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Posted : Sep 26, 2007 16:03
Flow mexico is happy to announce that it's first compilation is out now.
Veteran DJ Hamelin heralds the birth of the mexican chapter of Flow records with this fine selection of tunes and styles which give an insight about the sound of the label and it’s artists
1.-Act. Sense- Pratigi
2.-Sergio Garcia - Highlight of My Day
3.-Digital Freq feat Pablo Candelaria - Groove
4.-Johnson - Hüppie Püppie
5.- Hanema - Way to Happiness
6.-Flow Job - Born Different
7.-Hamelin feat . Depaak - Simple
8.-Yotopia vs Lish - Intoxicated (Emok Remix
9.-True Lies - Jack Mosley
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |