V.A. Temple of Chaos - (Suntrip Records, 2010)
Jon Cocco
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 15:27:50
V.A. Temple of Chaos
June, 2010
Suntrip Records
1. Khetzal - Rosin Memories
2. K.O.B. - Lost Belly (Of Civilization)
3. Daimon - Codex
4. Moonweed & Shakta - Perfect Invisibility
5. Merr0w - Citrus Circus
6. Filteria - Illogical Logic
7. Crossing Mind - Cyclone In Your Heart
8. Nebula Meltdown - Encrypted Illusion
Temple of Chaos is the second release by Suntrip Records this year, and it is their most aggressive, acid-laced compilation to date. Whereas Energy Waves was bright (morning/sunrise), Temple of Chaos is dark (in comparison). This is the nighttime half to the Yin-Yang. And while there are elements of beauty, I think (not just myself but) many of us have been craving something less lighthearted for a while. An album that ditches the upbeat melodies for one more driving, psychedelic, twisted, visceral, etc. How I miss the days of Tandu's Multimoods, Toi-Doi's Technologic, Hallucinogen, Pleiadians (amongst others), when there seemed to be no rules. No boundaries. And while this can't replace those, it is a great step in the direction that was once, and still is darkly magical and at times, ridiculously amazing.
1. Khetzal - Rosin Memories sees a strong return from Khetzal after a several year hiatus from Goa-Trance. I can't believe its been half a decade since the beautiful Corolle album! This track is filed with so many elements, both atmospherically and otherwise, that it's difficult to describe. Next track! Just kidding. A shivering (like a blade spinning in the distance) sound moves closer and further away in the opening minute. Numerous sounds appear in the environment, and the beat arrives soon after. The first several minutes develop a braiding rhythm. A delicious sound fusion at 2:13 enhances the world that sounds as if beauty moves with urgency. Sustained sounds swim frequently, blending into the stream until a brief interlude. The music seems to lighten up, offering a pleasant tune that reminds me a little of RA's work... until quickly diving into thick atmosphere, and switching tones at 3:33 for a more paramount, perilous mood in comparison. The beat evaporates, ditching the melodies and here is the continuation to my favorite part! At 4:06 the melodies are gone; the vehicle drives into an acid-twisting, at least more aggressive (in comparison) environment. This part could have been developed a little longer, as the braiding sounds (with added elements) gradually sow themselves into the liquid fabric. I think that the song had an opportunity to have an amazing, more daring final third as well. The music towards the end seems to tread (like a spirit) between realms darkness and light. It would have been cool simply put, a more zesty, intriguing ending took place. Although there are several tracks I've enjoyed more by Khetzal (and a part of me is just happy to see him back), this is a radically different, interesting, and well done number. B+
2. K.O.B. - Lost Belly (Of Civilization) really has to release an album one day. His style strips the melody heavy emphasis of Filteria and focuses on the pure psychedelia, driving and twisted-effect zest of Psytrance without abandoning cleverly integrated atmospheric/melody work. This is one of those rich tracks that could be an opening on Halluciongen's next album; I say that in reminiscence to The Lone Deranger's super opening. After an intriguing buildup, this one takes off at 2:34, rocketing (without too much intensity) like a spiral dragon, diving in and out of the sand (moving) across the dessert. I love how much is achieved with minimal (to virtually no) melody use in the first 3-4 minutes! Naturally, when one appears at 3:42, it grabs my attention, moving the beat to the side which eventually returns to enforce the flow at 4:19. This is a great part. We're treated to all elements combined after a brief spotlight had been removed to accommodate the new sound. As the vehicle moves forward, things heat up; they become more twisted and acidy. Soundscapes skip, the echoing (deeper toned) siren-esque melody disappears, and a wonderful concoction of psychedelic rhythms are given time to breath, develop, and infect the senses. I can't make sense of all the subtle sounds, which may make sense if I was in another state. A (not necessarily interlude but) section of hallucinating bliss transforms the atmosphere until the beat is nearly gone. And at 7:49 the music erupts, as an evolved complex of chaotic/driving energy. <--- Great (avoided from being overdone or too lengthy) finish. This is an excellent, unpredictable, and psychedelic nighttime number! A-
