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V/A Sentiocentrism (2013)

Ant Robot Wisdom Rec
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  3
Posted : Jul 25, 2013 08:47:28

Ant Robot Wisdom Records

We are proud to present our third compilation,Sentriocentrism.
11 tracks by different producers around the world.

Sentiocentrism describes the theory that sentient individuals are the center of moral concern.
All and only sentient beings (animals that feel, including humans) have intrinsic value and moral standing; the rest of the natural world has instrumental value.
Both humans and other sentient animals have rights and/or interests that must be considered.

We choose the 25th july, Day Out of Time maya, day of light,art, and meditation for the release day.
The Day out of time is the culmination of the 13 Moon Calendar year originated from the Mayan science of time. On July 25th, Sirius (the dog star) rises with the sun.
This day is observed as a day free of time in the 13 Moon Calendar.

V/A Sentiocentrism

01- Pangea - Hard Time Killin' Floor (155-193bpm)
02- Digital Abstract - Strange Arrangements (160bpm)
03- Priapizzm - Morning wood (164 bpm)
04- Pupsidelic - the haunted house (168bpm)
05- psyon - omega (170 bpm)
06 - Viatoxik - Inside Myself (170bpm)
07- Hector Miller - world is made of consciousness (160 bpm)
08- Moss - Roboticize (175 bpm)
09 - Lyzergic Brain - Computer dreams (174bpm)
10 - Psydemon - Sweet Nightmare (170nbpm)
11- Mexkline & Madjester - Portal (200bpm)

Compiled by Hector Miller
Mastered by Cooper Izzm Priapizzm
Artwork Daniela Borrelli

Ant Robot Wisdom Rec
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  3
Posted : Jul 25, 2013 21:12

Trance Forum » » Forum  Free Music & Netlabels - V/A Sentiocentrism (2013)
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