David Sonnentiger
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Posted : Mar 24, 2011 12:08:26
Hi all!
I'm doing vacations around Easter time in Israel, from 16th to 25th of April. So if you know any parties around this time, it would be great if you can give me some information per PM, I'd love to visit one, heard some stories about parties in the desert.
If you know anyone who'd need a live set as well, it would be even better, I'm doing mystical, melodic, sometimes progressive Psytrance with influences from Oldschool Goatrance, Psychedelic Rock, Classical music and more.
Here you'll find a video of us at a festival this summer:
, a showcase of our live act:
, and that's the record of our last act:
But anyway, playing is not necessary, I'd love just to party as well in the homebase of Psytrance
"The external world became changed as in a dream and colors became more glowing.When the eyes were closed,colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope.what had caused this condition?"
Albert Hofmann Laboratory Notes (1943)