3. Daimon (Antares) - Codex grabs my attention early on. Once the beat begins, it's already developed into a building current, and is soon engaged with more tenancity at 1:19. A psy-effect melody lead (if you can call it that?) ignites us deeper via tone. It's strong, and keeps the experience magnetic as it travels deeper into this energy warp. Joined by numerous, catchy, and supporting sounds. One that I find compelling arrives at 2:38. It is this other (lower note) leading sound that pulls me into the world more than any track on the compilation so far. Acid sounds and floating textures accompany the environment as the story becomes more psychedelic, and we're only halfway through! I don't know what it is about the sounds/rhythms on this track; I feel hooked by them, absorbed. I love the Goa sound generated here; it's arresting, changing, and emotive in a surreal way. As opposed to fading out via interludes, the song continuously tweaks and perfects its juicy approach, lifting higher (energy wise) to an outstanding, screaming and dynamic segment around 7:00. So it avoids being too traveling. More tasty sounds and effects are integrated into the recipe. This is one of those songs that sounds almost dreamy due to its hypnotic feel, yet it is determined, rewarding, and insightful throughout. Wonderful track! A
4. Moonweed & Shakta - Perfect Invisibility is a return to more crazy-acid insanity after the previous number. Surprisingly, it's the melodies that I most enjoy after the opening breakout via psychedelic sounds that appear to fly (at times literally) out of the song. A large focus here is the psychedelic, dynamic aspect, and it's well done. The part from around 2:54 to 3:16 (or 3:42) is very psychedelic and melody-free, and it is this synth part that is a little too much for my preference; although various lovers of psychedelic trance may eat it this acidy treat. What I enjoy here is the more musical (and psychedelic) from 3:45 (right after the voice sample) to 4:34 part. To me, this section comes close to the perfect balance of chaos and harmony. The track is more synth/acid than previous numbers, and achieves solid results with less. Also catchy are the claps, though they get a little repetitive into the second half, a small nitpick. Fresher melodies join the twisted, acid backdrop that soon changes temporally; I think the backdrop could have used less returning to. In other words, more building/variation as the song progressed would have been cool. Overall this is a psychedelic, energetic number that will likely appeal to numerous listeners right away. Currently it's my least favorite track on the album, though on virtually every compilation, I always find at least one or two tracks I enjoy less. I give these artists credit for taking some chances. There appears to be some serious, experimental work here, and the melodies are solid. I feel like the song deserves more praise but we'll see what others think. Great track. B+
5. Merr0w - Citrus Circus is THE dark, crazy, powerful, and relentless track (more aggressive and psychedelic than Ka-Sol's Scraqp on Apsara IMO) on the compilation. I feel like I have to get this out of my system. Last year (2009) Amanians released a song called Fireworks on the kickass People Walk Funny compilation. This song (to me) sounds as if as Merr0w heard that track, and through Merr0w's vision, gave it the complimentary (with justice to) melody approach that the Amanian track lacked. This song is like a tornado -- a TSUNAMI -- with a Matrix-esque score in its final third, oozing emotion. The song is brave in its uncompromising direction. Yes it's aggressive, sensational, and arguably angry or wild as hell. It's loaded with an infectiously developing, living and breathing current, and I feel completely arrested, provoked, and excited while listening to it. This is one of those tracks that could have been repetitive, had it not been for the artists diligence to take risks and successfully sculpture an energy of such magnitude. The track sounds more like an event. It never loses composure, and follows one general path to ridiculously amazing effect. This is crazy and intense, but it is also catchy and gripping. I love it! A
6. Filteria - Illogical Logic could have been a K.O.B. track had I not seen the track list. Sure they're melodies. But the sounds selected are different from any Filteria song I'm familiar with. We dive into an energy current early on (after an interesting albeit strange voice sample). Soon after, a spontaneous selection of melodies arrive, reminding me of the ultra-catchy computerized (melody) world in Electrypnose's underrated "Funked Up" album. This song however, is nuts; it's mixed extremely well. It's also innovative, fun to see Filteria continue to innovate. A more realized high-energy rhythm enters around 2:00, and since the Daze of Our Lives album, I've noticed more juicy melody work from the artist. Not to mention the K.O.B. influence here, primarily the solid section from 2:50 to 