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V.A Wasted Brigade CD.... Devils Mind Records... November 2009


Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Nov 19, 2009 00:24:58
Devils Mind Records is back after quite a long hiatus with a new compilation. Really like the spirit of this non-profit label and their no-nonsense underground approach to psytrance. Here is their latest offering :

Wasted Brigade :

1. Sulima - Mine
2. Wizack Twizack - My deer
3. Kiriyama & M.W.S - E.S.O.K
4. Pink Bunny Boy - Fuck you, I hate you
5. Kiriyama- Desolation 2 (Silent Hrror Rmx)
6. Fearkiller - Emergency
7. Derango - Sonic Circumstances
8. Taigan sunset - Look at your...
9. Melorix vs Skunks of Satan - Braincracker
10. Total vs Aremakki - Axel Fucked

Master by Colin OOD
Artwork by Illumination Design
Distribution by Wirikuta and Saikosounds

1. The track starts with an industrial-like pad. Soon a deep kick and bass settles in accompanied by a lead. As the track progresses, more industrial-like sounds are presented here with some deep atmospheres and twilight-styled leads. Interesting opener. Does feel like they are coming from inside a mine at times.

2. Tommy aka Wizack Twizack hits us with quite a dancefloor burner here. Starts off with a sample that goes something like this that was a UFO beaming back at ya, been there down at Mexico, weve seen 40 of them flying in formations. they've got places all over the world you know, they've been coming here ever since 1946 when the scientists started bouncing radar beams on the moons, and theyve been living and working among us in mass quantities, the government knows all about it". A driving kick bass settles in with some
nice percussion and interesting sounds well arranged. the track gains momentum soon with a nice lead. As it moves on the sounds become new-age with an organic touch. Perfect way to welcome those twilight hours. Nice one!

3. The track starts off with a pad which pretty much sound industrial. Deep kick and bass follows with some short bursts of synths. Once again, much like the opening track more industrial sonorities are presented here. The track progresses with more leads and deep pads. Did not quite dig this offering much.

4. Pink bunny boy starts with a strange intro with a groovy bassline. Reminds me of the old school Scando sound. The track progresses with pretty much repetive sounds building up slowly. the track gathers in momentum towards the latter halfwith some interesting sounds. I found this one a bit interesting, strange and dull at the same time. Wasnt really my cup of tea...was expecting a little more from this track.

5. Jigar starts off with his usual sonorities, strong bassline...haunting pads and very early into the track, a nice teasing synth is introduced. Soon it progresses with some strong leads and very nice atmospheric sounds/pads. At minute 2:15 the track moves on with some haunting pads and strong synths. At 4:00 a nice synth is introduced as the track takes you to the more brooding depths of the night as the track reaches its climax with some powerful sounds and electrifying leads. Pure night-stomper this one!

6. Fearkiller from Russia starts off proceedings with a 1930 sort of radio sound sample. Soon the bassline settles in with an array of small sounds leading the way another lead. The track moves on with some rather bizarre sounds. Again, very industrial type sounds are presented here. Have heard better stuff from Fearkiller. Did not dig this one too much

7. Derango needs no introduction. In usual fashion of interesting bizarre sonic arrangements, the track progresses quickly. At around 3:00 the mood changes with some quirky sounds layered on top of each other as the sounds begin to sound more organic. This defnitely is not for the faint hearted and quickly transports you into another dimension. At around 5:00 a nice resonating synth is introduced as the sounds become more rich and psychedelic. Soon more mind-boggling fx are introduced taking the journey into more unknown realms. Pretty much what you can expect from this duo although i've heard better stuff from them. this is pretty good too!

8. Taigan Sunset presents us here, which to me is, the track of the compilation!! It starts with a nice melody with filtered kick bass accompanying it. Strong a very strong and deep kick-bass is presented with very rich psychedelic sounds. Soon layers of rich sounds are presented as the track progresses with a really nice flow. It moves on with a change in bassline with those resonating leads and a haunting pad. Think Terminator meets Derango... thats what you get. Favorite!

