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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - VA Halo Effect compiled by DJ Mitra (Damaru Records)
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VA Halo Effect compiled by DJ Mitra (Damaru Records)


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  23
Posted : Oct 25, 2010 22:19:49
Artist: Various Artists
Title: Halo Effect
Label: Damaru Records
Format: CD and Digital
Release: 18.6.2010
Catalog: DAMCD001CD

01. Flooting Grooves - Oscillation Blues (135 BPM)
02. Ajja vs. Flooting Grooves - Beatstalk (142 BPM)
03. Ajja - Groove Tube (147 BPM)
04. Smoke Ship vs. Whiptongue vs. Fungoloyds - Cannonball Tree (149 BPM)
05. Bombax - Hollywoodkids (152 BPM)
06. Spyrallus - Obey The Giant (152 BPM)
07. Antagon - Eat The Beat (150 BPM)
08. Noise Gust vs. Conxion - Fair Drugs (150 BPM)
09. Digitalist - Meet Ya Soul (152 BPM)
10. Nyama - Mental Massage (156 BPM)

“The new German record label Damaru is proud to present their first compilation ”Halo Effect” which is compiled by “DJ Mitra”. It is a fine journey through psychedelic music made by international known artists and some new talents. Starting with some fluffy and groovy sounds the soundscape goes through the deeper and darker side of psychedelic trance. This is a must have for all psytrance lovers and it will surely kick asses! Enjoy!!!”

Congratulations are in order for Damaru Records and DJ Mitra for this compilation.
This one, more than a collection of brilliantly produced tracks by top-notch artists, is a journey of sounds. Instead of relying purely on what the label’s overall style and conception is, Damaru aimed to go further and please a wider spectrum of audience without even in a single moment losing cohisiveness in this compilation.
As a result, we have a piece of art that progressively turns from a groovier type of music to deeper and more introspective pieces, giving the listener a sense of continuous attachment and overall growing curiosity. More than just a compilation, this is an experience... one which you will for sure like if you’re into clever and genuinely psychedelic music.

The selection of the tracks and their order is once again something to praise DJ Mitra for, showing an incredible sight and cleverness. The tracks flow perfectly together in a spyral of growing intensity accompanied by the quicker BPM’s, making the listener shift his mood according to the tracks as he falls into a deeper state.

Recomendation: By everything said above, it comes as no surprise my recommendation to purchase this compilation. If you are a fan of out-of-the-box and creative music then this one is for you. Support this label that ultimately, works hard to please every single one of us.

Favorite Tracks: It’s hard to pick favorites with this one but I’d have to say the 5th, 6th, 7th and 10th.

Also, as a closing note, you can listen to samples of the compilation here

x psyle

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  82
Posted : Oct 26, 2010 09:24
track 6,7 is rox           Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  1489
Posted : Oct 26, 2010 13:51
Really nice comp !! Love the Ajja tracks and the Bombax one .. all in all a very solid release 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  284
Posted : Oct 28, 2010 17:38
Congrats for this Killah release! Hope to see more like this in the near future ... big up Damaru           We watch a monkey perform not because he is an artist, but a monkey performing
Full Face

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  506
Posted : Oct 31, 2010 19:00
i have enjoyed so much this va! Maybe a bit different styles but a really good trip
looking forward hearing the next step
all the best damaru records           v/a \"Keep it Surreal\" is OUT NOW from Pixan Recordings!

Full Face: In every place is OUT NOW from Pixan Recordings!
MorNinG MaGiC

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Posts :  1815
Posted : Nov 1, 2010 07:15
a strong VA for sure.. looking forward to hearing more from Damaru in the future !

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  610
Posted : Nov 2, 2010 09:10

great the way it builds up and ends.very few V/A has this kinda effect these days.if trak 4,5 was slightly better,this wud have been the best V/A of the year. . . . .

energy spliff
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  532
Posted : Nov 10, 2010 07:49
mad release... wickedest track list I've seen and heard in a while... keep it blasting  
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - VA Halo Effect compiled by DJ Mitra (Damaru Records)
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