3:16; it seems that Filteria has learned a thing or two from K.O.B., and vice-versa. And then there's the gripping improvement to an already blazing ride, from 3:17 forward. Wonderful sounds are continuously integrated into a psychedelic, twisting, and acidy, shifting backdrop. A continuation of the voice sample takes place at 4:15 before the vehicle takes off again. More altered layers and tasty streams (the part around 5:31 to 5:54 is excellent!) appear. The melody heavy (more maximal) section dissolves to accommodate an arresting segment, before an incredibly infectious event via 6:24; this is one of the most catchy moments I've ever heard in Psytrance. The sheer rush is soon accompanied by a twisted sound effect, as if Nintendo Mascot Mario (altered sound included) just died. That may be an odd analogy. The effect here is effective. The song ends with the full voice sample, so one can attempt to make sense of it. Personally I find that the voice sample does not enhance the song in any way. Some of the track's highlights are the melodies (how they sound and are utilized) as well as the non-maximal (at times, what I call K.O.B.) influence. I love songs that start off good and get better as they progress. Excellent track. A-
7. Crossing Mind - Cyclone In Your Heart took time to grow on me. It's less melody friendly, more psychedelic in the acid sense via the Perfect Invisibility track. Yet this seems to soak every sound in acid before letting it loose out the speakers. Various sounds support the acidy melody lead in addition to subtle, barely noticeable details. The song starts out as if we're waiting outside a nightclub. Just as we enter the dance space, the beat is overrun by a thick storm of psy/crazy overload. Also cool is the general melody lead and later on, the change up in rhythm (from 6:07 to 6:24) after the beat-free interlude. There's a subtle, echoed sound too in the background (like a gentle beeping) that compliments (maybe it's an echo from another layer. I don't know). The song would have been better had more innovation (and sound variety) taken place in the last third especially. Because the track returns to its general sound in the last act, as opposed to refreshing our senses now familiar with the flight. Lastly, I initially found the melody lead a little monotonous, but its grown on me; I like it. That said, this is a hard, rough, and aggressive song. It's pretty good overall, just not what I consider one of the best tracks here. B+
8. Nebula Meltdown - Encrypted Illusion I would have never expected to be what it becomes based on its opening sound. Here is a song that grows, from a fairly simple patch of soil, into a blossoming, delightful tree of life surrounded by a land of magic mushrooms. The first few minutes a healthy, soundscape-developing movement. Around the third minute enters a skipping sound, varied and accompanied with twisting fireflies, beetles; the song seems to come to life. A subtle buildup soon takes a place inviting a boost of energy into the rhythm as 4:05. Soon after, an infectiously skipping and dynamic melody arrives, and is complimented by numerous skipping treats. The track grows more hypnotic, catchy. Into the sixth minute enters the blissful touch of ambient notes. They're beautiful, producing a sense of emotion right where is desired (I felt). Also nice is a distorted piano touch which reminds me of the piano used in Nine Inch Nail's Closer song. This sounds completely different from that of course. The cut off piano notes add to the sense of emotion. They flow wonderfully with the ambient, now skipping; sounds are returning while evolving like multiple cycles of life. I love the hypnotic feel and psychedelically rich and musically developing, evolving sound as the song progresses (as if it's sculpturing itself). Soon after the ninth minute appears a skipping albeit gritty tune a la Infected Mushroom - BP Empire. The track's infected alright, and many gorgeous sounds fall into marriage with this driving, mid-tempo/climactic movement. The more I try to criticize, the more beauty I find. This is a beautiful, hypnotizing-the-mind while melting-into-the-senses closing track. Superb! A
In conclusion, I am close to saying that this is Suntrip's best compilation. At the very least, it is one that stands out (more than Energy Waves and more) than virtually all new-school, Psychedelic Goa-Trance compilation due to its embrace of the night, twisting, psychedelic approach, rhythms, acid lines, subtle sounds, layers, and more. For those that have been waiting to hear something that isn't just refreshing (well done and new) but more atypical (aggressive, dark, twisting, at times labyrinthine!) from the general Psy/Goa today, this is the best, most vivid and interesting compilation of 2010 to date. Well done Suntrip Records and all artists involved!
