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V.A Parvatrip (Parvati Records) CD


Started Topics :  140
Posts :  1730
Posted : Mar 17, 2010 20:26:55
Here is the newest installment from Parvati. Well...No need for an introduction to this label as we all know.... Lets jsut see what the hype is all about for this release


01. Derango - Parvatrip - 145 bpm
02. Abrahadabra - Kundalini Magik - 144 bpm
03. Drone Bixie - Bee's Nest - 147 bpm
04. Derango - Irrbloss prt.2(Gidra rmx)150
05. Digitalian - Sonic Marsh - 148 bpm
06. SpeakerHuggers - Huggernaut - 148 bpm
07. Baba Yaga - Transformer - 148 bpm
08. Nomad Souls (Arjuna & Seb) - Non Guilty -
09. ComaDust - MetallOrganicO - 150 bpm
10. Gappeq - El Chupacabra - 151 bpm

Review of the trip : (Read it as it is )

From the start this has definitely has Derango written all over it. Demented and resonating soundscapes...Very crisp work with a lot of emphasis on the small sounds. Very hard to describe all the moments in here. To sum it up, its haunting, creepy, gentle, subtle yet full of rich sounds. One of the best i've heard from them. Uber psychedelic Two thumbs up as we move on to Abrahadabra creates a playful and smoother ride from the previous one. full of tiny and quirky sounds layered on top of each other.... Into the more hypnotic style of Dronebixie...Where in your treated to rich teasing psychedelic sounds. Just as we think the journey is going to be a bit smooth again, we're taken to a bit of a u-turn as certainly now the mood is definitely more chaotic and teasing....And little did i know soon i would be greeted by a South Park sample . Well i defenitely know now this has a touch of Gidra with those bass heavy grooves and twisting sounds. As the ride gets a little more chaotic we're treated to a plethora a quirky sounds and twisted soundscapes along with the bassline shifts.
Definitely another winner for me here!....
Well even though the Digitalian doesnt move me that much with the basslines.... you can take a bit of a breather as this one lets you move a little with some nice beautiful uplifting sounds. Soon it shifts gears with more driving sounds making you want to shake a little more of that butt on the floor... Only to be treated by a debut combo of two famous people who have decided to Hug the Speakers and make it a little more groovier with some nice tiny sounds and typical Parvati sonorities. Well the groove has just eased out a little as it gets more driving towards the end.... Welcome back from your smooth ride!! You are beginning to go a bit deep now that Baba Yaga has descended from the deepest corner of the jungle and as he pulls you down the rabbithole you will encounter absolute tripped out atmospheres and reverberated creatures talking to each other. Well yea ... Baba really got you screaming for mercy in that hole didnt he...Praise the baba!....Get back on your feet, as the Nomad Souls are taking you for a bit of soul searching taking you through wild rivers, high altitudes and also to some junkyards full of wires and bitcrushed moments. Quite a ride wasnt it? .... Maybe you'll find it here... If your soul is within the boundaries of Coma Dust's MetallicOrganico... As no time is wasted here as the track goes into full throttle with a groovy bassline and well executed sounds and leads....And even if you did not still ... Gappeq is quite a good soul seeker /catcher with his epic movie like and musical approach that no one pretty much else has, as he unleashes his very annoyed El Chupacabra behind the soul. Well doesnt look like the chupacabra is intending to attack your soul, which otherwise it would probably in its sane moments... it gently plays around with it, luring it to go along with him, as he follows it wherever the soul goes, till the soul finally says.... ok... i've had a hell of a ride, i'll probably get back now!

So there it is... Parvatrip is probably the best name for the compilation. aptly so because right from the start its a complete rollercoaster trip than a ride i should say!
Never a dull moment here... 9 super psychedelic tracks ... returns the mark of a new beginning of Parvati... Back to the super rich psychedelic and playful moments!

Yea... all the hype is true!

Unfortunately, for those who did not believe in the rumours, its sold out now...

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Mar 17, 2010 22:36
the derango tune got me the feeling of their album!

the best track of the compilation for me, though nomad souls is another winner

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  1489
Posted : Mar 18, 2010 02:55
all in all a great cd ... no fillers and a good flow !! well done 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
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Posted : Mar 18, 2010 03:32
Excellent one as usual!

And thx for the review Braindrop
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  523
Posted : Mar 18, 2010 06:57
Gidra definately takes the cake.....           Sorting scenezzzZ to find the ultimate chill :DD

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  124
Posted : Mar 18, 2010 08:09
just 6 of us n parvatrip.wallaaaa....i had the best holi.the sun played sum hide n seek n it was the right sounds needed.big sounds in a forest playin colors among frens.i absolutely loved all trax.n to finish with gappeq's el chupacabra was madnessssss.abrahadabra,drone,digitalian,speakerhuggers,nomad all trax were smashers.slurppppppppp.twisted sounds....danced to the end of this world.
cream release as i wait for V/A BRAINZCREW.m sure its gonna sweep my feet away again.fullsupport Dj Ilse.boom parvati rec.keeep em comming.
Parvati Records
Parvati Records
Started Topics :  47
Posts :  272
Posted : Mar 18, 2010 12:41
Braindrop: thank you for the review !
much appreciated

Psychedelically Yours
Giuseppe           v/a CD Brainzcrew 3 - OUT NOW !!!

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  741
Posted : Mar 18, 2010 13:25
Derango is good; but the end is a mess. Gidra Rmx, Baba Yaga and Nomad Souls are also nice. Best wishes.

Started Topics :  93
Posts :  2190
Posted : Mar 19, 2010 05:41
Loved this compilation. The 3 D's have got me hooked to this one. Derango, Digitalian and Dronebixie. Thanks for the music

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  124
Posted : Mar 19, 2010 07:19
wanted to know sumthing....when i got my copy of this cd...looking at the album art,i got a very festive-occaision kind of it suposed to be like tht?then when i see it more n more i realize tht the album cover is made keeping in mind 10 years anniversary for parvati recs n the release tym(which then was suposta b christmas)just a thot.
(when u like sumthing too much u keep thinkin bout the various prospects of it)
wowwww....i just love the album!
design me more sounds like thissssss.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  123
Posted : Mar 19, 2010 12:16
well for me the stand out traxx are with no doubt the "nomad souls" brava arjuna and the comadust tunes wiked !!!

Methodic Marble
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  54
Posts :  384
Posted : Mar 19, 2010 22:07
it was a long time since i listen to sutch fresh psy-music!!!

Favorites without any doubt :

01. Derango - Parvatrip - 145 bpm
02. Abrahadabra - Kundalini Magik
08. Nomad Souls (Arjuna & Seb) - Non Guilty -
09. ComaDust - MetallOrganicO
10. Gappeq - El Chupacabra

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  1370
Posted : Mar 20, 2010 08:35
great cd !

derango, baba yaga and nomad souls my favs!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  22
Posts :  408
Posted : Mar 20, 2010 17:24
Gr8 Va.. definately Dronbixie and chapora boys seb and arjuna did a gr8 job and then offcourse the big daddy derango           -=DIGITAL OM PRODUCTIONS=-
>< we follow and preach ><
Parvati Records
Parvati Records
Started Topics :  47
Posts :  272
Posted : Mar 22, 2010 17:47
parvatrip available now as download at

Psychedelically Yours
Giuseppe           v/a CD Brainzcrew 3 - OUT NOW !!!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - V.A Parvatrip (Parvati Records) CD

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