9. No time is wasted here as the track moves on with a strong kick and bass and some powerful leads. In comes a short synth which is quite familiar, i cant quite get where ive heard this...although i've heard this sound in a Bollywood movie soundtrack called Gupt. Not much to describe this track, except for some fast furious leads. Can work pretty well at night-time floors. But again, nothing quite psychedelic here. Did not quite grab my attention this one.

10. Starts with i guess, if im not mistaken.. is the Beverly Hills soundtrack? Nice kick and bass to start off with a ring-modulated synth and siren sounds. In comes a driving synth as the track gains momentum. the bassline changes soon with more leads to follow. Towards the latter half of the track some nice sounds are presented as the bassline becomes more groovy. Some parts remind me a bit of Jellyheadz style. A bit monotonous at times, but nevertheless, a pretty driving one!

To sum it up all, this is a pure underground CD much in the tradition of Devilsmind. Quite a few tracks tend to have more industrial elements here. Although some of the tracks didnt quitelive up to what i expected from, there are some nice moments in this Cd, some bizarre and some beautiful and some haunting.

Really liked the artwork and the whole package. Pretty good work on the master too courtesy of Colin OOD. And as the inlay says ... There will be many journeys! I truly believe so....

Favorites : 2,5,7,8(!!),10

Grab your copy here right here!!

Silent Horror

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1983
Posted : Nov 19, 2009 10:46
Concise and honest review there bro .

#9 tune is from the movie Exorcist.. which was taken into bollywood years later - Gupt .

Different tastes of psy in this cd ... & indeed, taigan is the man herE!

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  346
Posted : Nov 19, 2009 11:06

8. Taigan Sunset ... Think Terminator meets Derango... thats what you get. Favorite!

Ahem .... if this is even remotely true .. i will have to get this one !!!           tinkertime
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
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Posted : Nov 19, 2009 13:28
On 2009-11-19 11:06, tinks wrote:

8. Taigan Sunset ... Think Terminator meets Derango... thats what you get. Favorite!

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
Methodic Marble
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  384
Posted : Nov 20, 2009 17:23
Good review .....Still haven´t heart it...           >

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  991
Posted : Nov 20, 2009 18:30
Hey Braindrop,

Thanks a lot for your honest review. I appreciate that you're being sincere, because I'd probably be scratching my head wondering what you were on while writing this review should you have said all tracks are infinitely groundbreaking. It makes your review credible. Thanks a lot for taking your time summarising your thoughts and impressions.

I'm looking forward to reading more people's impressions of Wasted Brigade.            Aural transmissions from the deep forests of Sweden - 'Patterns II EP' by Silent Horror out now!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  1036
Posted : Nov 23, 2009 22:23
waiting for my copy
sure will share my thought's when arrive           
***follow the old faith and stay high***

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  83
Posted : Nov 25, 2009 15:45
I got my cd yesterday from the mail (wirikuta).

All I can say is ffs this is the best 2009 dark release. I have waited a looooong time for this one! Big ups devilsmind!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  44
Posts :  538
Posted : Nov 30, 2009 03:08
Total vs Aremakki - glad to see these guys are still around funny track.

Taigan Sunset is indeed awesome, who is it?

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Dec 1, 2009 23:21
Mediocre to be polite. Besides SH, Taigan, Derango the rest can be avoided.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  2151
Posted : Dec 2, 2009 18:58
nice release           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  1647
Posted : Dec 2, 2009 19:37
pretty disappointed besides 2 or 3 tracks           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  610
Posted : Dec 3, 2009 15:19

decent compilation but theres nothing new wich makes this va stand out...all standard sounds and soundscapes wich r already done in the past. . . . . .


Started Topics :  10
Posts :  189
Posted : Dec 19, 2009 21:50
I like this cd very much... full of psychedelic tracks, that difficult to find at this time in last releases of many labels.. Thanks to Alex and devilsmind family for make this happen! BooooM
Methodic Marble
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  384
Posted : Dec 21, 2009 03:50
well after finally listen to it- i most say my favorites of the Compilacion are the tracks of Wizack Twizac,Sulima & Taigan sunse. Derango is allright, but that melo With that strange pads is kiiler.
Good psy music

Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - V.A Wasted Brigade CD.... Devils Mind Records... November 2009

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