Favorite Tracks - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8.
Samples / Order
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 20:02
This is the best suntrip compilation to date! it keeps getting better with each play...
the filteria track is the best tune ive heard from him and is gonna set dancefloors ablaze.
  missing plug-in |
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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 00:31
V/A - Temple Of Chaos
1. KhetzaL - Rosin Memories 07:49 145 bpm
2. K.O.B. - Lost Belly (of Civilization) 09:06 146 bpm
3. Daimon - Codex 09:47 146 bpm
4. Moonweed & Shakta - Perfect Invisibility 08:11 148 bpm
5. Merr0w - Citrus Circus 08:35 148 bpm
6. Filteria - Illogical Logic 08:39 146 bpm
7. Crossing Mind - Cyclone in Your Heart 09:09 140 bpm
8. Nebula Meltdown - Encrypted Illusion 11:32 140 bpm
Suntrip promised us finally a darker goa compilation, after years releasing the bright side of music, albeit hence the SUNtrip, that was to be expected. With two old school classics and many known new school producers and even a comeback from one, it sets up huge expectations. Is it darker and twisted like we hope it is? Let's find out.
KhetzaL - Rosin Memories
Well, khetzaL's back! Who woulda known? After years of nothing, apart from the side projects (I.e. Avigmati) there hasn't been much from KhetzaL. For those that didn't know, KhetzaL released a goatrance epic that sounded like nothing else from the good old days and had soul, like the old days, and insane amounts of eastern melodies. This track follows rather the same path as the older KhetzaL tracks, although sounds even more modern with it's production. It's a bit darker than anything else KhetzaL has made thanks to the grim bassline and acid tweaks. The melody is very eastern oriented and has this soothing aspect to it. It's a well made track, but personally I find it lacks something. It feels like it takes it very safe and doesn't really try to do very different things from the old Khetzal. Although it does have this new aspect to it with some really pretty violin use. It has the dark atmosphere and goes for a hypnotic ride, but haven't found this to be as good as I hoped, but in time we'll see. Solid intro to this darker compilation.
K.O.B. - Lost Belly (of Civilization)
It's K.O.B. and starts with tweaked acid, what else? When Suntrip announced there would be a darker compilation, I had no doubt K.O.B., the side project of Jannis Tzikas aka Filteria, would appear. This track has been previously demoed at K.O.B. myspace, but since then it has been rethought, to an extent, and finally released. It really has a lack of melody in it for almost the first half of it, instead of such it progresses with experimental and quite wacky sounds steadily forward. Until 5:40 it goes on quite steadily and then it introduces this bubbly ratting sound that goes from quieter to louder, that re-emerges at the very end, which where this track completely shines. It sounds new, it sounds very playful and experimental which really lifts it up. Now as with KhetzaL's track, this also lacks something for me. It's solid throughout, has some great atmosphere, progresses nicely and the ending is very nice, but it's bit repetitive upon further listens. A good track, but nothing special.
