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V/A - Vapour (Element of Time Media) ETM001

Distorted Goblin

Started Topics :  14
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Posted : Dec 6, 2006 19:34
i see great names in this VA.

im sure that it will a blast!!

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  355
Posted : Dec 6, 2006 20:26
exelent artists
Mr Ponce
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  117
Posted : Dec 10, 2006 05:40
great track list

AGUANTEEEE Kashyyyk - The Galactic Brain


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  15
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Posted : Dec 10, 2006 19:26
very promising cd!

good luck!           }-->MaLiCe in WoNdErLaNd<--{
chac pakal
The Galactic Brain

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Posts :  10
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 00:04
hey Guillermo!! thnx for this release, it seems very blasting one... congrats to all artists!! Good luck with this new trip and for the Element of Time Media. We hope we can have this product sooooooooooon!!!

good luck cabron!

the galactic brain
just kidding
mexico city
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Dec 12, 2006 02:47
Loads of luck           Dressed to kill you look so right... I am drunk with lust tonite.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  159
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 02:55
interesting names on this!! A special album with special ppl like the galactic brain, aldous b!!

Stay on the Evil side!!

Mezak           Dj Mezak Podcast
2to6 Records
Omveda Records
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Dec 12, 2006 04:03
yeah! this compilation will blast!!!

the release date???
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  498
Posted : Dec 14, 2006 06:18

On 2006-12-10 19:26, jaramogi wrote:
very promising cd!

good luck!

it won't be a CD we one of the reasons being we had trouble fitting 85 minutes of music inside...

The wait is now almost over. Samples are ready for your listening pleasure along with special contest. ( more on that here > )


Official release date is tentatively planned for the 23rd of December so you can quickly jog it in Santa’s list. =)

In the meantime keep in touch with the latest news over at or @


musique à la carte in mp3 & wav.
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Started Topics :  23
Posts :  442
Posted : Dec 14, 2006 21:02
just heard the samples... I love the samples .. really good tracks .. wish this was on CD ..


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Posted : Dec 15, 2006 02:14
you won't wish the same when you can download it in a couple of hours and not a couple of days or weeks waiting for the mailman

As it was brought up in conversation internally, we feel the art work and the plastic, although very appealing, what really matters in a compilation is the music. Look at your cd collection, when was the last time you dusted it off? Look at your DJ wallet... how many of those cd's are scratched? how many of the those are copies used only to gig out in cd-r's anyway? as music 'connoisseur' are you after the music and the rush or the plastic and the feeling of packing it away neatly in your collection?

ETM started with the idea new options need to start growing in our scene. Why are so many being left out of their share, if any at all, on music sales? Why is everyone downloading music legally/illegally? Why are the artists the ones getting screwed in the food chain if they are the ones that provide the meat to begin with? too many questions not enough answers... I’m not claiming I have the answers, but we have slightly different ideas of how this could work as well (as it has been happening in every other scene) and we are very passionate about offering ETM as part of a solution. This issue is not one you are with or against, it's simply an option and hope to offer people a middle ground with physical releases in the future. At this point, the way it stands we had two roads: get the best music we could, or manage our budget and think about physical releases and it's implications as it happens with every label. We went with the first option and decided to showcase the finest music we could get our hands on. Hope you enjoy it.

Started Topics :  243
Posts :  845
Posted : Dec 15, 2006 19:21
finally a new procs great its a remix of lemurians as well
also new ghreg on earth and ofc electrypnose the master
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  77
Posts :  498
Posted : Dec 24, 2006 00:30
After a downpour of technical, spiritual and moral conundrums, we are sad to announce Vapour will not be released today as planned. The official date has been re-scheduled for January.

On a good note, winners have already been chosen and emailed, check your inbox.

Merry x-mas and happy new year =)

musique à la carte in mp3 & wav.
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IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  77
Posts :  498
Posted : Jan 8, 2007 06:45
We finally have a release date on the horizon, exactly one week from today on the 14th of January, we'll be opening the doors to the element of time media website.

On the horizon we already have planned future releases cleverly named 'mini albums' because they sit between an album and an ep withfull cover art work and a new concept known as flash-based virtual booklets containing a lot more information than a normal booklet would. More info on that on the coming months. In the meantime Vapour next weekend!! 
musique à la carte in mp3 & wav.
Reviews, interviews, downloads, articles.

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  239
Posted : Jan 8, 2007 10:11
Another excellent news!

I cant wait to start the trip!,
I have heard the samples and people yo can be sure that will make a big breakthru in psychedelic music.
One of the most finest compilations in many years.
All the best to you Guillermo and to Element of Time Media.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Promotional Releases - V/A - Vapour (Element of Time Media) ETM001
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