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VA - Reconstruction (SoundMute)

Jester Records
Jester Records

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  254
Posted : Aug 19, 2010 16:55:56
VA - Reconstruction ( Soundmute , Dec. 2009 )

1. Excizen- Flavour Black 6:36
2. Le Saboteur- 2020 AD 7:22
3. Manibus- Dolaze 7:06
4. Kali Frogz- Section K 6:33
5. Opsy- Broadcastion Prohibited 6:19
6. The Delta- Warp (tinnitus mix) 5:06
7. Cold Project- Back Up 8:43
8. October Rust- Harry Pothead 5:58
9. Alic- Step, Dub and Flames 6:32
10. Prime Suspect- Attraction (Extrawelt remix) 7:06

Reconstruction is the debut CD release from the Balkan label. The Soundmute team consists of a few different people: Lara (the PR and label manager), Misha (marketing and label manager), Vladislav Radulovic (artist and promoter) and Goran Velemirov (artist and promoter). Soundmute proves that techtrance is still alive with this fresh compilation. Bringing together a few different angles of techno, this release is the first proper release in the genre for a long time. Techtrance seems to be on the verge of extinction in today's music scene but thanks to the persistence and quality of releases such as this one, we still have faith!!!

Things kick off with a groovy feel as Excizen warms up the ears for this techno filled CD. Flavour Black offers a trippy tune that's nice to the ear and not too complex for the mind. It's not the highlight of the disc but it does deserve some credit for getting the job done. Le Sabateur, a.k.a Joakim Hakanson, really sets the pace right from the start. This track should have been the opener in my opinion, as you really get a great feel of what to expect on this release. 2020 AD is a drier tune with heavy kick-basses and very tightly fitted mechanical sounds. At some points this track is almost "Hardcore" with drilling basslines and heavy percussion. Joakim really throws this one at you at 100 miles per hour. Manibus (T3) is back in the studio after focusing more on the prosper project. It's good to have Nikola back on the bill. This one is much more structure oriented, still bringing the harder side of techtrance. Dolaze offers drilling basslines and twisted sounds that all combine into another powerhouse track. The French Techtrance survivors are back as Kali Frogz continues to produce great quality techtrance music. Christophe Fabulet and Eric Brandy are together again and Section K (T4) is in my opinion one of the biggest highlights on this release so far. This track is the pure definition of techtrance muisc. Subtle melodies, hard kicks, progressive evolutions and just plain mind-fucking music. It's a little faster than today's standards for techno music but along with the theme of the release, it does all make sense. Great job guys.
Opsy is Kanc Cover, aka Vladislav Radulovic and part of the Soundmute team. Broadcasting Prohibited is a decent tune, focusing on a very strong kick and dry melodies. It's a decent tune in my opinion but it's missing something special. It definitely has a lot of drive but coming after Manibus and Kali Frogz, you can tell the quality difference. Not bad but definitely a filler. Okay, now things get serious. The Delta needs no introduction as the German stars are back after a third studio album release in 2009. Warp was one of their most recent strong tracks and this mix is basically the same great track with a few minor adjustments. Cold Project (T7) is Ian Jukes and Ivan Steyn from South Africa and they are "Back up" in a fresh compilation. This tune really does stand out due to the great use of breathing room in this track. As you might realize at this point, many of the tracks so far were really "full-on" techtrance, and Cold Project really balance things out with their track. Very smooth and progressive, almost like something Sensient would put out. I really hope to hear more stuff from this duo. October Rust is Fabian Mulfinger and Simone Mulfinger from Germany. Harry Pothead (T8) brings a more groovy electro feel to the release. It reminds me of something I've heard before, but I just can't put my finger on it... maybe something from Fuzzion or Extrawelt. This one boldly catches my ear and makes me want to bounce around. It's nothing too complex, yet it works very well altogether. I particularly enjoy the subtle melodies in that come and go. Alic is Volker Jakubzik and Adam Zawadzki from Germany and with Step, Dub and Flames (T9) contribute toward the group of softer, electroish tunes on this release. This one sounds like a clash between Extrawelt and The Delta with long, deep, one-tone synth notes that wobble your eardrums. It's definitely a great track but that strange Mexican guitar sounding insert sure raises a few question marks. Finally, to conclude this release, Soundmute ends it in style with huge names. Extrawelt remix a track from X-Dream's Jan Muller and Ariel Electron's Prime Suspect project. Extrawelt's signature is all over the place. Deep melodies, slower grooves, possessive synths and just plain out great music. It's by far the best tune on this release.

Recomendation: This album offers a lot of great variety for the techtrance freak in you, from the harder sounds to the softer, more minimal view of techtrance. I strongly support this crew for their ambition and love for the music. It's great to see people take chances in life and not only go towards what everyone wants. Although this CD might not catch everyone's attention, many of the tunes on here should not be left in the darkness.
Favorite tracks:4, 7 & 10 with a side note to 8 !!

Review written by Vincenzo, Dj Clown @ 
KanibaL HolokausT
KanibaL HolokausT

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  401
Posted : Aug 20, 2010 03:18
This one is like ID of today tech trance music. Very strong and active names gethered on one release. With this one Soundmute entered in techno trance physical media on BIG door. Next to great labels of that sound Soundmute become important publisher of heavy and deep beats.