Daimon - Codex
Ok, this is personally my biggest surprise on this compilation. I already knew what to expect from the others, but Antares going darker? His music is quite the epitome of floating new school a'la Ethereal style! Needless to say - wow. This really is a journey through a black hole. The atmosphere is eerie, dark, the acid is rich, vivid, tweaked like crazy and sounds better than ever. This is extremely full of acid. This is Antares diving, rather than floating. Absolutely a masterpiece of sorts. This is when you start to realize new school can do much more with this little thing called variety. This is also where this compilation really kicks it off to do some great things.
Moonweed & Shakta - Perfect Invisibility
Old school. Need I say more? Unreleased goodness from the two masterminds of their time! This is dark, this has loads of that old soul, and insane richness in sound. It starts with dark hollow ambient and sci-fi-esque effects, we get a really nice sample of "They have perfect invisibility...", which oh so reminds us that the sample use back in the day was many times something very special. A kick comes 0:52 and we are on to find out what the track has in stores for us. If you have heard Shakta's and Moonweed's production before, you should know what to expect to a degree. There's so much richness in the textures, the bassline is thumping, driving goodness and when the melody comes at 2:02 you're going to be amazed. It's gold, pure gold! You can almost taste it. The word ultra comes to mind, say it a few times and that's what the melody feels like. It's absolutely wonderful, I cannot stress that enough! Listen it, love it. This one's from the history books.
Merr0w - Citrus Circus
Ever since I heard Merr0w's track on V/A Freshly Cut Tomato, Pixelized Sight, I have been craving for more of that extreme over the top layered acid overload extraordinaire. His album was a part-disappointment because of that. It gave us more of a conceptualized and toned down style of merr0w and didn't really expand on the extreme sound of Pixelized Sight, but lo and behold, he finally decided to give us a new track with that style. This track is absolute madness, merr0w has a knack for creating such strong twirling sensation in his music. When you listen to this you feel like you're inside a tornado, underwater. The track is ever progressing from the very beginning till the end. Some highlights I have to point out. 4:20 that oh my god melody, it's the usual bright Merr0w style melody, but it makes it so much more incredible and emotional in this track. If you think you weren't going fast enough inside this twirling tornado, think again, it only gets faster here. 6:11 there's this laser like speed traces that only increase, a very nice touch. And finally, the best part in this epic, after a small breakdown 6:58 we get a short and just the perfect sample "Oh-oh.." - then - Beauty in destruction. The sound gets overloaded to the maximum. Everything becomes HUGE. It sounds like the song just tore apart and let all that hidden underwater atmosphere flow in. Such a strong climax! Sonic Voyage! This is what Merr0w can do, this is absolutely crazy epic and old school purists eat your heart out, new school is here to prove that goatrance can still have soul!
Filteria - Illogical Logic
Is far more melodic than K.O.B., but it's also far more experimenting than Filteria. This track somehow makes me think of old school in many ways, the amount of craziness going on with the sound is surprising. A lot little acidish beeps and boops, that are that of small reminiscent of modern tech darkpsy, but absolutely do not feel like such. There's a big yummy melody throughout, but again don't be expecting SkyPolis, this sounds more like the crazy part of daze, so I think those days are over - but enough with the sobbing, this track is still amazing. Filteria continues to expand his musical skills here, the way he creates these is on a new level. It's crazy but still composed like Filteria, I love that, the sound isn't lost in this madness. The sample is just awesome by the way. It fits like a glove, absolutely love it! Awesome trippy twirling maximal track!
