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Trance Forum » » Forum  Free Music & Netlabels - VA - PSR REINCARNATION Pre Release
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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  71
Posted : Jun 20, 2011 00:23:17

PsyRussia net-label presents:


release date: 2011/july
release format: MP3, Lossless (Wave, Flac, Apple Lossless)
distribution: FREE net-release
catalogue no.: PSRDIGI0001
official site:
discogs info:

PsyRussia Net-Label or just PsR is the non-commercial psychedelic trance label
wich goal is to promote the artists who was born in such a great country as USSR was,
and there are the russian spirit and russian cultural roots in their musical activity..
So you want to ask why "Reincarnation"? We ,as the active members of PsR, were managing the label
- we had been releasing the promo-tracks,mixes,VA's ( you can check the info at our website) during
2005-2007.We helped lots of artists to take a chance of being widely promoted, they could
get the feedback regarding their creativity and experiments from the wide audience..
There was the period ( from 2008 till 2010) when we were not doing a lot for the promotion activity
and managing the label, but for this moment we have all we need to restart our business,
and now we re-countinue to do what we wanted to do ..
This compilation submitted to your attention contains the tracks of both world famous
artists and young talented artists (their tracks was picked carefully by us for this VA)..
We had tried to collect all the styles of modern psychedelic trance music in one big piece and then devided the compilation
on four thematic parts: Bright side, Goa side, Light side and Dark side.
We sincerely hope that our efforts will lead you to make some feedback to us from the very deep of your heart.


== Bright Side ==

Dissociactive (Russia / Spain)
Kalilaskov As (Belorussia / Israel / Germany)
Pan Psychic (Russia, St.Petersburg)
Sorrowmurk (Russia, Moscow)
Transdriver (Russia, Moscow)
..and more

== Goa Side ==

Sulima (Russia, Moscow)
Space Vibes System (Ukraine)
Fugas (Russia, Omsk)
Rabitza (Russia, Moscow)
Luminexia (Russia, St. Petersburg)
..and more

== Light Side ==

Neospherix Project (Russia, Moscow)
Hologram (Russia, Moscow)
Genetic Process vs Keller (Israel)
Beat Hackers (Israel)
Deeplook (Russia, Moscow)
..and more

== Dark Side ==

UnreleaZz (Russia, Moscow)
Hysteria (Russia, Moscow)
Quarantine (Russia, Moscow)
Decimator (Israel)
Witch (Germany / Russia)
..and more


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  145
Posted : Apr 1, 2012 19:54
Hello, guys

After release of compilation «PsR Reincarnation» we has received most good feedback from many people over the world. And we glad to see interest of many people to our big work!
For example, on Ektoplazm today our compilation was downloaded over 7'000 times!!! (in all formats - mp3/lossless) and fact - on Ektoplazm our release was published over month after official release date!

If you want to cooperate with us, our doors is open, and we ready to contact with you!

Today we work on next compilation, also like «RsR Reincarnation» it will be multiple sides musical release. You can see more and download it for free on this sites:

Ektoplazm - biggest non-commercial psytrance resource
[4CD / mp3|flac|wave]

Ohm Ganesh Pro
Kalilaskov AS's web'zine
[limited edition - 2CD: Bright+Dark Sides only / wave]

PsyRussia Net-Label
our official website or
[4CD / mp3-320|mp3-vbr|flac|wave|alac| +torrent]

Google can help you too
search for our release on your favorite torrent-tracker, so many torrent-trackers already have our release with active seeders [mp3, over 10'000 results] OR [lossless, over 6'000 results]
results of google will be sorted for your location and google-data (most visited sites by you, for google-users like gmail)

best regards           Nuclear Force Rec (
el Espanto Urbano Prod (
Ohm Ganesh Pro (
Trance Forum » » Forum  Free Music & Netlabels - VA - PSR REINCARNATION Pre Release
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