet there is sense of mystery lurking in the depths. The melodic content of the album is suitably low key and spacious allowing the mind to fill in the gaps, the tendency toward almost ambient structure enhancing the evocative nature of the music. The choice of electronic tones making up the sonic palette is quite overtly synthetic suggesting programmed spacey, sci-fi environments.

The promotional copy of this package that I possess hints at the usual high quality delivery we have come to expect from Aleph-Zero productions. The graphics are sharp and evocative - blue tinted forests overlaid with graphic elements and text fading to black across the lower half of the various panels.
Explanational paragraphs describe the musician, the origins of the project name and the artist's sonic vision.

Kalitz is delivered to us via Aleph-Zero Records and is the debut release from the personal project of Bulgarian musician Victor Marinov working under the Vataff Project title. The nine tracks here work as a coherent whole, an evolving journey - pieces cross referring, back echoing, gradually morphing and straying from the point of origin in a leisurely unfurling of compositions that tap into the mysterious qualities of the forests of Bulgaria for inspiration. Marinov's interest in ethno-musicological work is reflected here, aiming to evoke deep emotional reactions linking back to ancient times, imbuing the recording with a somewhat timeless feel despite its highly contemporary production.

Kalitz will appeal to listeners that enjoy exploring the realms between experimental downtempo and ambient groove. Very much in keeping with previous output from the Aleph-Zero label itself and like minded sources such as Native State and Ultimae.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  109
Posts :  1537
Posted : Nov 19, 2010 22:46

Wanted to bump this thread up, since 'Kalitz' is such a great album for the winter, and winter is almost here.

Out of this world indeed !

'Kalitz' contains some really beautiful sound manipulations. Hypnotic atmospheres. It makes me think of sorcery etc.

Definitely unique. Great production.

A big boost for the imagination.

The artwork is wonderful as well.

Cheers !
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Nov 20, 2010 08:02

can't believe i didn't write something about it. this is one of the strongest albums ever for me with regards to its atmosphere. it just sucks you in to anotherworld. i wonder if theres new stuff coming soon.

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Nov 20, 2010 22:19
i have this one!

truly a nice album, and pointed to a very specific listener.
to be honest it didn´t grew up on me the very 1st listens, but after a while it has really great music

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  109
Posts :  1537
Posted : Nov 21, 2010 02:03

On 2010-11-20 22:19, a3k wrote:
i have this one!

truly a nice album, and pointed to a very specific listener.
to be honest it didn´t grew up on me the very 1st listens, but after a while it has really great music

Ya, it took a while to really feel this album too.

But now I feel like 'Kalitz' is a good friend of mine.

A friend that provides a deep magical journey. Otherworldly, dark, mysterious, mystical and imaginative.

Highly atmospheric. Amazing production.

Gorgeous !

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Dec 9, 2010 10:01
listening to this album last night i felt like i just smoked a chillum. i didnt smoke a chillum for many years. so fukin psychedelik.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Dec 9, 2010 10:08
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Vataff Project - Kalitz
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