Here it is my short review of thos release

Excizen - Serbian producer, fresh on scene and just after album and few compilation releases show us from what he is made. "Flavour Black" not less important then previouse tracks, brings us easier enter in electronic vocal madness with stomping beat. Very solid tune! 8/10

Le Saboteur - Well known swedish artist also known as previous project Dopamin. Excellent distorted world of sound. "2020 A.D." comes from dirty silence to dirty grooves. Crash all that find on his mechanical way. My favorite track here. 11/10

Manibus - Nikola finaly woke up with "Distorted Roads EP" on very same label and now we have "Dolaze" track that describe his new upcoming style. Dolaze (on serbian) - Upcoming (on english). Scream of metal balance of pads and melodies. Perfect. 9/10

Kali Frogz - French labaratory of mechanical noise. "Sektor K" is stand for "Kikc some asses" From the basement to the world club speakers. Gives us a pure automatic pleasure. 9/10

Opsy - Serbian hard core mind that remind us how much can be strong emotion in side of dry black metal heard. "Broadcasting Prohibited" but for shore feel free to broadcasting this baby. It will makes a lot of us happy. 9/10

The Delta - What can I say about this one. From the moment I met this project I find out that this will be my ticket for pleasure for life! "Warp" just warp my brain to the madness limits. My way of living. 10/10

Cold Project - I always asked my self is it possibe that in future will find someone who will replace the great Cosma. Not just only with "Back up", but with rest of the releases, those south african minds show the way of deep night progressive sound. Teach us boys. 9/10

October Rust - German duo with lot of influence by great master minds like Gravity plus crew! "Harry Pothead" makes me dance even in my room. Very good one! 8/10

Alic - Pure digital diamonds as they label says! Lot of interesting spanish guitars mixed with techy beats. Thats the way it is! "Step, Dub and Flames" and lot of pleasures for our hearts. 8/10

Prime Suspect/Extrawelt - C'mon bouy. Couldnt be better combination! All my favourites projects like X-Dream. The Delta, Downhill, MidiMiliz, Spirallianz, Extrawelt, Prime Suspect, by the very same people, in side this baby. Deeeeeeeep and groovy!!! Thank you for showing up here 9/10

All in all this compilation for my music taste is 9/10 but for shore is 10/10 for all other parameters that follow.
I love you Soundmute as much as you love us with that kind of treat!
Nek vas Bog pozivi!!! Long live SM rec

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Aug 21, 2010 08:23
I've listened to it. twice. it's got some nice moments, but overall, i think it shows why this genre is dying. it just goes nowhere innovative and maybe cant go there at all... all sounds like i heard i before.
J.D. Jason

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  95
Posted : Aug 21, 2010 18:31
You are totally right Bom Shakar! This is just goes nowhere "innovative" and I HOPE it wont go there at all... all sounds like you and me and a lot of listeners heard before, and what is the most important thing IT JUST HAVE TO STAY THAT WAY!!! Thanks to God this kind of style will never present a kind of innovation that people talk about nowdays and which is involved in nowdays sound, and cause of that music become not similarly but same! I am so happy that this kind of releases will never catch that so-called "futuristic" plastic fever of some mold producing of music, and will stay in this way FOREVER AND EVER!!!
Only on that way will have a chance to enjoy again, releases like this one, where you don't have only 10 tracks, BUT 10 DIFFERENT TRACKS!!!
So again THANK YOU GOD for not giving the "innovation" to this style and on that way ruined it whole pleasure left.
Tech trance forever, track list kills!!!

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  109
Posted : Aug 21, 2010 18:37
U have sad it all Jason,to the center of the center,regards...           Smart Man Finds Solution,Idiot Founds Excusse
Where Words Fall,Music Speaks
When injustice becomes the law,resistance is yours duty.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Aug 21, 2010 21:28

Jesus Raves
Jesus Raves / Kanibal Raves

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  240
Posted : Aug 21, 2010 23:18

soundmute recordings
Soundmute Recordings

Started Topics :  97
Posts :  193
Posted : Aug 23, 2010 17:02
Hello to everyone,
Thank you all for support.
Clown (Jester rec), thank you for wonderful review that you spent time to write and listen compilation. Its really nice one and I hope that you are enjoyed in this one as much I enjoyed in reading.
For all interesting people in work of this label we pre-announced several physical media with new tunes from our artists and some guests collected in compilation and albums. Official announcement with schedule will come very soon on world wide portals and forums as on official label web sites and profiles.
One more time thank you all for your time and support and keep on this track of our dstorted and atmosphere world.
All the best
SM rec


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  143
Posted : Aug 24, 2010 21:11
great tracklist and really good sound... must say this genre is not dying, not dying at all....
Alex Boshke
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  59
Posts :  613
Posted : Sep 2, 2010 21:24
Excellent V/A! i like it a lot ! As for the genre discussion is a life style... life style never dies!
Respect to Soundmute and all involved ,my favorite track is Prime Suspect-Extrawelt's remix! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Sep 2, 2010 22:01
hmmm... alex- can you share the life style with us? like what you eat in the morning... what you read... you watch movies?
this sounds like full on talk, just slower, always got better impresion from you...
Alex Boshke
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  59
Posts :  613
Posted : Sep 3, 2010 01:01
Dear Bom Shankar i agree with you 100%! this is actually was my point:) smile

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Sep 3, 2010 16:29
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  232
Posted : Sep 8, 2010 19:14
alek boom
          dark dj
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - VA - Reconstruction (SoundMute)
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