Crossing Mind - Cyclone in Your Heart
Ah yes, almost a year ago I first heard this. It was on one of Anoebis's sets and it stood out like a sore thumb along with another Crossing Mind track called Psycrise. It was enthrilling, insanely deep and hypnotic, with a style that I hadn't ever heard before. I went through incredible amounts of artists and came up with nothing, then it turned out to be old tunes from a french producer and noone knew what happened to him and why he didn't release anything. Six months pass and suddenly Draeke finds all of his production that he released for free at MP3.com and this track was there along with many other unreleased classics. And here we are, the golden tunes are finally getting released. This track is the epitome of Crossing Minds sound. The way he does his effects is really something else. I dare you to look for old school that sounds the same, you won't find it. The only small reminesence is in Yahel's old sound, oddly enough(What gives?), but this is absolutely nothing like yahel. This is honest to god pure old school sound. It has soul, it has power, it has true emotion. The main melody is so gripping that first I heard my hair was standing up like I had fallen in love. The bassline sounds like a current that was tweaked to be more bassy, sounds very old school. This is, simply put, gold and it not getting any recognition back in the day is a disgrace. Absolutely a fantastic track.
Nebula Meltdown - Encrypted Illusion
The first major release from this Finnish(And no, it's not suomisaundi.) artists who's sound has dark psy influences and sometimes sounds very psytrancey, but is goa at it's heart(Check out Nebula Meltdown - Elemental Connector, Nebula Meltdown - Stream Of Nothingness and Nebula Meltdown - Nebulasphere to give you idea, two links are at the bottom of this review). This track is an absolutely fitting lower tempo ending to this crazy and absolutely new sounding compilation. The BPM maybe 140 but it definitely does not feel like it's that fast. This is very much goa instead of his usual psy sounding goa. The bassline is deep and dark, there's these wonderful hi-hats and rattle following throughout it. The main sounds are absolutely acid filled and the fine details are cold and crystallic. The atmosphere is dark, a little depressive, yet has a layer of hope and brightness to it. All of this contrast makes this track have very nice storytelling elements. Which is only proven with how the track progresses. To me, this was completely unexpected, when did Nebula Meltdown start making this kind of music? Please, we need more of this!
So there we have it, the first darker compilation from Suntrip is finally here and the verdict is that there's no denying Suntrip is still putting out the best of the best, the quality on this compilation could reach out to a classic level in my opinion. Only the first two tracks are just solid or ok and do not reach to the levels of the rest, and that's it, the rest are just amazing. This compilation is like a breath of fresh air. So, how obvious it might seem, did the compilation deliver on the darker prospect it was set out to achieve? Yes. This is not like the other Suntrip releases, or any other new goatrance release for that matter, it's not full of bright melodies, but full of acid tweaking. The tracks here sound new(Like Artha's and Alienapia's albums, when you go and explore, the end result sounds different.) and also have very much that different kind of soul, that soul that was back in the day. New artists achieving this is fantastic. This, alongside Artha, I am very much looking forward to the future of Goatrance. And a personal request here, please suntrip, start releasing the darker stuff more aswell, the diversity is a great thing to have!
Where to get it?
Nebula Meltdown Stream Of Nothingness and Nebulasphere
http://www.mikseri.net/playsong.php?id=198695 |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 11:32
damn penzoline your review is exactly what i think word by word... i too think the first 2 tracks are not more than ok - but when antares picks up this compilation becomes a breath of fresh air and finally some darker aggressive acidic goa like i haven't heard since 96/97 - what a great move by suntrip and the artists - to explore the other nuances of goa trance... and just like you said im amazed at how talented the "new school" artists are - not everything labelled goa should sound like sunrise melodic music... theres plenty of acid to be heard as well
all in all great compilation and again suntrip prove that alot of thought and tweaking is put in each album they release... i hope more albums of this concept will be released cuz this is exactly what was missing for me in this whole goa resurrection era...
by the way my top picks of this album are the shakta, merrow and filteria tracks which are absolutely standouts in this amazing compilation
again thanks alot to suntrip for continuing to put out high quality goa trance!
and of course the artits who picked up the glove and came up to the challenge |
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Posted : Jun 29, 2010 21:16
Compares to Energy Waves this has a much darker touch, which is probably the point.
But I must say that it's not exactly my style.
The one exception is "Merr0w - Citrus Circus", this track is brilliant. Mad twisty melodic goa. |