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VA - Laboratorium ( No Comment Records,2011 ) CD

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
Posts :  1614
Posted : Jan 20, 2012 17:26:01
*Various Artist Compilation*
* Laboratorium *

Title: VA - Laboratorium compiled by LAB
Label: No Comment Records
Catalogue Nr: NCRCD005
Format: Digipack


1. Transdriver - Coma
2. LAB - HardLife
3. Horror Maze - Algorythmic co.
4. Samadhi - Android
5. Malice in Wonderland and LAB - 1984
6. Psyfactor - Morienus
7. Illow - Devil's meeting
8. CPC - Sputnik7
9. Multi Evil - Grafen Module
10. Wing Ping - Recoil in the cities (titulo principal)

Mastered by: Rickard Steffensen
Compiled by: Lab

No Comment Records brings to us their 5th release VA - Laboratorium seeded with quality russian artists and some homegrown spices, makes one punchy toast.and well defined mastering by rickard steffensen fron sweden,brewing a thick lush bass with well defined crystal clear leads and cracking atmospherics make this 1 a special release

Transdriver drops it in all snow white winter sounds in a coma.over the past years keeping himself busy soundwise,he has devoloped his own distinct russian sound,and his newer works show a mature russian sound exploraions , with nice variations and fine quality grains,still getting the flows right on,real nice start

Lab walk in next with some deep rattling,slowly building the flowz with intellegent breaks and percussive raindrops melting into fine leads,lush ussr sounds.

horror maze another artist from portugal bring to us his algorhyhmic soundscapes, with nice warm driving flowz,he builds this track up nicely, nice roaring sounds in pretty much very well defined quality of sound.

after missing for a while samadhi brings in the android, one unexpected style,very different from his other new tracks, he makes the android speak a dry, crisp leads, with dark octave heavy bass bombing us.very nice bounce

1984 drops in next with malice in wonderland combing with lab to work out the fine details of 1984, building on a pounding drive, nice fluent intellegent touches rip through to the top, floating above,,real nice feel to the whole track.

psyfactor next out of the russian crew brings morienus, a big ass bass chopping through till it grows into a growling monster, bogging in the bog,misty and spooky, lands of trippy flows.

illow comes in next with devil's meeting, by now i realised how come the whole cd sounds different, it is because of the mastering of each track, done very nicely to bring forth one particular vibe out,,,but cuts out a wider sonic bounce in audio curvature.real nice bouncy track by illow makes me bounce and smile with nice colourfull bass changes, real nice

cpc flies in the sputnik7,,right into the eardrums dripping floor into the roof.and flying it back after the break back into the ground,totally electric hypnaughty.with his album commin soon,cpc also become a proud father recently, should definately be anticipaticing some raw tunage from the russian

muliti evil walks in next with the grafen module, lots of space and energy,clean and crystal the sound keeps pounding till it cracks into a a nice groove,building on the groove, he tends to stretch the sounds into a nice space and some well defined lead elements, nice stuff.

Wing Ping comes in last with simply the best track in the cd, with the Titulo principle (recoil in the cities),absolutley ripping and blasting through. showing the proper way of laying it down, as their ussr flowz rip through all the way. with intellegent bass changes , a bouncy groove pops up till it is shredded into a howling flow and clever breaks.all done to perfection in a crstal clear manner.amazing flow

so,this is a definate buy for all you ussr style lovers with a solid representaion on their part ,, i would mistake this for a big russian label,but saying this, the homegrown sounds put together by lab has a very clean and good quality . with the right mentality this label can be nurtured into a fully functional force in this particular genre of sound.amazing track selection making this into a must have for all you collectors of quality sound.with cpc's next album comming up and another va in the tube,,no comment is all set to rip us up in 2012.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  918
Posted : Jan 21, 2012 12:24
thx for the review! indeed a very nice cd!!!           }-->MaLiCe in WoNdErLaNd<--{
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  56
Posts :  2835
Posted : Feb 20, 2012 15:16
Very nice review broach
For those in India

This cd is available with me at my store

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - VA - Laboratorium ( No Comment Records,2011 ) CD
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